Consultation hours / Outpatient clinics

Our experts are there for you

Clinic for Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine, Head and Neck Surgery

ENT outpatient clinic

Phone 0731 500 59570

Fax 0731 500-59502

Monday to Friday 08:00 - 11.00 a.m.

Private consultation

Phone 0731 500 59507

Fax 0731 500 59509

Daily by appointment

ENT emergencies

Phone 0731 500 59570

ENT emergencies 24h

Outpatient appointment

  1. Referral slip (specialist / family doctor)
  2. Insurance card, information on supplementary insurance, identity card
  3. Relevant previous findings e.g. diagnostic findings (e.g. hearing test, laboratory, etc.) Doctor's letters, operation reports, imaging (CT, MRI images - digital if possible)
  4. Current medication plan
  5. Emergency card for e.g. allergy, blood clotting disorder

Inpatient admission

  1. Hospital referral form (specialist/family doctor)
  2. Insurance card, information on supplementary insurance, identity card
  3. Relevant previous findings e.g. diagnostic findings (e.g. hearing test, laboratory, etc.) Doctor's letters, operation reports, imaging (CT, MRI images - digital if possible)
  4. Current medication plan and special medication that is taken regularly
  5. Emergency card in case of e.g. allergy, blood clotting disorder



  1. Insurance card, information on supplementary insurance, identity card
  2. If possible, relevant previous findings, e.g. emergency card, current medication plan, etc.

Tumour consultation

Phone 0731 500 59570

Monday and Tuesday 07.30 - 11.30 a.m.

Digital imaging for consultations

Here you have the possibility to submit PACS studies directly.

We use TKmed Direkt for this purpose.

Then enter the necessary information and click on "Request dispatch link" to have an e-mail sent to you, which you can then use to send your study to us via TKmed Direkt.


Java version >=1.6 32 BIT is required for the upload.

Please note that transfers are only possible after prior discussion of the case with the doctor on duty.