Consultation hours and outpatient clinics

University and institute outpatient clinic

Profilbild von Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Connemann

Prof. Dr. med. Bernhard Connemann

Stellv. Direktor | Leitender Oberarzt


Dr. med. Petra Cermak  

Dr. med. Sandra Connemann  

 Amelie Dietrich  

 Gelarda Gabrani  

 Teresa Holm  

Dr. med. Katharina Kandler  

Dr. med. Hannah Kind  

Dr. med. Dobrila Klein  


Dr. med. Tatjana Meier  

 Luca Schäfer  

Dr. med. Visal-Zehra Tumani  

Dr. med. Theresia Wüchner  


 Gülcan Akin  

 Antonina Filipova  

 Christiane Frieß  

 Andrea Lasar  

 Margret Lauber  

 Viola Stucke  



Outpatient clinic Leimgrubenweg

Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy III
Room E.10, ground floor
Leimgrubenweg 12-14
89075 Ulm (Safranberg)

Plan your journey


Make an appointment:

Telephone: 0731 500-61500

Fax: 0731 500-61502


Bachmannstrasse outpatient clinic

Reha Verein Ulm
Ground floor
Bachmannstraße 11
89073 Ulm (Dichterviertel, near the main railway station)

Plan your journey


Make an appointment:

Telephone: 0731 500-61507

Fax: 0731 500-61508



You can reach us by phone:

Monday to Thursday 08.00 - 17.00

Friday 08.00 - 15.00


Outside these hours, please contact the doctor on duty on 0731 500-61460.

The university outpatient clinic and the psychiatric institute outpatient clinic offer comprehensive psychiatric emergency care seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
The doctor on duty can be contacted after the outpatient secretariat has closed on 0731 500-61460. In an emergency, you can also be seen in person on our premises at any time without an appointment.
In many cases, a consultation with the doctor is already very helpful; however, if inpatient admission is necessary, this can be arranged without any problems and in the vast majority of cases can take place here on our premises. The specialist standard is maintained at all times.

The psychiatric university outpatient clinic is primarily responsible for the diagnosis of complex or unclear mental disorders and provides scientifically based treatment recommendations. In many cases, the psychiatric university outpatient clinic is consulted for a second opinion. There is particular expertise in a number of areas for which special consultation hours are offered. Patients referred by general practitioners and neurologists with specific questions are examined using the University Hospital's equipment and interdisciplinary expertise. In addition, patients from other departments at Ulm University Hospital, the Ulm Rehabilitation Hospital and the Agaplesion Bethesda Clinic for Geriatric Illnesses receive psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care as part of consultation and liaison psychiatry.

The treatment offered by the Psychiatric Institute Outpatient Clinic (PIA) is aimed at patients who, due to the nature, severity and duration of their illness, require continuous, hospital-based care that cannot usually be provided by other service providers. In many cases, the PIA makes it possible to avoid inpatient hospitalisation altogether or at least shorten the duration of inpatient treatment. This makes a significant contribution to stabilising the social integration of patients. The PIA initiates targeted therapeutic measures close to the patient's home and guarantees a continuity of treatment that cannot currently be achieved in outpatient treatment in any other way. This continuity of treatment also includes continuity of personnel and continuity of the personal relationship between the patient and the multi-professional treatment team. Through close contact and outreach help, the outpatient clinic can often provide successful therapy even if the patient is insufficiently motivated or cannot muster the necessary drive to attend the consultation.
Specifically, patients are treated who require long-term, continuous treatment because they suffer from persistent or recurring mental disorders or illnesses, in particular depression, bipolar affective disorders (manic-depressive), schizophrenia, severe courses of so-called personality disorders or complicated addiction disorders. Older patients with age-related mental or cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer's disease can also be treated in the psychiatric outpatient clinic.
The range of services offered by the outpatient clinic includes the entire spectrum of psychiatric-psychotherapeutic diagnostics and therapy in line with the current state of medical knowledge. This includes a detailed psychopathological assessment and psychological diagnosis, up-to-date psychopharmacotherapy, the entire range of social therapy instruments including outreach treatment, psychoeducation in groups with the involvement of patients' relatives and psychotherapy. These services are used as part of individualised overall treatment plans.

Dear patients,

Welcome to the homepage of our special consultation for patients with adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adult ADHD), which is offered as part of a second opinion outpatient clinic as a service for general practitioners.

The following documents are required to make an appointment:

  • Referral certificate for a second opinion from a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy
  • All medical findings to date, including paediatric and adolescent medical and psychiatric/psychotherapeutic findings
  • School reports from primary school
  • The findings of a complete neuropsychological examination, e.g. from a neuropsychological practice with a health insurance fund.

We kindly ask you to cancel an appointment at least 48 hours in advance if you are unable to keep it.

Your outpatient team

  • Psychotraumatology (post-traumatic stress disorders)
  • Patients with a Turkish migration background
  • Delusional disorders (delusions of jealousy, delusions of theft, dermatozoan delusions)

We offer two outpatient skills groups for patients with emotionally unstable personality disorder of the borderline type. Group therapy based on DBT (dialectical behavioural therapy) focuses on mindfulness training, teaching skills for stress tolerance and dealing with feelings as well as interpersonal skills and self-esteem.

The groups take place every fortnight on Tuesdays from 4.00 to 5.30 pm.
To register, please make an appointment at our psychiatric outpatient clinic on 0731-500-61500 for an initial or preliminary discussion.

Under the direction of Dr David Mikusky and Prof. Dr Birgit Abler, Ulm University Hospital offers specialised therapy for people with disorders caused by addictive behaviour in the area of internet and digital games.

Based on the latest edition of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) of the World Health Organisation (WHO), behavioural addictions can also be specifically diagnosed and treated accordingly in future. These include internet addiction and addiction to digital games, referred to as "gaming disorder" in the ICD-11.

Typical symptoms of gaming disorder are
- Reduced control over gaming (on the console, PC, handheld or smartphone)
- Prioritisation of gaming at the expense of other interests and activities
- Continued excessive gaming despite subjectively experienced negative consequences

Other possible symptoms are
- Unsuccessful attempts to reduce gaming
- Increase in time invested in gaming
- A strongly felt need to play
- Mood swings and angerMood swings and anger in situations in which gaming must be avoided
- Sleep disorders and physical consequences of lack of exercise

A disorder requiring treatment only arises when these symptoms lead to significant impairment and disadvantages in the personal, family, social and/or professional sphere. This also means, for example, that dedicated playing should not be regarded as a disorder.

If there are people in your treatment who are affected or if you yourself suffer from the symptoms mentioned and are also motivated to take part in specialised treatment, we would like to encourage you to contact us.

When the number of participants reaches 8, we offer a group therapy programme of 15 sessions per week.

Contact us via

  • Psychiatric-psychological diagnostics
  • Psychometry and neuropsychology
  • Electroencephalography and magnetic resonance imaging of the neurocranium
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
  • Trauma-centred psychotherapy and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing)
  • Supportive counselling therapy
  • Home visits
  • Prescription of treatment care
  • Counselling and support in all social matters
  • Occupational, art, music and sports therapy
  • Group programmes:
    • Psychoeducation group for patients with chronic psychoses
    • Trauma-centred therapy
    • Depth-psychologically orientated individual discussions
    • Skills group based on DBT for patients with borderline personality disorder (by prior appointment)

Patients at the psychiatric university outpatient clinic are usually referred by general practitioners or neurologists, specialist departments or hospitals. A referral letter is required to visit the psychiatric outpatient clinic.
We endeavour to avoid waiting times and therefore ask you to make an appointment in advance by telephone. The secretariat of our outpatient clinics can be reached Monday to Thursday 08.00 - 17.00 and Friday 08.00 - 15.00 on tel. 0731 500-61500 or -61501.
In addition to German, English and French, Croatian, Serbian and Turkish are also spoken in our outpatient clinics. External interpreting services may be required for other languages; if possible, this should be clarified by telephone before the appointment.

Sie sind Patient/-in in unserer Hochschulambulanz/Institutsambulanz? Wir möchten Ihnen den Bestellvorgang für Rezepte außerhalb Ihres Sprechstundentermins so angenehm wie möglich gestalten. Sie können das unten stehende Formular verwenden, um online Ihre Rezeptbestellung für Ihre Dauermedikation mit psychiatrischer Indikation (oder psychiatrische Dauermedikation) aufzugeben. Bitte beachten Sie dabei die folgenden Hinweise und Ausnahmeregelungen.

Wichtige Hinweise:

• Ihre Versichertenkarte wurde bereits im laufenden Quartal erfolgreich eingelesen? Dann können Medikamente, die Sie bisher auf einem „rosa Rezept“ erhalten haben, als e-Rezept ausgestellt werden.

• Beachten Sie bitte, dass einige Verordnungen noch nicht als e-Rezept möglich sind. Eine Übersicht der Ausnahmen finden Sie weiter unten.

• Es können nur Rezepte für eine bereits durch unsere Klinik verordnete Dauermedikation ausgestellt werden. Bitte beachten Sie, dass bei neuen Medikamenten immer zunächst ein persönlicher Arztkontakt erforderlich ist.

• Nach Versand der Bestellung sind Ihre Medikamente am nächsten Werktag in der Apotheke abholbereit. Für Bestellungen, die ab Freitagnachmittag oder am Wochenende eingehen, stehen die Medikamente ab Dienstag der darauffolgenden Woche zur Verfügung.

Ausnahmen für das e-Rezept:

Folgende Verordnungen können derzeit nicht als e-Rezept ausgestellt werden:

• Privatrezepte, BG-Rezepte und bestimmte Krankenkassen (z. B. Heilfürsorge, PostB)

• Betäubungsmittel


Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Mithilfe!


Psychotherapy outpatient clinic at the AWIP

Profilbild von Dr. biol. hum. M.Sc. Julia Bosch

Dr. biol. hum. M.Sc. Julia Bosch

Leitende Psychologin | Institutsleitung AWIP

Outpatient clinic management

M.Sc. Jill Steingrüber-Jüngst  

M.Sc. Anna Stylianopoulou  


 Annalena May  

 Rosa Reibach  


The AWIP's psychotherapy outpatient clinic offers behavioural therapy-oriented guideline psychotherapy as a targeted, requested, assessed, approved and contingent measure for patients. The costs are generally covered in full by the statutory health insurance funds.

Adult patients with statutory health insurance (from the age of 18) with all mental illnesses can be admitted if the disorder is amenable to psychotherapy. The course of treatment is comparable to that in the practice of a registered therapist.

In behavioural therapy, various methods based on scientific findings are used. On the basis of specific goals worked out with the patient, the measures focus on the patient's experience and behaviour.

As our psychotherapies are only carried out on an outpatient basis, we are unable to treat patients with acute self-endangerment (acute suicidal tendencies) and acute psychoses. Inpatient treatment is indicated in these cases. We are also unable to treat patients with addictions, as withdrawal or inpatient detoxification therapy is required first. On the other hand, outpatient follow-up treatment is possible in our outpatient clinic if the patient is already abstinent.

Up to 40 therapists work in the outpatient clinic, all of whom have a degree in psychology and are now completing their specialist training in behavioural therapy at the AWIP as part of the state-recognised psychotherapist training (PsychThG). The treatments at the AWIP take place under close supervision (=specialist supervision), so that a high quality of treatment is ensured at all times. Supervision is the standard for quality assurance in all recognised psychotherapy methods. The quality of therapy is also assessed and assured by means of audio and video recordings of the treatment and regular patient surveys. All staff involved in the treatment case, such as the therapist himself or the supervisor assigned to him, are bound to confidentiality.


Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy III
AWIP - Room 4.03, 4th floor
Leimgrubenweg 12-14
89075 Ulm (Safranberg)

Telephone consultation hours:

Monday to Friday 08.00 - 12.00
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 13.00 - 16.00

Phone: 0731 500-61595
Fax: 0731 500-61596

Patients of our outpatient clinic can also send us their appointment cancellations by e-mail.
Please note that it is generally not possible to be added to our waiting list by e-mail.

Our waiting list is currently closed. From 15.01.2025 to 24.01.2025 you have the opportunity to contact us during our telephone consultation hours and be placed on the waiting list (subject to change).

The appointments usually last 50 minutes. Please bring your health insurance card with you to all appointments. If you are unable to keep an appointment, please cancel in good time at our outpatient clinic office.

Probationary sessions (trial sessions)

After allocation of the therapist, up to four trial sessions will take place, which serve to get to know each other, for further diagnostics and therapy planning. All subsequent appointments usually take place on the same day of the week and at the same time. The aim of this first joint working phase is for both you and the therapist to make a positive decision in favour of starting psychotherapy.

Decision on further therapy and application to the health insurance company

If the decision is made in favour of further therapy, the therapist submits a corresponding application to the health insurance company. You can only start treatment with your therapist once the health insurance company has approved your application. During this waiting period for the health insurance company to approve the assumption of costs, your therapist can offer you appointments as required to bridge the gap.

Course of therapy

As a rule, behavioural therapy can be completed in 12-60 therapy sessions. In some cases, up to 80 treatment hours may be required. The individual therapy sessions last 50 minutes each and usually take place once a week (on the same day of the week at the same time).

If you would like to receive behavioural therapy treatment at the AWIP, you can register for the outpatient clinic as follows:

Call during telephone consultation hours

Your concerns and contact details will be recorded and you will be placed on the waiting list. You will then be given an appointment for a preliminary consultation (see below). We would like to take this opportunity to point out that inclusion on our waiting list and participation in a preliminary consultation do not guarantee that you will receive a treatment place in our outpatient clinic. We will be happy to accept your registration on our waiting list by telephone or in person.

Our waiting list is currently closed. From 15.01.2025 to 24.01.2025 you have the opportunity to contact us during our telephone consultation hours and be placed on the waiting list (subject to change).

Preliminary discussion

As soon as a possible therapy place is available, a preliminary meeting will be arranged with a therapist from the management team to get to know each other. If it is determined in this meeting that outpatient treatment within the framework of the guideline psychotherapy seems sensible and possible within the framework of the training institute, you will be given a therapy place with one of our therapists. Where possible, your concerns, e.g. regarding possible therapy times, will be taken into account.