Are your school days coming to an end? Or have you already successfully completed your school education and would now like to pursue a career in the sustainable, exciting and innovative healthcare sector? Perhaps you already have a degree and are thinking about the best way to join a company? Then you've come to the right place!

As the largest employer in the region, we offer a range of different apprenticeships, dual study programmes and trainee programmes. We attach particular importance to providing you with a high level of practice-orientated, job-specific skills and abilities. Start your future with Ulm University Hospital!


Training & studies

Academy for healthcare professions of the University Hospital Ulm

View of the Academy for Healthcare Professions

Medical training and study programmes

A young, blonde nurse stands in the corridor of the clinic and looks into the camera. Behind her stand a doctor, a female doctor and two female nurses, also looking into the camera.

Apprenticeships and degree programmes in administration, technology & IT

Group photo of students in the administration building of the University Hospital.

Do you already know which apprenticeship you would like to complete? You can find further information and job vacancies under the individual occupational groups.