Dear patients

dear patients,

We, the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, are your companions at numerous workplaces at the University Hospital. Whether during a planned or emergency operation with a possible stay in the surgical intensive care unit, for chronic pain in our pain outpatient clinic or ward, or in emergencies in the hospital and on the streets of Ulm - my team of over 100 doctors is ready at any time, day or night, to provide you with good and safe care in exceptional situations.

Our most important task is your safety and freedom from pain!

Prof Dr Bettina Jungwirth

Contact and consultation hours

Medical Director
Prof Dr med B. Jungwirth

Phone: 0731 500-60000
Fax: 0731 500-60002

University outpatient clinic
(anaesthesia outpatient clinic) at Oberer Eselsberg

Phone: 0731 500-60063
Fax: 0731 500-53149

Albert-Einstein-Allee 23

89081 Ulm

Anaesthesia outpatient clinic at Michelsberg

Phone: 0731 500-60114
Fax: 0731 500-60116

Prittwitzstraße 43

89070 Ulm

Pain outpatient clinic at Oberer Eselsberg

Phone: 0731 500-60033
Fax: 0731 500-60035



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