Fabric dispatch

The range of services offered by General Pathology includes the dispatch of (typically carcinogenic) tissue material in the form of HE sections, slides or paraffin blocks.

On the following pages, you can find out more about how the tissue dispatch process is organised at the Institute and how you can make enquiries.

General information
Information on the dispatch of tissue, such as any costs incurred
Requirements that must be met before tissue material can be dispatched.

Specification of the fabric type

  • The requester must specify the type of fabric they wish to receive

Purpose of the tissue material

  • The requester must specify the intended use of the tissue material, i.e. research or healthcare

Data protection

  • The requestor must prove that he has a declaration of consent from the patient.

Range of services of the institute

  • The planned examinations of the tissue material must not fall within the range of services offered by the Institute of Pathology. If this is not the case, the dispatch will be rejected with reference to the possibility of commissioning the Institute itself to provide this service.
Information about the tissue types that can be shipped.

Fabric is dispatched in the following forms:

  • Paraffin blocks
  • HE cuts
  • Empty sections (also called slides)

Paraffin blocks and HE sections must be returned to the institute as soon as the intended use has been fulfilled.

Purposes for which fabric material is shipped.

The following points result from the planned purpose of use:
Intended use Research

  • Dispatch is subject to a charge
  • Copies of findings are sent on request, provided the head of the institute agrees.

Purpose: Healthcare

  • Dispatch is free of charge
  • Copies of findings are sent
Data protection issues to be considered when sending tissue.

If the requesting party does not already have a declaration of consent from the patient, a sample form can be downloaded here, which can be used to obtain a declaration of consent from the patient:

  • Download sample consent form
Information on when and how much costs are incurred.

If the tissue material is intended for research purposes, a fee will be charged for dispatch. The Institute charges a fee of 25.00 euros per case for this (see article "Publication of slides and block material" (issue 4/05 of the association journal pathologie.de of the Bundesverband Deutscher Pathologen e.V.)).

These costs are borne by the requesting party (= invoice recipient) and are to be transferred to one of the accounts listed below. In this case, the requesting party will also receive an invoice with the tissue material.

Account holderUlm University HospitalUlm University Hospital
BankSavings Bank UlmBaden-Württembergische Bank Ulm
Bank code6305000060050101
Account number1064787439500404
Intended useas stated on the invoice


Fabric shipping process - graphically illustrated in a diagram.

The following diagram outlines the tissue dispatch process at the Institute of Pathology.

Doctors at Ulm University Hospital can download the section request form directly from the intranet page of the Institute of Pathology, fill it in on their PC and fax it to 56396.

To apply for a section externally, please contact the section assistant by telephone (Tel: 0731-500-56347).