Focal points of the clinic

Centre for Women's Health

As proven specialists, we are experts in the detection and optimal treatment of oncological diseases. In our interdisciplinary certified centres, women with breast cancer and malignant tumours of the female reproductive organs receive comprehensive and holistic care based on the latest research - from diagnostics using state-of-the-art technology to surgery by oncologically experienced surgeons and individually tailored drug-based tumour therapy in our Interdisciplinary Oncology Day Clinic (IOT). Thanks to our research and international networking, we are able to offer innovative, cutting-edge oncological medicine.

At the Centre for Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer, specialists from all the specialist disciplines involved work together under one roof. In this way, we ensure that healthy women seeking advice with an increased tumour risk and affected patients receive individual advice and care according to the latest standards.

Oncological focus

Further topics

Current clinical studies

Consultation hours & outpatient clinics

Comprehensive Cancer Centre Ulm (CCCU)