Our new image film is here! It gives a great insight into the concept and the daily co-operation in our facilities.
How can I enrol?
Please complete the application form and send it to the kindergarten, Staudingerstraße 2, 89081 Ulm or by e-mail to bianca.moedinger@uniklinik-ulm.de. You will then receive a confirmation of receipt and further information as soon as we can offer you a place.
Please note that the deadline for the annual allocation of places is the last working day (Mon - Fri) in February. For kindergarten places from June 2025 to May 2026, we therefore ask you to send us your application by 28 February 2025 at the latest . All applications that we receive by this date will be included in the regular admission procedure.
Submitting the application does not entitle you to a kindergarten place.
The places for the hospital and the medical faculty are allocated according to a points system that takes particular account of, among other things, the working hours of the parents at the hospital/the medical faculty, shift work, siblings at the facility and single parents.
You are welcome to visit our kindergarten, but please call 0731 500-69120 to make an appointment in advance.
If you have any questions about the waiting list or the allocation of places, please contact Mrs Mödinger on 0731 500-69141.
How much are the fees?
The monthly fee for childcare in the crèche and kindergarten is based on the income of the legal guardian(s). The decisive factor is the total gross family income earned by the legal guardians from January to December in the calendar year prior to admission to the centre.
The fee is set for the first time on admission to the centre and is recalculated annually. The fee also includes all catering costs.
The following applies for 2021:
Annual gross family income | Kindergarten contribution |
up to 40 TEUR (minimum contribution) | 120,00 € |
> 40 TEUR - 75 TEUR | 190,00 € |
> 75 TEUR - 100 TEUR | 320,00 € |
> 100 TEUR - 135 TEUR | 440,00 € |
>135 kEUR (maximum contribution) | 610,00 € |
Special contribution for single parents/trainees | 110,00 € |
If two children from the parent/guardian's household attend our childcare facilities at the same time, the fee for the second child is reduced by 10%. If three or more children are being cared for at the same time, a 10% reduction is granted for all children.
Further information can be found in the crèche and kindergarten regulations.

For a child, settling into kindergarten is an important step towards greater independence and autonomy. As parents, you also learn to let go of your child to a certain extent and place part of the child's upbringing in the hands of people outside the family.
We will give you and your child the time you need to take this step.
In the first meeting:
- pedagogical content and the daily routine are explained
- questions are answered
- the premises are shown and
- the period for the child's individual familiarisation period is determined.
After the settling-in period, we offer you the opportunity to observe your child in the group and gain an insight into our work.
Please allow sufficient time to accompany your child during the first phase in the kindergarten.
Our pedagogical approach
In our company kindergarten, we work according to the situation-orientated approach:
The pillars of our work are
- Showing the children a high degree of appreciation
- Taking current situations into account and addressing them
- Every day is important for the child's development
- Teachers are both teachers and learners at the same time
Four competences play an important role in the child's educational process in our work:
- I-competence
- Subject competence
- social competence
- methodological competence
The last year in kindergarten
The preschool offers your children a protected environment in which they can develop their individual cognitive skills with the help of the educational staff.
- cognitive
- social
- emotional and
- motor
and motor skills.
In preschool, we want to work holistically and thus address all areas of learning.
For us, learning areas within the preschool are
- Language as the basis of every learning process
- Music (auditory perception)
- Artistic design (visual perception)
- Nature as a space for experience and discovery
- One's own personality
- Mathematics
The drive to learn more in these areas comes from the children themselves. Through differentiated observation and individual guidance, we support them in developing to their full potential.
In addition to the regular meetings in the preschool, we also go on excursions from time to time. The aim here is to practise safe locomotion, to connect individual habitats and to deepen or differentiate what has been learnt.
Hand in hand
Cooperation with parents is the basis for successful educational work.
The child's well-being takes centre stage.
Getting to know the personal environment, knowledge of experiences and adventures and mutual trust are an important basis.
We support and advise parents on educational issues through regular dialogue in a spirit of partnership.
Joint festivals, activities, celebrations, programmes and projects strengthen the relationship and promote trust between parents and teachers.
Our work with parents includes
- regular discussions in the form of a detailed admission interview, development discussions, door-to-door talks and a final discussion
- Information about current topics and activities via notices in the entrance area, parent mail or notices on the group magnetic wall
- Support from parents at parties, activities or accompanying the children on excursions
- Joint parties, themed afternoons
- observation visits
- Representation of all parents by the annually elected parents' council
- Open communication with the parents' council

Group rooms:
Our kindergarten has five group rooms, each with a bedroom, a washroom and direct access to the garden.
The group rooms are designed in such a way that they offer space for the children's personal development and provide a wide range of opportunities for individual activities.
Functional rooms:
In addition to the group rooms, there are five additional functional rooms:
- Flexi room for additional activities such as preschool or early music education
- Children's kitchen for cooking and baking with child-friendly equipment
- Movement and construction hall for moving, building, dancing, playing and romping around
- Sensory oasis for sensory discovery, research and invention
- Library for browsing and borrowing books
Outdoor area:
Our spacious outdoor area offers many opportunities for development.
In addition to opportunities for climbing, swinging, sliding, digging, balancing and driving vehicles, there are two special features:
A ropeway and a water pump with a watercourse and mud pit.
The self-planted bed offers the children the opportunity to learn and experience responsibility in plant care by growing fruit, vegetables and herbs.

Welcome to the underwater world
Our kindergarten offers space in five groups for a total of 100 children aged 2 years and nine months until they start school.
This means that 20 children can be cared for in each group.
In 3 groups, children are looked after by employees of the University Hospital:
- Quallengruppe
- Pufferfish group
- Water snail group
In 2 groups, children are looked after by employees of the university:
- Starfish group
- Turtle group

We are looking for YOU!
To support our team, we are always on the lookout for friendly and motivated colleagues, competent educational specialists and committed organisational talent.
We are therefore also happy to receive unsolicited applications.
You bring with you
Specialist according to §7 KiTaG (educator, childhood educator, child carer, curative educator and comparable qualifications), as well as prospective educators in practice-integrated educator training and students of all educational degree programmes (e.g. childhood education, elementary education, social pedagogy,...).
We offer you
- Modern facility
- Payment according to our company collective agreement TV UK and company pension scheme
- Special annual payment
- Participation in further education and training programmes offered by the city of Ulm
- Subsidy for local transport tickets (job ticket)
- Holiday outside the usual holiday periods possible
- Support in balancing work and family life
- Flexible planning of appointments due to working in shifts
Do you have any questions?
Then please get in touch directly with
Ms Manuela Egle, Head of the Child Day Care Centre Department,
Phone 0731 500-69140.
We publish current vacancies on the homepage of Ulm University Hospital.
We also offer apprenticeships and internships for
- prospective educators (in the lower or upper course)
- Educators in their year of recognition (in the lower or upper course)
- Interns on a voluntary social year
- Pupils at the specialised secondary school (FOS)
- Students of the dual vocational college, specialising in social work
Do you still have questions about an apprenticeship or internship?
Then please get in touch with
Mrs Nicole Enderle, Educational Director of the crèche,
Phone 0731 500-69100 or
Mrs Romina Brumm, Educational Director of the kindergarten,
Phone 0731 500-69120.
Contact kindergarten
Address: Staudingerstraße 2, 89081 Ulm
If you have any questions about the waiting list or the allocation of places
, please contact Mrs Bianca Mödinger on 0731 500-69141.
Montag bis Freitag: 05:45 bis 17:30 Uhr
- Weihnachtsschließung 2024/2025: Montag, den 23.12.2024 bis einschließlich Montag, den 06.01.2025
- Pädagogischer Planungstag: Montag, den 12.05.2025
- Pädagogischer Planungstag: Freitag, den 10.10.2025
- Weihnachtsschließung 2025/2026: Mittwoch, den 24.12.2025 bis einschließlich Dienstag, den 06.01.2025
Gesetzliche Feiertage
An gesetzlichen Feiertagen ist der Kindergarten geschlossen.