You can rely on the quality of our work. This is constantly monitored by independent auditors and internal quality management and optimised through continuous exchange with other centres and adaptation to internationally recognised guidelines. We are part of a network of various specialist associations - German Cancer Society (DKG), German Cancer Aid (DKH), German Society for Senology (DGS) and German Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics (DGGG). We have already been awarded several quality certificates for our expertise.
Information on quality and risk management at Ulm University Hospital can be found on the website of the Quality and Risk Management Unit.
Certified breast centre
Our breast centre has been certified by the German Cancer Society and the German Society for Senology since 2003. This certificate demonstrates a particularly high level of expertise in the comprehensive diagnosis, treatment and counselling of patients with breast cancer. Comprehensive personal care based on the latest scientific knowledge is at the centre of our work.
Certified Gynaecological Tumour Centre
Of particular importance for the quality of medical care is the regular external inspection and certification of our Gynaecological Tumour Centre by the German Cancer Society. Due to this high quality and extensive experience, we were certified in 2008 as one of the first gynaecological tumour centres in Germany.
Certified endometriosis centre
Our endometriosis centre has been certified as a clinical endometriosis centre (level II) by the Endometriosis Research Foundation (SEF) since 2014. The award demonstrates a high level of quality in the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis.
Interdisciplinary continence and pelvic floor centre
Since 2015, our centre has been certified according to the criteria of the German Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, the German Society for Urology, the German Society for General and Visceral Surgery and the German Society for Coloproctology. The interdisciplinary centre pools the specialist knowledge of the experts and thus creates optimal medical care.

Perinatal centre - level 1
Together with the neonatology section of the paediatric clinic, we form a perinatal centre of the highest care level (level 1). With over 3,000 births per year, the Obstetrics Department of the Women's Clinic is an integral part of this centre. As the largest perinatal centre in the region, our tasks include the interdisciplinary care of pregnancies with a high risk of pregnancy and birth together with neonatology and other neighbouring disciplines at Ulm University Hospital.
Focus clinic and doctor list
The editorial team of Focus-Gesundheit regularly ranks Ulm University Hospital among the top clinics in Germany on the basis of an independent data survey. In the area of care for patients with breast cancer and in the area of obstetric care, our clinic is repeatedly ranked among the top national hospitals. Prof. Dr Wolfgang Janni and Prof. Dr Jens Huober are also listed as experts for breast cancer and gynaecological tumours in the current Focus list of doctors, as is Prof. Dr Frank Reister in the category of high-risk birth and prenatal diagnostics.
TumourCentre Alb-Allgäu-Bodensee
The University Women's Hospital Ulm is one of the members of the Tumour Centre Alb-Allgäu-Bodensee (Comprehensive Cancer Centre, CCCU), the Breast Centre and Gynaecological Tumour Centre are among the oncological organ centres of the CCCU. In the event of a malignant disease, our patients benefit from the extensive experience and comprehensive work of the Tumour Centre - one of 14 top oncology centres nationwide that are certified by German Cancer Aid for their excellent performance in tumour treatment and tumour research. At the CCCU's interdisciplinary tumour conferences, gynaecologists, oncologists, radiologists, radiotherapists and pathologists discuss the disease of each individual patient and work together to develop individual treatment recommendations based on the latest scientific findings and guidelines.
Aktionsbündnis Patientensicherheit e.V.
Outstanding medical quality can only have a positive effect for our patients if the risks of modern medical care are also optimally managed. A practised safety culture is therefore a top priority at our clinic. Many of the necessary measures (e.g. checklists or emergency training) were developed for gynaecology and obstetrics here at the hospital. The entire Ulm University Hospital has been a member of the APS since 2018.
German Consortium for Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer
Our Centre for Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer is one of the 17 university centres of the German Consortium for Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer. We are one of the founding members of this network. In each of these centres, an interdisciplinary team of gynaecologists, human geneticists and psychologists offers specialised advice on familial breast and ovarian cancer to provide optimal care for those seeking advice and patients.
D.I.R - German IVR Register
The DIR serves as the most important instrument in quality management (QM) - our UniFee Fertility Centre also participates in the Germany-wide QM.
FertiPROTEKT - Network for Fertility-Protective Measures
The FertiPROTEKT network stands for the highest quality in the counselling and treatment of fertility-preserving measures. Our UniFee Fertility Centre has been a member of the German-speaking network for many years.