Your start as a student with us

General information

At the University Hospital, you will have your first opportunities to gain impressions and experience of everyday working life in a clinic. Some practical assignments, such as the practical year (PJ), are already an integral part of the degree programme in human medicine. You therefore have the opportunity to complete your PJ with us. If you are interested in studying human sciences or are studying at another university and would like to complete your PJ with us, then take a look at the following points!



Faculty of Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine - university medicine at the highest level

As the most recent foundation in the state of Baden-Württemberg, university medicine in Ulm is characterised by internationally recognised research, a high potential for innovation and comprehensive interdisciplinary and cross-institutional cooperation. The spectrum ranges from basic to clinical research and ensures university medical care at the highest level. For every euro that the state allocates to the Faculty of Medicine for research, an equal amount is raised by Ulm scientists.

You can find more information about the Faculty of Medicineat Ulm Universityhere. If you are studying at another university and would like to complete your PJ with us, the Faculty of Medicine is also your first port of call in this case.

Detailed information is also available on the PJ-input information portal.

Practical year

Below you will find an overview of the clinics and departments at the University Hospital where you can complete a PJ. You will also find more detailed information on remuneration, application and the short-term pass.

Information on the PJ departments at the UKU:

Anaesthesiology & Intensive Care Medicine

Ear, nose & throat medicine

Clinical chemistry/ laboratory medicine


View of the RKU university outpatient clinic building

Psychiatry & Psychotherapy I

General & Visceral Surgery

Human genetics

Nuclear medicine

Psychiatry & Psychotherapy II

Urology & Paediatric Urology

Dermatology & Allergology

Paediatrics & Adolescent Medicine


View of the RKU university outpatient clinic building

Psychiatry & Psychotherapy III

Radiotherapy & Radiooncology

Gynaecology & Obstetrics

Child & adolescent psychiatry/psychotherapy

Psychosomatic medicine & psychotherapy

Diagnostic & interventional radiology

Ulm University Hospital reimburses a PJ allowance of 855 euros gross per month to those PJ students who complete their PJ tertial(s) with us. The PJ allowance is paid out with the monthly pay slip.

You can apply for a PJ position at the University of Ulm - you can find the information here. If you have been accepted, please note the following section.

In order to receive the PJ fee and to have your short-term pass activated for the PJ period, please submit the following documents to the Payroll Department of Ulm University Hospital at least 2 weeks before the start of the PJ:

  • Personnel form for students in the PJ
  • Certificate of enrolment
  • Current health insurance membership certificate (alternatively: copy of your health insurance card or "health card")
  • Booking confirmation for the three tertials booked (download/printout from PJ-Portal; please ensure that this is a current copy with valid details! All changes to the allocation must be reported immediately to the Payroll Department).
  • Current valid residence permit and work permit, if applicable (only for non-EU nationals)
  • Certificate of proof of sufficient immunisation against measles or immunity against measles (see attachment to personnel form)

Please note that without complete information on the personnel form or without fully enclosed attachments, no payroll accounting and no activation of the short-term ID card can take place.
At the end of the tertial, a copy of the official PJ certificate (LPA form) must be submitted to the payroll department. The PJ certificate must be signed by the respective personnel officer of the clinic (either the head of the institution or the authorised deputy), stamped by the institution and clearly show the name of the personnel officer. Please contact the secretary's office of the institution to see if the PJ certificate can be sent directly from there to the payroll department. Otherwise, please submit it yourself.
Please inform the Payroll Department immediately of any changes to your address or bank details.

Your short-term ID card serves as access authorisation to the hospital and as payment in the casinos of Ulm University Hospital - you can top up your credit. You can obtain your short-term ID card at the beginning of the U-course/block internship for a deposit of €5 from the central office for employee and short-term ID cards in the Human Resources department of the hospital administration (Tel.: 0731 500 66121, Please use this pass during the entire PJ period.

The Hospital Hygiene team warmly welcomes all PJ students!

Although it is not possible to choose the subject of hospital hygiene for a PJ tertial, you will encounter aspects of hygiene and infection prevention again and again during your practical year.
You are probably already aware that hospital hygiene involves more than "just" hand hygiene. Sensible and correctly performed hand disinfection is the most important step in preventing nosocomial infections. Correct hygiene in the context of medical activities is therefore a fundamental part of empathetic treatment of patients.

Information on hygiene measures, particularly with regard to diseases requiring isolation and multi-resistant pathogens, can be found in the hygiene plan on the intranet (accessible from the hospital network).

We welcome all PJ students to a 2-hour introductory event with many practical exercises in small groups to prepare for and briefly recapitulate hygiene-related topics in everyday clinical practice. The hygiene plan is also presented as a "reference book" and information tool.
If you have any questions about isolation measures, personal protective equipment, dealing with infectious and multi-resistant pathogens and hygiene in general, you can and should contact us at any time.

You can find more information about us here.

The hospital hygiene team in front of an information poster

Head of the Hospital Hygiene Section

Prof. Dr. med. Heike von Baum  

Organisation and administration of hospital hygiene