Dear patients,
, dear colleagues,
, dear visitors to our website,

I am pleased to welcome you to the website of the Department of Internal Medicine II, which specialises in cardiology, angiology, pneumology, internal emergency and intensive care medicine as well as sports and rehabilitation medicine.

On the following pages, I would like to inform you as physicians, scientists, medical students and medical professionals, as well as patients, their relatives and other medically interested persons, about the services offered by my clinic, our possibilities and goals in patient care, research and medical education and training.

In addition, this website contains "links" with clear information on registration for outpatient and inpatient examinations and treatments in the various areas of my clinic as well as a list of your competent contacts for specific medical questions.

I hope that the following pages will provide you with some initial insights and helpful information about our clinic. If you are interested in more detailed information, I would like to invite you to make use of our additional information pages. There you will find detailed information on specific clinical pictures, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Of course, we will also be happy to answer your individual questions personally.

Your Prof Dr med Wolfgang Rottbauer

Contact us

Medical Director

Prof Dr Wolfgang Rottbauer

Phone: 0731 500-45001
Fax: 0731 500-45005

Our team

Appointment allocation private outpatient clinic

Mrs Weissmann

Phone: 0731 500-45003

Fax: 0731 500-45023

Appointment allocation

Appointments - outpatient

Patient management - outpatient

Mrs Offenwanger

Telephone: 0731 500-45010

Fax: 0731 500-45191


Appointment allocation

Appointment allocation - inpatient

Patient management - inpatient

Mrs Hupfauer

Phone: 0731 500-45050

Fax: 0731 500-45029


Appointment allocation

News and events

Die besten Kliniken Deutschlands: UKU und RKU belegen Platz 14

Focus "Klinikliste 2024" bestätigt erneut ausgezeichnete Patientenversorgung am Universitätsklinikum Ulm und den RKU – Universitäts- und Rehabilitationskliniken Ulm

Cardio Connection

Spezielle und herausfordernde Fälle der interventionellen Kardiologie

18:00 Uhr | Hotel Lago, Friedrichsau 50, 89073 Ulm

Excellent quality