Training as a child and adolescent psychotherapist
The AZVT's training and examination regulations are based on the Psychotherapists Act (PsychThG) and the training and examination regulations for child and adolescent psychotherapists (KJPsychTh-APrV).
After successfully completing their training, trainees receive a "certificate of participation in training events". This enables them to apply for admission to the state licence to practise in accordance with the KJPsychTh-APrV and subsequently obtain a licence to practise as a child and adolescent psychotherapist.
Weiterbildung Fachpsychotherapeut*in
Nachdem 2024 das AZVT die Anzeige als Weiterbildungsstätte ambulant und stationär mit angegliedertem WB-Institut gestellt hat (WZVT), gehen wir nach aktuellem Stand davon aus, dass wir ab dem 01. Oktober 2025 die Weiterbildung Fachpsychotherapeut*in am AZVT Ulm anbieten können. Aufgrund der Übergangsphase wird es sich hierbei zunächst um einen kleinen Pilotjahrgang handeln.
Bewerbungen werden ab sofort entgegen genommen.
Bitte richten Sie Ihre Bewerbung unter Verwendung unseres Bewerbungsformulars an folgende Adresse:
Geschäftsstelle AZVT
Steinhövelstraße 1
89075 Ulm
oder gerne auch per Mail an azvt.kjp[at]
Wir bitten außerdem um Übersendung folgender Bewerbungsunterlagen:
Tabellarischer Lebenslauf mit Lichtbild
ggf. Praktikumszeugnisse bzw. Arbeitszeugnisse
Ärztliches Attest über die gesundheitliche Eignung zur Ausübung eines Heilberufs
Supplementary KJP qualification for licensed psychological psychotherapists (PP) or psychological psychotherapists in advanced training
Since 2014, licenced psychological psychotherapists in advanced training have been able to obtain a supplementary qualification in child and adolescent psychotherapy (VT) in accordance with the current psychotherapy agreement.
Medical training
Doctors undergoing further training in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy can complete their structured further training in the special psychotherapy section at the AZVT.
For this purpose, a curriculum is offered which is based on the further training regulations of the Baden-Württemberg State Medical Association (version dated 15 March 2006).
However, the AZVT's further training curriculum is also open to doctors who wish to undergo further training in specialised child and adolescent psychotherapy in accordance with similar further training regulations of other federal states or other specialist areas.
Further training for psychological psychotherapists, child and adolescent psychotherapists and for doctors working in psychotherapy
Psychological psychotherapists, child and adolescent psychotherapists and doctors must undergo continuous further training during their professional careers and provide evidence of completed further training to the Chamber of Psychotherapists or the Medical Association.
As part of this continuing education obligation, the AZVT offers the opportunity to participate in continuing education events certified by the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Psychotherapists and the Baden-Württemberg Medical Association.