As the largest tumour centre in the region, we treat all forms of malignant diseases in the head and neck area according to the latest diagnostic and therapeutic standards.
The most common malignant diseases in the head and neck area are the so-called squamous cell carcinomas of the upper respiratory and alimentary tract. Treatment requires a highly specialised team of doctors from various medical disciplines and a great deal of experience in tumour treatment - both of which are offered by the ENT Clinic at Ulm University Hospital.
As a cooperation partner of the oncology centre in the "Comprehensive Cancer Center Ulm" (CCCU), the ENT Clinic at Ulm University is certified according to the criteria of the German Cancer Society (DKG). This means that treatment decisions are made on an interdisciplinary basis, i.e. jointly by specialised doctors from all necessary disciplines, in a weekly conference in accordance with the latest guidelines. The special characteristics of each individual patient are taken into account. All therapies follow recognised quality standards and are constantly updated in line with the latest research. Patients and their relatives are present during the tumour conference and have the opportunity to discuss treatment planning with the medical experts from radiotherapy, ENT surgery, internal medicine, radiology and pathology.