Die Kinderkrippe bietet 50 Betreuungsplätze für die Kinder der Beschäftigten und Auszubildenden des Universitätsklinikums Ulm und der Medizinischen Fakultät.
Aufgenommen werden können Kinder ab einem Alter von 6 Monaten
bis 3 Jahren.
Im Rahmen unserer erzieherisch-pädagogischen Arbeit ist es uns wichtig, jedes Kind in seiner gesamten einzigartigen Persönlichkeit anzunehmen und es in seiner ganz individuellen Entwicklung zu begleiten, zu stärken und zu unterstützen.
Day nursery and kindergarten
Plenty of space to play, an educational concept for the growth of body and soul - these are the cornerstones of the company kindergarten and crèche at Ulm University Hospital and Ulm University.
Thanks to the long opening hours (from 05:45 to 17:30 in the hospital groups) and the few closing days (only between Christmas and New Year), we offer particularly good opportunities to combine work and family life in both facilities.
For employees and trainees of Ulm University Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine, the crèche offers 50 places for children aged six months to three years and the kindergarten 60 places for children aged 3 to school age.
Michelsberg "Fuchsbau" daycare centre
The new daycare centre on Michelsberg, our "Fuchsbau", opened in January 2021.
The centre offers 20 places for children aged 2 years to school age for employees and trainees of Ulm University Hospital.
Our opening hours in the "Fuchsbau" are from 05:45 to 14:45. As in the crèche and kindergarten, the closing days are between Christmas and New Year.
As part of our educational and pedagogical work, it is important to us to accept each child in their entire unique personality and to accompany, strengthen and support them in their individual development.
Administrative Management
Manuela Egle
Phone: 0731 500-69140
Fax: 0731 500-69121
Staudingerstraße 2
Oberer Eselsberg
89081 Ulm
The "Kliniken Wissenschaftsstadt" bus stop is in the immediate vicinity. There is a short-stay car park directly in front of the kindergarten.