Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (cardio-MRI)
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (cardio-MRI) is an imaging procedure that uses a strong magnetic field and a radio impulse to examine the heart, including the large vessels leading to and from it. The use of X-rays is completely dispensed with here. The magnetic field in the strengths used for clinical examinations on humans (≤ 3 Tesla) has not been shown to have any harmful effect on the body. However, there are metallic implants that make such an examination impossible (see also contraindications).
Registration for cardiovascular MRI examination
Phone 0731 500-45110 (Mrs Duda)
Fax 0731 500-45247
The outpatient MRI examination is fully reimbursable for all patients (GKV and PKV). It is not necessary to enquire about reimbursement from the respective insurance company.
A referral certificate for outpatient cardiological complex diagnostics/cardiac MRI is required.
In the case of cardio-MRI-compatible pacemakers and defibrillators, a brief presentation in our pacemaker outpatient clinic (Tel. 0731 500-45145) or ICD outpatient clinic (Tel. 0731 500-44044) immediately before and after the examination is absolutely necessary!
In the case of implanted event recorders, a query can be made by our pacemaker outpatient clinic by appointment before the MRI examination.
Please bring any existing implant cards with you!
Expertise in "Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging"
Our department is one of the few centres in Germany that is authorised to provide further training in cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging. The prerequisite is a completed cardiological specialist training.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.