Nursing division management / ward management
Markus Laaser
Margarete Plümke
Petra Rapp
Ingrid Schmidt
Contact us
Phone 0731 500-61430
Fax 0731 500-61432
You can reach us
Monday to Friday from 08.00 - 16.00
Welcome to the website of the Day Clinic of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy III at Ulm University Hospital! We are delighted that you are interested in our day clinic. In the following, we would like to briefly describe what "day clinic" means, which treatment programmes we offer and, above all, how you can be admitted to us.
The day clinic is a "clinic without a bed". It is a special "day-care" therapy programme for patients with mental disorders and illnesses that do not require (full) inpatient treatment and cannot be adequately treated on an outpatient basis. The day clinic thus stands between outpatient and inpatient treatment, so to speak. The aim of the day clinic is to avoid or shorten a (full) inpatient stay and to prepare for outpatient therapy. In addition, professional and social integration is to be ensured by offering treatment that is as close to everyday life as possible. This is achieved by remaining in the normal home environment overnight and at weekends as well as through intensive socio-educational support.
Our day clinic has 23 places. We treat patients with most mental disorders and illnesses, e.g. schizophrenia and other psychoses, depression, addiction disorders (without current substance use), personality and behavioural disorders, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders, certain eating and sleep disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults, mild organic mental disorders and other clinical pictures.
However, the day clinic is not suitable for patients who are still dependent on alcohol or illegal drugs, for dementia patients or for patients with confusion or disorientation.
In particular, the day clinic attempts to facilitate a return to work and professional reorientation, but is not a rehabilitation facility; the prerequisite for a stay is the need for semi-inpatient treatment as evidenced by a specialist referral.
The day clinic is open on weekdays from 8.00 am to 4.00 pm. During this time, all psychiatric examinations, ward rounds, psychotherapeutic consultations, accompanying therapies, group activities, counselling by the social services as well as instrumental and laboratory diagnostics take place. To illustrate the daily routine, you will find a typical weekly schedule here, which is, however, put together individually and specifically for each patient (psychotherapy, occupational, occupational and other therapies, household training, internships, psychoeducation and other discussion groups, community activities, social skills training).
Admissions and admissions are possible directly from the home environment or following full inpatient treatment, usually at short notice with a waiting time of less than two weeks. Registration takes place via the attending physician directly with the admission doctor at the day clinic, who can be contacted on 0731 500-61430 . If you were last treated as an outpatient, you will need to be admitted to hospital by a doctor; this is not necessary if you have been transferred from a clinic. Before an appointment is made for admission to the day clinic, an initial consultation takes place. During the initial consultation, a decision is usually made as to whether a stay at the day clinic is currently medically necessary and appropriate.
It is important to bring the following documents with youto theinitial consultation:
- Medical findings and hospital discharge reports
- X-ray findings, in particular from imaging of the head (CT, MRI) and
- a list of your current medication.
Please also note that your ability to drive may be impaired due to the illness or treatment. As a rule, you should therefore not visit the day clinic in your own car. Due to our location close to the city centre on the lower Safranberg between Heidenheimer Strasse and Stuttgarter Strasse, the day clinic is easily accessible on foot or by public transport (bus route 4, stops Steinhövelstrasse or Örlinger Tal).
Contact us
Phone 0731 500-61440
Fax 0731 500-61442
Patient telephone 0731 500-61441
Our visiting hours are
Monday to Thursday 18.30 - 20.00
Friday 16.00 - 20.00
Saturday, Sundays and public holidays 09.00 - 20.00
On the Jaspers ward, we treat the entire spectrum of mental disorders that require elective inpatient treatment on a voluntary basis.
Inpatient admission takes place after referral and registration by the practising specialist.
The diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnestic interviews and instrumental-technical methods to rule out other illnesses that may underlie the psychological complaints.
Treatment is individualised and specific to the disorder by a multi-professional treatment team consisting of doctors, psychologists, movement, music, sports, occupational and art therapists, social education workers and psychiatric nursing staff. The average inpatient stay is 22 days. After discharge, further treatment is organised as part of individual discharge management. If necessary, subsequent further treatment in our day clinic is possible to activate resources and stabilise the patient.
Contact us
Phone 0731 500-61450
Fax 0731 500-61452
Patient telephone 0731 500-61451
Our visiting hours are
Monday to Friday 18.30 - 20.00
Saturday, Sundays and public holidays 09.00 - 20.00
On the Beringer ward, we treat the entire spectrum of mental disorders that require elective inpatient treatment on a voluntary basis.
Inpatient admission takes place after referral and registration by the practising specialist.
The diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnestic interviews and instrumental-technical methods to rule out other illnesses that may underlie the psychological complaints.
Treatment is individualised and specific to the disorder by a multi-professional treatment team consisting of doctors, psychologists, movement, music, sports, occupational and art therapists, social education workers and psychiatric nursing staff. The average inpatient stay is 22 days. After discharge, further treatment is organised as part of individual discharge management. If necessary, subsequent further treatment in our day clinic is possible to activate resources and stabilise the patient.
Nursing division management / ward management
Stefan Dähne
Beatrix Hammerschmidt
Joachim Kempfle
Julia Cano Roldan
Karin van der Schüür
Sinaida van Laarhoven
Contact us
Phone 0731 500-61450
Fax 0731 500-61452
Patient telephone 0731 500-61451
Our visiting hours are
Monday to Friday 16.30 - 20.00
Saturday, Sundays and public holidays 08.00 - 20.00
Our clinic offers an inpatient programme with dialectical-behavioural therapy (DBT) for acutely psychiatrically ill patients.
Patients with emotionally unstable personality disorder as well as other mental illnesses amenable to DBT can be admitted. Registration for DBT treatment takes place via the respective ward doctor. Please leave your telephone number for a callback via the patient registration desk at our clinic 0731 500-61490 .
The specific elements of the programme include mindfulness training, skills groups on stress tolerance and emotion regulation, one-to-one psychotherapeutic sessions and care treatment. The programme can be completed in around 8 weeks, with the duration of treatment depending on the symptoms. Therefore, both shorter and sometimes longer stays are the rule.
Contact us
Phone 0731 500-61460
Fax 0731 500-61462
Patient telephone 0731 500-61461
Our visiting hours are
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 16.00 - 20.00
Wednesday 17.00 - 20.00
Friday 15.30 - 20.00
Saturday, Sundays and public holidays 09.00 - 20.00
On the Bleuler ward, we treat the entire spectrum of mental disorders that require particularly intensive treatment in a protective environment due to their severity and acute nature (e.g. due to acute danger to themselves or others). As a rule, patients request treatment themselves, but in rare cases treatment is also provided on the basis of a court-ordered placement.
Inpatient admission to our closed ward usually takes place after referral by the psychiatrist treating the outpatient or via our outpatient clinic. Independent emergency admissions outside the consultation hours of our outpatient clinic (e.g. at night, at weekends and on public holidays) are possible at any time.
The diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnestic interviews and instrumental-technical methods to rule out other illnesses that may underlie the psychological complaints.
The multidisciplinary treatment is individual and disorder-specific, depending on the illness and the patient's wishes, with elements of modern psychopharmacotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, occupational, music and sports therapy with nursing and socio-educational co-treatment.
A total of 21 inpatient treatment places are available in two or three-bed rooms.