The Comprehensive Cancer Center Ulm (CCCU) - integrative tumour centre of the University Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine - offers patients with malignant tumours interdisciplinary care at the highest level, incorporating the latest oncological research findings and the opportunity to participate in phase 1-3 trials. Our regional treatment partners work closely with us to ensure guideline-based treatment and pursue prevention and clinical research projects together with us.

The CCC Ulm is one of 14 top oncology centres in Germany funded by German Cancer Aid and is certified as an oncology centre by the German Cancer Society (DKG).

Contact and contact person


Phone: 0731 500-56056
Fax: 0731 500-56055

Email: or contact

Monday to Thursday:
08:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 16:00
Friday: 08:00 - 12:00


Medical Director

Prof Stephan Stilgenbauer, MD

News and events

Neues Konsortium „CCC-SüdWest“ von der Deutschen Krebshilfe als Onkologisches Spitzenzentrum ausgezeichnet

Die etablierten Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCCs) Tübingen-Stuttgart und Ulm stärken künftig im Verbund die Versorgung von Krebspatientinnen und -patienten in Baden-Württemberg

Multimodale Therapie bei Tumoren des oberen GI-Trakts

159. Onkologisches Kolloquium - Ärztliche Fortbildung

17:30 Uhr | Virtuelle Veranstaltung

Excellent quality