Do breast and ovarian cancers occur frequently in your family or at a young age? At our centre, those seeking advice and patients with a family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer receive specialised advice and care according to the latest standards from an interdisciplinary team of gynaecologists, human geneticists and psychologists. We are one of the 17 university centres of the German Consortium for Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer.
If you have an increased risk, we can offer you a genetic test. This involves analysing the known risk genes for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer for possible changes. Knowledge of a genetic change or a high family history enables us to offer you a programme tailored to your situation. This enables particularly intensive early detection or follow-up care. If you wish to have preventive surgery in the event of genetic changes, this can also be carried out at our clinic by experienced surgeons from the Breast Centre or Gynaecological Tumour Centre.
Contact & Appointments

In Germany, one in ten women will develop breast cancer in the course of her life. Ovarian cancer occurs much less frequently. In many families, there are only isolated cases of breast and ovarian cancer. However, in up to a third of families, cases of breast and ovarian cancer accumulate or occur in women at a young age. Men can also be affected by breast cancer. In these families, the cases of the disease may be due to a change in the genes.
What is familial breast and ovarian cancer?
Familial breast and/or ovarian cancer means that a change in the genes (gene mutation) can be the cause of breast or ovarian cancer. People with a genetic mutation have an increased risk of developing breast or ovarian cancer in the course of their lives compared to people without a family history. The risk of developing the disease depends on the mutated gene and other factors - we can offer you individual advice on this during our tumour risk consultation.
Do I belong to a high-risk family?
We can offer you genetic testing for changes in the risk genes for breast/ovarian cancer in the following family constellations. The probability of a mutation being present in these constellations is over ten per cent. If you fulfil one or more of these so-called inclusion criteria, this may indicate a family history of breast and/or ovarian cancer. We recommend that you attend a consultation at one of the centres of the German Consortium for Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer.
Inclusion criteria for genetic testing:
Families with:
- at least three women with breast cancer, regardless of age
- at least two women with breast cancer, one of them before the age of 51
- at least one woman with breast cancer and at least one woman with ovarian cancer or one woman with breast and ovarian cancer
- at least two women suffering from ovarian cancer regardless of age
- at least one woman with breast cancer before her 36th birthday
- at least one woman with bilateral breast cancer who was first diagnosed before the age of 51
- at least one woman suffering from breast cancer regardless of age and one man suffering from breast cancer
- at least one man suffering from breast cancer regardless of age
- at least one woman suffering from triple-negative breast cancer before the age of 60*
- at least one woman with ovarian cancer before the age of 80*
* These inclusion criteria were evaluated in the consortium. Genetic testing with these inclusion criteria is only possible in a consortium centre within the framework of special contracts.

We can use molecular genetic testing methods to detect changes in the genetic make-up (gene mutations). Under certain circumstances, the result of a molecular genetic test is important for the further course of treatment. If the requirements are met, we can offer you a consultation at short notice and a rapid genetic analysis (so-called fast track analysis). We will explain the results of the genetic test to you in detail in a personal consultation.
TruRisk® Gene Panel
The German Consortium for Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer uses the so-called TruRisk® Gene Panel. The TruRisk® Gene Panel comprises the best-known risk genes for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, the BRCA genes (BReast CAncer = breast cancer) as well as a number of other genes that are associated with an increased risk of developing breast/ovarian cancer. The genes analysed in the TruRisk® panel are regularly updated in line with the latest research.
Depending on the risk constellation and test result, in many cases we can offer participation in an intensified early detection or aftercare programme or other risk-reducing measures. During the consultation, we will discuss your individual risk depending on the test results and discuss with you which early detection and prevention measures make sense for you.

The intensified early detection and aftercare programme
Carriers of a pathogenic mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes are recommended to take part in an intensified screening programme from the age of 25. In addition to a palpation examination of the breast, the programme includes a breast ultrasound examination every six months and an annual magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the breast. In addition, a mammogram is carried out every one to two years from the age of 40.
Women with an increased risk of developing the disease without a proven genetic alteration are generally offered the opportunity to take part in the intensified early detection programme from the age of 30. We will discuss with you during our consultation whether you meet the criteria for participation in this programme. If people in your family were diagnosed before the age of 25 or 30, the intensified screening programme begins five years before the youngest person in the family is diagnosed.

Risk-reducing surgical measures
In the presence of a mutation in the high-risk genes BRCA1 or BRCA2, the implementation of risk-reducing surgical measures is considered. In the case of gene mutations in the other risk genes, preventive surgery is only indicated in individual cases. The decision in favour of a surgical procedure is preceded by an intensive consultation in our consultation hours. The surgical measures available include prophylactic removal of the mammary gland tissue and/or the ovaries and fallopian tubes on both sides.
If you are considering a prophylactic removal of the mammary gland tissue, we will be happy to arrange a consultation for you in the consultation hour for reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery. In this specialised consultation, the various options for breast reconstruction will be discussed with you in detail.
- Insurance card
- Referral slip
- Completed questionnaires that we have sent you in advance
- Current diagnostic reports if you have already been treated for breast or ovarian cancer at another clinic
If there are other cases of breast or ovarian cancer in your family, please also bring your relatives' documents with you (if possible). If a relative has already been to us or another centre for familial breast or ovarian cancer for a consultation, please let us know in advance when you make your appointment.
The risk genes for breast and ovarian cancer are usually analysed in the blood. However, it is also possible to carry out this test on tumour tissue, for example. During the consultation, we will discuss with you which material and which family member is best suited for the genetic test.
The examination is carried out in highly specialised laboratories at the University Women's Hospital and the Institute of Human Genetics. Next generation sequencing (NGS) is one of the examination methods used. This is a new method that allows a large number of genes to be analysed in parallel (so-called gene panels).
We will inform you of the result in a letter and ask you to contact us to arrange an appointment to discuss the findings. We can discuss the results with you in person and also explain the further consequences.
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer you the regular gynaecological screening examinations in addition to participation in the intensified early detection and aftercare programme, in which the breast is specifically examined. You should continue to have these examinations, including cervical smear tests, carried out by your gynaecologist in private practice.
BRCA Network - Help with familial cancers
The BRCA Network - Help with Familial Cancer was founded to represent those affected and their desire for more information and dialogue in addition to medical care. The genetic predisposition to cancer raises many questions and burdens.
Online discussion group:
Exchange and information on familial cancers
Dates and registration:
As a university centre, we also offer you the opportunity to participate in studies. You can find out about current studies and our scientific publications under Research / Studies.
At the Centre for Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer at Ulm University Hospital, specialists from all participating disciplines work together under one roof. This ensures that healthy women seeking advice with an increased tumour risk and affected patients receive comprehensive, holistic care in accordance with the latest standards. The BRCA discussion group in Ulm also offers the opportunity to come into contact with other affected women and exchange experiences.
Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Prittwitzstraße 43 | 89075 Ulm (Michelsberg)
Human Genetics
Institute of Human Genetics
Prof. Dr Reiner Siebert
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11 | 89081 Ulm
Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
Prof. Dr Meinrad Beer
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23 | 89081 Ulm
Institute of Pathology
Prof. Dr Peter Möller
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23 | 89070 Ulm
Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy
Prof. Dr Harald Gündel
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23 | 89081 Ulm
Sports Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine II
Section of Sports and Rehabilitation Medicine
Prof. Dr Jürgen Steinacker
Leimgrubenweg 14 | 89075 Ulm
BRCA-Netzwerk e.V.
Thomas-Mann-Straße 40
53111 Bonn
Our centre is part of the German Consortium for Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer. This is an association of 17 university centres in Germany. We are one of the founding members of this network. In each of these centres, an interdisciplinary team of gynaecologists, human geneticists and psychologists offers specialised advice and care in relation to familial breast and ovarian cancer.