
Declaration on accessibility


Ulm University Hospital endeavours to make its website accessible in accordance with the legal requirements of the current version of the BITV and Section 10 (1) of the Baden-Württemberg Equal Opportunities for Disabled Persons Act (L-BGG).

This declaration on accessibility applies to pages of the domain that were created in the TYPO3 content management system.


1. status of compatibility with the requirements

This website is partially compatible with Section 10 (1) L-BGG due to the following incompatibilities and exceptions. Ulm University Hospital has already achieved some improvements and continues to work on accessibility.


2 Non-accessible content

The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons:

  • Images and graphic functions do not consistently have clear alternative texts. Video and audio files that are embedded on our website are currently only partially subtitled, audio-described or transcribed. We endeavour to add subtitles to newly uploaded videos as soon as possible after publication.
  • In the case of links, the aim or purpose of the link is not always clear from the link text.
  • Explanations in German sign language are not yet fully available on the website.
  • Explanations in plain language are not yet fully available on the website.
  • PDF, Word, Excel or PowerPoint documents that are offered for download on the website are currently not all available in accessible versions. We endeavour to create or replace newly uploaded PDF files with an accessible version.
  • The programme code of the website (so-called source code) is not yet completely error-free.


3. creation of this declaration on accessibility

This declaration was created on 21/09/2021. The declaration was last reviewed on 21/09/2021.


4. feedback and contact details

Have you noticed any deficiencies in the accessibility of our website content?

Then please contact the Corporate Communications department:


Corporate Communications Office

Albert-Einstein-Allee 29

89081 Ulm

Phone: +49 731 500 43025

Fax: +49 731 500 1243025



Thank you very much!


5 Enforcement procedure

In order to ensure that this website fulfils the requirements described in Section 10 (1) L-BGG, you can contact the Corporate Communications department and provide appropriate feedback. The relevant contact details can be found in section 4 of this declaration.

If Ulm University Hospital does not respond to your enquiry within the period stipulated in Section 8 sentence 1 L-BGG-DVO, you can contact the state government's representative for the interests of people with disabilities or the municipal representative for the interests of people with disabilities as part of the ombudsman function described in Section 14 (2) L-BGG and Section 15 (3) sentence 2 L-BGG.

You can contact the state government's representative for the interests of people with disabilities as follows:


State Disability Commissioner Stephanie Aeffner
Office of the State Disability Commissioner:
Else-Josenhans-Straße 6
70173 Stuttgart
Phone: 0711 279 3360


You can find out the contact details of your local representative for the interests of people with disabilities on the website of the city or district in which you have your permanent residence.


Reference is made to the possibility of the right to bring an action in accordance with Section 12 (1) sentence 1 no. 4 L-BGG.

Information in plain language

Information in sign language


Please contact us if you come across any barriers on our homepage or if you have noticed any shortcomings in the barrier-free design

Contact details:

Corporate Communications
Albert-Einstein-Allee 29
89081 Ulm
