Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
ADHD is characterised by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. These symptoms usually develop in the first five years of life and lead to significant distress and impairments in social, academic and later occupational functioning. Although ADHD is initially a childhood disorder, some of those affected continue to experience the symptoms described in adulthood (=ADHD in adulthood). In our outpatient clinic , a second opinion is issued as part of the diagnosis of ADHD at the request of a neurologist. The corresponding therapy is not usually carried out in our outpatient clinic.
Affective disorders
These disorders are characterised by changes in mood or affectivity towards either depression or elevated mood. Essentially, these disorders include depressive disorders and bipolar disorders ("manic-depressive disorder"). In our clinic, these disorders are carefully diagnosed and treated in line with guidelines, either in an outpatient , inpatient or day -care setting. All phases of treatment for affective disorders (acute, maintenance and long-term or relapse prophylaxis) are carried out or initiated. Drug treatment and psychotherapy are used either alone or in combination, and procedures such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) or other brain stimulation methods (e.g. transcranial magnetic stimulation) are also offered for particularly severe illnesses or disorders that are difficult to treat. Light therapy and wakefulness therapy ("sleep deprivation therapy") can also be carried out.
Organically caused mental disorders
Organically induced mental disorders are understood to be brain dysfunctions due to an identifiable cerebral or systemic physical illness. Numerous physical illnesses can lead to a primary or secondary functional disorder of the brain and manifest themselves in a complex clinical picture with impairments of sensory perception, motor skills, autonomic functions, language, attention and memory, thinking, behaviour and emotions.
One focus of our clinic is on comprehensive physical diagnostics to detect or rule out a cerebral or systemic physical illness that could be responsible for the mental symptoms.
In addition to basic internal diagnostics (routine laboratory tests, electrocardiography, etc.), the following diagnostic procedures are also used:
- Laboratory chemical examination of serum and urine (including comprehensive infectiological clarification and the detection of metabolic diseases)
- Magnetic resonance or computer tomography
- Nuclear medicine procedures
- Cerebrospinal fluid punctures (basic diagnostics, determination of neurodegeneration markers, detection of non-specific, specific and onconeuronal autoantibodies)
- Electroencephalography
Psychotic disorders
These disorders are characterised by fundamental impairments in thinking, perception or affectivity. Symptoms such as hallucinations ("hearing voices") or delusional experiences ("disorientation of reality") are typical. These disorders essentially include schizophrenia, schizotypal disorder, delusional disorders, acute transient psychotic disorders and schizoaffective disorders. In our clinic, these disorders are carefully diagnosed and treated in accordance with guidelines, either in an outpatient , inpatient or day -care setting. Drug treatment and psychotherapy are used, whereby the initial focus is often on drug treatment, particularly in the acute phase or in the treatment of so-called "positive symptoms" (e.g. "hearing voices"). Ensuring adequate treatment after inpatient treatment or acute therapy is particularly important and is ensured by arranging suitable follow-up measures.
Substance-related mental and behavioural disorders
Another focus of our clinic is the treatment of mental disorders that occur in connection with the use of psychotropic substances.
As part of a multidisciplinary treatment team, we primarily treat the following disorders:
- Intoxication with alcohol or other psychotropic substances (unless internal monitoring is required)
- Withdrawal syndromes (predominantly alcohol, unless internal monitoring is required)
- Substance-induced psychotic disorders
Our clinic specialises in qualified detoxification from alcohol and benzodiazepines. Long-term detoxification is not offered at our clinic.
Outpatient treatment:
Contact Psychiatric Institute Outpatient Clinic
Inpatient treatment (or outside of outpatient consultation hours):
Contact Bleuler ward