At the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy III, the mechanisms of mental disorders are researched from a neuroscientific perspective. The aim of the research is to gain a better understanding of the development and maintenance of psychiatric disorders and to contribute to the optimisation of diagnostics and therapy. In addition to behavioural studies, methods for imaging the structure and function of the brain, for recording electrical brain activity and for non-invasive brain stimulation are used. In line with this research focus, the Department is home to the Section for Neuropsychology and Functional Imaging, the Section for Cognitive Electrophysiology, the Section for Neurostimulation and the Clinical Neuroimaging working group.
The E.D.E.N. study is being conducted in Ulm by the University Outpatient Clinic of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy III at Ulm University Hospital. The person responsible for the study is Dr Visal Tumani, a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy.
The aim of the study is to expand and improve the treatment options for chronic recurrent depression in the long term.
In addition to the established drug treatment and behavioural therapy, the effectiveness of another psychotherapy method that has been known for a long time is also to be investigated. This method is EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) therapy, which has previously only been used to treat trauma.
We are looking for patients who have been suffering from depression for some time.
- Are you between 18 and 65 years old?
- Are you being treated for depression and taking an antidepressant or other medication?
- You have not undergone psychotherapy in the past year?
If you decide to take part in our study and fulfil the inclusion criteria, we will ask you to complete some questionnaires for us. You will then be randomly allocated to one of two treatment arms.
This can either be the previous treatment method (i.e. regular medication) and the additional treatment with behavioural therapy or EMDR therapy. In the case of treatment with behavioural therapy or EMDR, you will take part in approx. 15 individual sessions over a period of approx. four to five months. At the end of the treatment, we will ask you to complete questionnaires again to assess the success of the therapy.
Before the start of the study, you will receive detailed counselling from our study staff. You can reach us by telephone on 0731 500-61481.
Please understand that we cannot answer the telephone during the treatment. We have set up an answering machine and will call you back as soon as possible.
The Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy III regularly assigns topics for medical dissertations in the fields of psychiatry and cognitive neuroscience. The following information should give you a first impression of what we expect from you and what you can expect from us.
As a rule, the work carried out in-house is of an experimental nature. There are only very few so-called statistical topics, which only relate to the retrospective observation of (clinical) data. On the one hand, experimental work can relate to the examination of healthy test subjects. On the other hand, there are also topics that focus on the examination of one or more specific patient groups.
Depending on the research question, we use different methods, e.g. questionnaires, behavioural experiments on the computer, electroencephalography (EEG) - event-related potentials (EKP), structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), brain stimulation methods such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) or direct current stimulation (tDCS).
Most topics can be studied during the regular medical degree programme. Some projects require a semester off to complete. Typically, after the familiarisation period, you will need to be prepared for about 6-12 months of measurement time and about the same amount of time for evaluation and writing. You can expect individual support and thorough familiarisation with the respective measurement method. We promise you interesting insights into neuroscientific research in psychiatry.
Please refer to our research pages for information on current topics. All professors and habilitated staff (Privatdozenten) are authorised to supervise medical dissertations. You can apply directly with a supervisor for a dissertation project.
Kufner, Marco (Dr med.)
Influence of a static magnetic field on neuronal networks of the human motor and somatosensory cortex
Schmidt, Thomas (Dr med.)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex : influence of contraction strength on the active excitation threshold of a hand muscle
Sabrina Lorenz, née Brückner (Dr rer. nat.)
Non-invasive brain stimulation: comparing two methods in two systems
Braun, Maren (Dr med.)
Peripheral repetitive magnetic stimulation as a controlled pain stimulation to characterise pain perception in healthy control subjects, patients with borderline personality disorder and depressive patients
Neff, Dominik (Dr med.)
Investigation of neural correlates of social exclusion and negative feedback without social context - A clinical study in patients with borderline personality disorder compared to healthy control subjects
Wiegers, Maike (Dr med.)
Neural correlates of the processing of visual sexual stimulation under amisulpride and reboxetine : a placebo-controlled fMRI study in healthy volunteers
Strombeck, Anna von (Dr med.)
Cerebral perfusion in patients with a depressive disorder: a continuous arterial spin labelling study
Espe, Johannes (Dr med.)
Psychiatric emergencies at the medical emergency department of Ulm University Hospital in 2000 and 2010
Schütz, Stefan (Dr med.)
Psychiatric emergencies in the preclinical emergency and ambulance service: A cross-sectional comparative study between 2000 and 2010
Krien, Doris (Dr med.)
Therapeutic effects of physical activity in depressive patients
Arda, Saadet (Dr med.)
Mental disorders in autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's)
Haller, Iris (Dr med.)
Metformin for the prophylaxis of antipsychotic-induced weight gain
Tumani, Visal Zehra (Dr med.)
Study on life satisfaction and the desire to re-/migrate in patients with depression and a Turkish migration background
Kölle, Markus (Dr med)
The importance of retinotopic cortex areas for the recognition of orientation contrast. An investigation using functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Keterling, Inga (Dr med)
Frequency of transitional objects in patients with borderline personality disorder and their diagnostic value
Kölbel, Klaus (Dr med)
Spatial congruence of neuronavigated transcranial magnetic stimulation and functional neural imaging
Gundelach, Nils (Dr med.)
Effects of continuous theta burst stimulation on the human motor cortex as a function of voluntary muscle contraction, taking into account brain-derived neurothrophic factor polymorphism
Cardenas-Morales, Lizbeth (Dr biol. hum.)
Effects of theta-burst transcranial magnetic stimulation over the human motor cortex: a neuroimaging study
Baron, Ursula (Dr med.)
Influence of emotion regulation on the performance of patients with major depression
Fogel, Deborah (Dr med.)
Influence of volitional activity on the effects of theta-burst stimulation of the motor cortex considering gene polymorphism for brain-derived neurotrophic factor
Przybylski, Christopher (Dr med.)
The influence of different types of memory retrieval on the evaluation of hippocampal neuronal activation during successful encoding.
Morschett, Anna (Dr med.)
Response priming in schizophrenic psychosis
Kaffenberger, Tina (Dr med.)
Neuronal correlates of anticipation and cognitive control of emotional stimuli - investigations with functional magnetic resonance imaging and transcranial magnetic stimulation
Rau, Roland (Dr med. dent.)
Crystalline and fluid processes using the example of physics and Nobel Peace Prize winners
Kammerer, Hannes (Dr med.)
Investigation of the neuronal correlates of the reward system using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in schizophrenic patients and healthy volunteers
Sosic-Vasic, Zrinka (Dr biol .biol. hum.)
The Big Five and their role within error processing: evidence from event-related fMRI
Graf, Heiko (Dr. med.)
Modulation of cognitive functions by taking a single dose of the noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor atomoxetine in healthy volunteers: a randomised, placebo-controlled study using functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Krebs, Michael (Dr med.)
Processing of subliminally presented traffic-relevant information in a virtual driving simulation
Baumann , Lisa (Dr med.)
Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the visual system: phosphene thresholds under single and double pulse stimulation
Hofer, Christian (Dr med.)
Neuronal correlates of emotion regulation Investigation of the expectation and perception of emotional content using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in healthy subjects as a function of habitual emot ion regulation strategies
Keilwerth, Kathleen (Dr med.) med.)
he significance of incorrect responses on error processing in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: a study with event-related potentials (EKP)
Reiter, Miriam (Dr med.)
ehlerkorrelierte Potentiale bei Borderline-Personlichkeitsstörung
Bräuer, Kerstin Sonja (Dr med.)
Influence of the noradreanline reuptake inhibitor reboxetine on intracortical excitability
Hanzo, Gudrun (Dr med.)
Neuronal plasticity and navigation in virtual three-dimensional space: Functional imaging studies on neuronal activation during navigation through mazes before and after a one-month training phase
Marks, Laura Christiane (Dr med.)
Error processing in patients with major depression: An investigation with event-related potentials
Beschoner, Petra (Dr med.)
The effect of erroneous feedback in patients with major depression. A study with event-related potentials
Kubesch, Sabine (Dr biol. hum.)
The moving brain. Executive functions and physical activity.
Vasic, Nenad (Dr med.)
Frontal functions of depressed patients in event-related functional MRI in relation to psychopathology and therapy
Bretschneider, Volker (Dr med.)
Visualisation of the consolidation function of the hippocampus for verbal material using functional magnetic resonance imaging
Gölitz, Philipp Ulrich (Dr med.)
Neuropsychological studies on the function of the prefrontal cortex in alcoholic patients and healthy control subjects
Schul, David (Dr med.)
Cross-cultural neuronal networks during visual memory elaboration - work in functional MRI
Skudel, Harald (Dr med.)
Neuronal correlates of simulated driving in magnetic resonance imaging at different speeds - methods and results of a feasibility study
Wolf, Robert Christian (Dr med.)
Prefrontal functions in schizophrenia. An investigation of verbal working memory using functional magnetic resonance imaging
Zurowski, Bartosz Jan (Dr med.)
Functional mapping of visuospatial and verbal-phonological working memory processes in the human brain
Knossalla, Frauke Maria (Dr med.)
Alcoholism and executive control: An investigation of response inhibition using event-related potentials in the N200 and P300 time window
Lampe, Yvonne (Dr med.)
Neuronavigated repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of depressive disorders
Vetter, Sandra Christina (Dr med.)
Neuronal correlates of driving and riding in a car
Abler, Birgit (Dr med.)
Investigation of working memory with functional magnetic resonance imaging and neuronavigated transcranial magnetic stimulation
Ahlegian, Michelle Dorothea (Dr med.)
Correlation of frontal brain functions: Neuropsychological investigation in psychiatrically inconspicuous subjects
Plate, Wiebke (Dr med.)
Creativity, semantic priming and psychopathology
Thielscher, Axel (Dr biol. hum.)
Estimates of the site of nerve stimulation by magnetic fields: A contribution to the biophysical basis of transcranial magnetic stimulation
Schönfeldt-Lecuona, Carlos José (Dr med.)
Neuronavigated transcranial magnetic stimulation for the treatment of depression: Methodology and results of a pilot study
Brunnmeier, Albert (Dr med.)
Electrophysiological investigation of semantic pathway effects in healthy subjects and subjects suffering from schizophrenia
Freudenmann, Roland Wolfgang (Dr med.) CARE: A new touchscreen computer system for monitoring psychiatric outcome quality through daily patient surveys
Sosic-Vasic, Zrinka
Translational studies on self-regulation - from early modulation to clinical relevance in psychiatry and psychotherapy
Graf, Heiko
Functional pharmacological magnetic resonance imaging for monoaminergic modulation of the neuronal correlates of sexual motivation
Gahr, Maximilian
Contributions to the pharmacovigilance of selected psychotropic drugs
Freudenmann, Roland
Dermatocoenomania: Studies on psychopathology, pathogenesis, epidemiology and treatment
Vasic, Nenad
Structural and functional findings in patients with unipolar depressive disorder
Connemann, Bernhard
Studies on special aspects of the physiology of sleep
Schönfeldt-Lecuona, Carlos
Transcranial magnetic stimulation as a therapeutic and diagnostic tool in psychiatry: Principles and applications
Abler, Birgit
The dopaminergic reward system in healthy subjects and patients with schizophrenic and manic psychoses: studies with functional magnetic resonance imaging
Wolf, Robert Christian
Studies of the prefrontal cortex in neuropsychiatric disorders
Kammer, Thomas
Anisotropy of the cortex under transcranial magnetic stimulation. Studies on the human motor and visual cortex
Sokolov, Alexander
Processing of visual motion in variable contexts
Ruchsow, Martin
On the neurobiology of error processing: electrophysiological studies on basic principles and clinical application
Herwig, Uwe
Transcranial magnetic stimulation in psychiatry: studies on the method and its neuroscientific and therapeutic application
Grön, Georg
Functional magnetic resonance imaging for the early diagnosis of Alzheimer's dementia
Walter, Henrik
Functional imaging in cognitive neuroscience - its significance for psychiatry and philosophy of mind
Berger A, Sanwald S, Montag C, Kiefer M (2021) The Influence of the BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism on Mechanisms of Semantic Priming: Analyses with Drift-Diffusion Models of Masked and Unmasked Priming. Adv Cogn Psychol 17(1): 70-87
Berger A Kiefer M (2021) Comparison of Different Response Time Outlier Exclusion Methods: A Simulation Study. Front Psychol 12: 675558
Beschoner P, von Wietersheim J, Jarczok MN, Braun M, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Viviani R, Jerg-Bretzke L, Kempf M, Brück A (2021) Effort-Reward-Imbalance, Burnout, and Depression Among Psychiatrists 2006 and 2016-Changes After a Legislative Intervention. Front Psychiatry 12: 641912
Eberhardt LV, Grön G, Ulrich M, Huckauf A, Strauch C (2021) Direct voluntary control of pupil constriction and dilation: Exploratory evidence from pupillometry, optometry, skin conductance, perception, and functional MRI. Int J Psychophysiol 168: 33-42
El-Kady AM, Allemailem KS, Almtroudi A, Abler B, Elsayed M (2021) Psychiatric Disorders of Neurocysticercosis: Narrative Review. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 17: 1599-1610
Elsayed M, Abdel-Kahaar E, Gahr M, Connemann BJ, Denkinger M, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C (2021) Arrhythmias related to antipsychotics and antidepressants: an analysis of the summaries of product characteristics of original products approved in Germany. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 77(5): 767-775
Fernández S, Ortells JJ, Kiefer M, Noguera C, De Fockert, JW (2021) Working memory capacity modulates expectancy-based strategic processing: Behavioural and electrophysiological evidence. Biol Psychol 159: 108023
Gahr M, Connemann BJ, Zeiss R, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Dreyhaupt J, Lazik C (2021) Reporting, handling, and subjective importance of adverse drug reactions among general practitioners: an exploratory cross-sectional survey. Expert Opin Drug Saf 20(8): 979-985
Gahr M, Connemann BJ, Muche R, Zeiss R (2021) The Impact of Serotonin Transporter Binding Affinity on the Risk of Bleeding Related to Antidepressants. J Clin Psychopharmacol 41(4): 470-473
Hübers A, Böckler B, Abaei A, Rasche V, Lulé D, Ercan E, Doorenweerd N, Müller HP, Dreyhaupt J, Kammer T, Ludolph A, Ronen I, Kassubek J (2021) Functional and structural impairment of transcallosal motor fibres in ALS: a study using transcranial magnetic stimulation, diffusion tensor imaging, and diffusion weighted spectroscopy. Brain Imaging Behav 15(2): 748-757
Jungclaus J, Schaper N (2021) Agile sprint learning works - but why? Theory-based analysis of the operating principles of a design approach for work-related competence development. Gr Interakt Org 52(1): 105-120
Kiefer M, Sim EJ, Heil S, Brown RC, Herrnberger B, Spitzer M, Grön G (2021) Neural signatures of bullying experience and social rejection in teenagers. PloS One 16(8): e0255681
Klaiber I, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Kiefer M (2021) Neuronal oscillations as electrophysiological markers of cognitive control deficits in mental illness. Neurology 40(1-2): 13-26
König J, Abler B, Agartz I, Akerstedt T, Andreassen OA, Anthony M, Bär KJ, Bertsch K, Brown RC, Brunner R, Carnevali L, Critchley HD, Cullen KR, de Geus EJC, de la Cruz F, Dziobek I, Ferger MD, et al. (2021) Cortical thickness and resting-state cardiac function across the lifespan: A cross-sectional pooled mega-analysis. Psychophysiology 58(7): e13688
Kuhnke P, Kiefer M, Hartwigsen G (2021) Task-Dependent Functional and Effective Connectivity during Conceptual Processing. Cereb Cortex 31(7): 3475-3493
Maier A, Schaitz C, Kröner J, Berger A, Keller F, Beschoner P, Connemann BJ, Sosic-Vasic Z (2021) The Association Between Test Anxiety, Self-Efficacy, and Mental Images Among University Students: Results From an Online Survey. Front Psychiatry 12: 618108
Malejko K, Brown RC, Plener PL, Bonenberger M, Graf H, Abler B (2021) Differential neural processing of unpleasant sensory stimulation in patients with major depression. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 271(3): 557-565
Malejko K, Hafner S, Plener PL, Bonenberger M, Grön G, Abler B, Graf H (2021) Neural signature of error processing in major depression. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 271(7): 1359-1368
Malejko K, Abler B, Graf H (2021) Neural correlates of unpleasant somatosensory stimulation in patients with borderline personality disorder and depression. Neurology 40(1-2): 53-61
Megias M, Ortells JJ, Carmona I, Noguera C, Kiefer M (2021) Individual Differences in Working Memory Capacity Modulate Electrophysiological Correlates of Semantic Negative Priming From Single Words. Front Behav Neurosci 15: 765290
Messina I, Grecucci A, Viviani R (2021) Neurobiological models of emotion regulation: a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies of acceptance as an emotion regulation strategy. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 16(3): 257-267
Mikusky D, Abler B (2021) When do digital games make you sick? Reflections on gaming disorder in ICD-11 Neurology 40(1-2): 27-34
Mischler C, Hofmann A, Behnke A, Matits L, Lehnung M, Varadarajan S, Rojas R, Kolassa IT, Tumani V (2021) Therapists' Experiences With the Effectiveness and Feasibility of Videoconference-Based Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing. Front Psychol 12: 748712
Mix L, Winter B, Wurster CD, Platen S, Witzel S, Uzelac Z, Graf H, Ludolph AC, Lulé D (2021) Quality of Life in SMA Patients Under Treatment With Nusinersen. Front Neurol 12: 626787
Peter J, Mayer I, Kammer T, Minkova L, Lahr J, Klöppel S, Grothe MJ, Orth M (2021) The relationship between cholinergic system brain structure and function in healthy adults and patients with mild cognitive impairment. Sci Rep 11(1): 16080
Plewina C, Brendel B, Schwippel T, Nieratschker V, Ethofer T, Kammer T, Padberg F, Martus P, Fallgatter AJ (2021) Treatment of major depressive disorder with bilateral theta burst stimulation: study protocol for a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter trial (TBS-D). Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 271(7): 1231-1243
Rahman MA, Islam SMS, Tungpunkom P, Sultana F, Alif SM, Banik B, Salehin M, Joseph B, Lam L, Watts MC, Khan SJ, Ghozy S, Chair SY, Chien WT, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, et al., Elsayed M, et al. (2021) COVID-19: Factors associated with psychological distress, fear, and coping strategies among community members across 17 countries. Global Health 17(1): 117
Rosenbohm A, Peter RS, Dorst J, Kassubek J, Nagel G, Ludolph A, ALS Registry Swabia Study Group (Connemann B) (2021) Life Course of Physical Activity and Risk and Prognosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in a German ALS Registry. Neurology 97(19): e1955-e1963
Rüger A, Graf H (2021) Lithium in drinking water - lithium in drinking water. Neurology 40(1-2): 48-52
Sanwald S, Widenhorn-Müller K, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, GenEmo Research Group, Montag C, Kiefer M (2021) Factors related to age at depression onset: the role of SLC6A4 methylation, sex, exposure to stressful life events and personality in a sample of inpatients suffering from major depression. BMC Psychiatry 21(1): 167
Seibert M, Mühlbauer V, Holbrook J, Voigt-Radloff S, Brefka S, Dallmeier D, Denkinger M, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Klöppel S, von Arnim, CAF (2021) Efficacy and safety of pharmacotherapy for Alzheimer's disease and for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia in older patients with moderate and severe functional impairments: a systematic review of controlled trials. Alzheimers Res Ther 13(1): 131
Spitzer M (2021) Open schools! Weighing the effects of viruses and lockdowns on children. Trends Neurosci Educ 22: 100151
Spohrs J, Ulrich M, Grön G, Prost M, Plener PL, Fegert JM, Bindila L, Abler B (2021) Fear extinction learning and anandamide: an fMRI study in healthy humans. Transl Psychiatry 11: 161
Spohrs J, Ulrich M, Abler B (2021) Endocannabinoid system and stress. More than just a "high"? Neurology 40(1-2): 35-42
Stingl JC, Scholl C, Bosch J, Viviani R (2021) Genetic polymorphism of CYP2C19 and subcortical variability in the human adult brain. Transl Psychiatry 11(1): 467
Steinacker P, Al Shweiki MHDR, Oeckl P, Graf H, Ludolph A, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Otto M (2021) Glial fibrillary acidic protein as blood biomarker for differential diagnosis and severity of major depressive disorder. J Psychiatr Res 144: 54-58
Zeiss R, Gahr M (2021) Relevant aspects of drug-associated hepatotoxicity in everyday clinical practice. A review paper. Neurology 40(1-2): 43-47
Zeiss R, Hiemke C, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Connemann BJ, Gahr M (2021) Risk of Bleeding Associated with Antidepressant Drugs: The Competitive Impact of Antithrombotics in Quantitative Signal Detection. Drugs Real World Outcomes 8(4): 547-554
Zeiss R, Connemann BJ, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Gahr M (2021) Risk of Bleeding Associated With Antidepressants: Impact of Causality Assessment and Competition Bias on Signal Detection. Front Psychiatry 12: 727687
Zeiss R, Gahr M, Graf H (2021) Rediscovering Psilocybin as an Antidepressant Treatment Strategy. Pharmaceuticals (Basel) 14(10): 985
Abdelnaby R, Elsayed M, Abele-Haupts F, Barkin ME, Rudek MA, Schmidt K (2020) SARS-CoV-2-induced encephalopathy. Neurology 39(12): 844-845
Al Shweiki MR, Oeckl P, Steinacker P, Barschke P, Pryce C, Dorner-Ciossek C, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Hengerer B, Otto M (2020) S-ketamine induces acute changes in the proteome of the mouse amygdala. J Proteomics 216: 103679
Al Shweiki MR, Oeckl P, Steinacker P, Barschke P, Dorner-Ciossek C, Hengerer B, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Otto M (2020) Proteomic analysis reveals a biosignature of decreased synaptic protein in cerebrospinal fluid of major depressive disorder. Transl Psychiatry 10(1): 144
Beschoner P, von Wietersheim J, Jarczok MN, Braun M, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Jerg-Bretzke L, Steiner L (2020) Changes in Working Conditions and Mental Health Among Intensive Care Physicians Across a Decade. Front Psychiatry 11: 145
Beschoner P, Sosic Vasic Z, Jerg-Bretzke L (2020) Homesickness - a systematic review of the occurrence and consequences of a phenomenon of current relevance. Psychiat Prax 47(7): 352-360
Carmona I, Ortells JJ, Kiefer M, Estévez AF (2020) Electrophysiological correlates of the differential outcomes effect in visual short-term memory. Int J Psychophysiol 155: 184-193
Carmona I, Ortells JJ, Fuentes LJ, Kiefer M, Estévez AF (2020) Implicit outcomes expectancies shape memory process: Electrophysiological evidence. Biol Psychol 157: 107987
Gahr M (2020) Caffeine, the most frequently consumed psychostimulant: a narrative review article. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 88(5): 318-330
Gahr M, Freudenman RW, Connemann BJ, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Muche R, Hiemke C, Sillmann YM (2020) Different number of contraindications between summaries of product characteristics (SmPC) of drugs with the same active ingredients - an analysis of data from SmPCs of neuropsychiatric drugs. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 88(3): 152-169
Gahr M, Hiemke C, Kölle MA (2020) Development of Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms Following Abrupt Discontinuation of Venlafaxine. Front Psychiatry 11: 32
Gahr M, Freudenmann RW, Connemann BJ, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Muche R, Hiemke C, Silmann YM (2020) Use of summaries of product characteristics (SmPC) among family doctors and pharmacists in the context of the aut-idem regulation: Results of an exploratory cross-sectional survey. Z Evid Fortbild Qual Gesundhwes 150-152: 45-53
Gahr M, Spitzer M (2020) Problems of mental health care without coercion: hospital or prison? Law & Psychiatry: R&P 38(3): 135-137
Gahr M, Connemann BJ (2020) Adverse Effects of Antipsychotics Are Relevant in Palliative Care Too. Dtsch Arztebl Int 117(26): 462
Gahr M, Ziller J, Keller F, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C (2020) Increasing Proportion of Cannabinoid-Associated Psychotic Disorders Results of a Single-Centre Analysis of Treatment Data From 2011 to 2019. J Clin Psychopharmacol 40(6): 642-645
Grecucci A, Sigirci H, Lapomarda G, Amodeo I, Messina I, Frederickson J (2020) Anxiety Regulation: From Affective Neuroscience to Clinical Practice. Brain Sci 10: 846
Grecucci A, Messina I, Amodeo I, Lapomarda G, Crescentini C, Dadomo H, Panzeri M, Theuninck A, Frederickson J (2020) A Dual Route Model for Regulating Emotions: Comparing Models, Techniques and Biological Mechanisms. Front Psychol 11: 930
Harpainter M, Sim EJ, Trumpp NM, Ulrich M, Kiefer M (2020) The grounding of abstract concepts in the motor and visual system: An fMRI study. Cortex 124: 1-22
Karabatsiakis A, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C (2020 Depression, mitochondrial bioenergetics, and electroconvulsive therapy: a new approach towards personalised medicine in psychiatric treatment - a short review and current perspective. Transl Psychiatry 10(1): 226
Karabatsiakis A, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C (2020) Correction: Depression, mitochondrial bioenergetics, and electroconvulsive therapy: a new approach towards personalized medicine in psychiatric treatment - a short review and current perspective. Transl Psychiatry 10(1): 277
Kiefer M, Harpainter M (2020) Varieties of abstract concepts and their grounding in perception or action. Open Psychology (This article is part of Special Issue Experimental Cognitive Psychology) 2: 119-137
Knolle F, Garofalo S, Viviani R, Justicia A, Ermakova A, Blank H, Williams GB, Arrondo G, Ramachandra P, Tudor-Sfetea C, Bunzeck N, Duezel E, Robbins TW, Barker RA, Murray GK (2020) Altered subcortical emotional salience processing differentiates Parkinson's patients with and without psychotic symptoms. Neuroimage Clinical 27: 102277
Krämer J, Huber M, Mundinger C, Schmitgen MM, Pycha R, Kirchler E, Macina C, Karner M, Hirjak D, Kubera KM, Depping MS, Romanov DV, Freudenmann RW, Wolf RC (2020) Abnormal cerebellar volume in somatic vs .non-somatic delusional disorders. Cerebellum Ataxias 7: 2
Kuhlwilm L, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Gahr M, Connemann BJ, Keller F, Sartorius A (2020) The Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome - A systematic case series analysis focusing on therapy regimes and outcome. Acta Psychiatr Scand 142(3): 233-241
Kuhnke P, Beaupain MC, Cheung VKM, Weise K, Kiefer M, Hartwigsen G (2020) Left posterior inferior parietal cortex causally supports the retrieval of action knowledge. Neuroimage 219: 117041
Kuhnke P, Kiefer M, Hartwigsen G (2020) Task-dependent recruitment of modality-specific and multimodal regions during conceptual processing. Cerebral Cortex. 30(7): 3938-3959
Lorenz S, Alex B, Kammer T (2020) Ten minutes of transcranial static magnetic field stimulation does not reliably modulate motor cortex excitability. Plos One 15(5): e0233614
Maier A, Schaitz C, Kröner J, Connemann BJ, Sosic-Vasic Z (2020) Imagery Rescripting: Exploratory Evaluation of a Brief Intervention to Reduce Test Anxiety in University Students. Front Psychiatry 11: 84
Malejko K, Tumani V, Rau V, Neumann F, Plener P, Fegert JM, Abler B, Straub J (2020) Neural correlates of script-driven imagery in adolescents with interpersonal traumatic experiences: A pilot study. Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging 303: 111131
Malejko K, Huss A, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Braun M, Graf H (2020) Emotional Components of Pain Perception in Borderline Personality Disorder and Major Depression-A Repetitive Peripheral Magnetic Stimulation (rPMS) Study. Brain Sci 10(12): 905
Malejko K, Brown RC, Plener P, Bonenberger M, Abler B, Graf H (2020) Neural correlates of social inclusion in borderline personality disorder and non-suicidal self-injury. Pharmacopsychiatry (Meeting Abstract) 53(2): 92-93
Mayer C, Waller S, Budde-Spengler N, Braunert S, Arndt PA, Kiefer M (2020) Literacy training of kindergarten children with pencil, keyboard or tablet stylus: The influence of the writing tool on reading and writing performance at the letter and word level. Front Psychol 10: 3054
Riedesser S, Gahr M (2020) Cariprazine. Experiences from a naturalistic treatment setting. Neurology 39(4): 238-241
Sabel BA, Thut G, Haueisen J, Henrich-Noack P, Herrmann CS, Hunold A, Kammer T, Matteo B, Sergeeva EG, Waleszczyk W, Antal A (2020) Vision modulation, plasticity and restoration using non-invasive brain stimulation - An IFCN-sponsored review. Clin Neurophysiol 131(4): 887-911
Sanwald S, Gahr M, Widenhorn-Müller K, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Richter K, Connemann BJ, Kammer T, Montag C, Kiefer M (2020) Relation of Promoter Methylation of the Oxytocin Gene to Stressful Life Events and Depression Severity. J Mol Neurosci 70(2): 201-211
Sanwald S, Montag C, Kiefer M (2020) Depressive emotionality moderates the influence of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on executive functions and on unconscious semantic priming. J Mol Neurosci 70(5): 699-712
Sanwald S, Widenhorn-Müller K, GenEmo Research Group, Montag C, Kiefer M (2020) Relation of promoter methylation of the structural oxytocin gene to critical life events in major depression: A case control study. J Affect Disord 276: 829-838
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Gahr M, Gastl R, Kölle MM, Schönfeldt-Lecuona C, Freudenmann RW: Successful treatment of schizophrenia with melperone augmentation in a patient with phenotypic CYP2D6 ultrarapid metabolisation: a case report. J Med Case Reports, 6:49, 2012
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