Focus on penile carcinoma

Penile carcinoma is a relatively rare tumour in Germany, with around 600 new cases. In around 95% of cases, it is a so-called squamous cell carcinoma, which can originate from the superficial cell layer of the skin or mucous membrane. The remaining 5% of carcinomas in the area of the penis are malignant skin tumours (e.g. melanomas or basal cell carcinomas) and rarer soft tissue tumours (e.g. so-called sarcomas).

Profilbild von Prof. Dr. med. Friedemann Zengerling, MHBA, FEBU

Prof. Dr. med. Friedemann Zengerling, MHBA, FEBU

Oberarzt, Leitung konservative Uro-Onkologie, Leitung Urologische Studienzentrale

Consultation appointments

Phone 0731 500-54777

You can reach us by phone:
Monday to Friday: 7:30 - 14:30

Symptoms, diagnosis and therapy

Early symptoms can be skin changes on the glans, foreskin or other areas of the penis, which can resemble a rash. There is often painless reddening and plaque. If the foreskin is severely constricted, these skin changes may initially go undetected. A doctor should be consulted for clarification, who may recommend taking a tissue sample for a more detailed examination.

After a medical palpation of the genitals and the lymph nodes in the groin area, it is determined which further examinations are necessary. The attending physician decides whether a tissue sample or the complete surgical removal of the change is necessary in a further step.
Imaging procedures such as sonography, computer tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be used to make a more precise diagnosis.


In the case of smaller tumours, surgical removal can usually be performed in such a way that the penis remains intact (e.g. partial removal of the glans or the penis depending on the location and spread, followed by the best possible reconstruction). If the tumour has spread to the surrounding lymph nodes (metastasis), further surgery is usually necessary to remove the affected lymph nodes. Chemotherapy may be necessary in addition to the surgical treatment.