Aim of the study:
The PILOT study is investigating the effectiveness of an app-based training programme to improve physical symptoms and quality of life in patients with post-COVID and long-COVID syndrome. The training programme includes sport (strength and endurance), breathing exercises and relaxation sessions.
Who can take part?
You can take part in the PILOT study if you suffer from persistent neurocognitive or physical impairments after SARS-CoV-2 infection. These include concentration and memory problems, rapid physical exhaustion and chronic fatigue.
The study is being carried out in co-operation with the sports medicine departments of the University Hospitals of Freiburg, Heidelberg, Tübingen and Ulm.
What will be done?
Participants are randomly assigned to either the intervention group or the waiting list control group.
Patients in the intervention group receive the app-based training with daily exercises. Subjects in the waiting list control group will receive access to the pp-based training after the end of the first study phase (after eight weeks) and an interim examination.
Both groups receive an initial examination and a final examination after 8 weeks. This involves an examination of physical performance, lung function tests, blood analyses, memory and concentration tests and a nutritional history. Physical activity, sleep, anxiety and depressive mood are also recorded.
Training content: daily exercises (endurance training, strength training with your own body weight, breathing exercises and progressive muscle relaxation)
What needs to be considered?
The PILOT app, developed by NeuroSys GmbH, is used for the training. The app fulfils data protection requirements. Myfood24 is used for the nutritional anamnesis. The data is pseudonymised and strictly protected. Patients in the intervention and control groups are covered by insurance for the entire duration of the study.
How can I take part?
Are you from Ulm or the surrounding area: If you are interested or have any questions, please send an e-mail to pilot@uniklinik-ulm.de
Download our privacy policy: Data protection regulations
If you come from the Tübingen, Heidelberg or Freiburg area: Please contact the respective sports medicine department.
Tübingen: Department of Sports Medicine, University Hospital | University of Tübingen (uni-tuebingen.de)
Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Hospital: Sports Medicine (uni-heidelberg.de)
Contact person
Dr. biol. hum. Lennart Mentz
Sportwissenschaftler, M.Sc.
- Telefon:
- 073150045336
- Fax:
- 073150045353
- E-Mail:
- lennart.mentz@uniklinik-ulm.de
- Anschrift:
- Leimgrubenweg 14
- 89075 Ulm
- Gebäude:
- Sportmedizin, SB
Lynn Matits
Psychologin, M.Sc.
- Telefon:
- 073150045350
- E-Mail:
- lynn.matits@uni-ulm.de
- Anschrift:
- Leimgrubenweg 14
- 89075 Ulm