Human genetics deals with the hereditary basis of human diseases.
It represents a central bridging subject between the clinical-medical disciplines and the basic subjects of the natural sciences and medicine.
In this respect, the fields of activity of the Institute of Human Genetics are also broadly diversified:
In the clinical field, these include
- Human genetic counselling,
- Consultation service in the clinic
- prenatal and postnatal chromosome analysis
- and the molecular genetic analysis of various human hereditary diseases.
The research focus of the various working groups includes
- elucidating the genetic causes of selected diseases
- the investigation of genetic and genomic variability
- and mutation research.
In teaching, the staff of the institute teach students
- medicine
- molecular medicine
- Mathematical Biometry
- and biology
the basics of the subject and the constantly expanding impact of human genetics on medicine, the natural sciences and society.
Clinical-genetic outpatient clinic
Phone: 0731 500-65410
Fax: 0731 500-65412
E-mail: ambulanz.humangenetik
Location Outpatient Clinic
Institute of Human Genetics
Clinical Genetic Outpatient Clinic
Radiotherapy Building
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23
89081 Ulm (Oberer Eselsberg)
Genetic diagnostics
Sample acceptance: 0731 500-65434
Information on findings MolGen: 0731 500-65432
Information on findings Cyto: 0731 500-65481
Diagnostics location
Institute of Human Genetics
Diagnostics Laboratory
Building N25/Level 4 (University East)
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm (Oberer Eselsberg)
Research and teaching
Institute Director Prof. Dr R. Siebert
Assistant to the Institute Director
Nadine Buschina
Phone: 0731 500-65401
Location Institute
Institute of Human Genetics
Building N25/Level 6 (Uni Ost)
Albert-Einstein-Allee 11
89081 Ulm (Oberer Eselsberg)