Translational and Experimental Research in Trauma Surgery
In 2016, the WHO reported that in Europe alone, around half a million people die every year as a result of violence and traumatic injuries. This makes trauma the leading cause of death worldwide for people under the age of 45.
A severe trauma is followed by a systemic immune response of varying degrees. If the immune system is overwhelmed by the severity of the injury, a life-threatening dysfunction of the immune system and blood coagulation can occur. This compromise of the body's defences can lead to sepsis. Sepsis is a failure of one or more organ systems caused by an infection and represents a life-threatening medical emergency.
Our focus is on researching the post-traumatic molecular and cellular mechanisms that lead to a dysfunctional immune response of the innate and acquired immune system. In order to improve the care of severely injured patients, we are researching these in preclinical and clinical studies. Our aim is to optimise diagnostics and treatment strategies in trauma and sepsis.
The close spatial and personal contact between the team at the Department of Trauma Surgery and the scientists at the trauma laboratory ideally facilitates the transfer of clinical questions to the laboratories and vice versa, thus enabling translational research.
National and international co-operation with basic scientists and clinicians as well as networking within the University of Ulm, especially within the framework of the SFB1149, are important resources for our research.

Working group leaders
Dr. med. sci. Christian Bergmann
Assistenzarzt, Arbeitsgruppenleiter Trauma und Sepsis, Clinician Scientist, Stellvertretender Leiter Unfallchirurgische Translationale und Experimentelle Forschung
Medical doctoral students
Tom Funk
Samuel Hofmann
Tobias Jooß
Technical employees
New job advertisements
Medical doctoral students wanted
- Dynamic immune monitoring in diabetic patients with diabetic foot infection
- Dynamic immune monitoring and interaction of adaptive innate immune system in polytrauma
Research assistants wanted
- for data entry for a
research project in the field of dysregulation of the immune system after severe trauma
Here you can find more information
Applications with CV and letter of motivation can be sent by email to the following address:,
In 2016, WHO reported that approximately half a million people die each year in Europe alone as a result of exposure to violence and traumatic injury. Trauma is the leading cause of death worldwide for people under the age of 45.
Following severe trauma, a systemic immune response of varying magnitude occurs. If the immune system is overwhelmed by the severity of the injury, life-threatening immune and blood clotting dysfunction can occur. As part of this compromise of the body's defences, sepsis can occur. Sepsis is a failure of one or more organ systems caused by an infection and is a life-threatening medical emergency.
Our focus is to understand the post-traumatic molecular and cellular mechanisms that lead to a dysfunctional immune response of the innate and acquired immune system. In order to improve the care of severely injured patients, we study them in preclinical and clinical trials. In doing so, our goal is to optimise diagnostics and therapeutic strategies in trauma and sepsis.
The close spatial and personal contact between the team of the Department of Trauma Surgery and the scientists of the trauma laboratory ideally enables the transfer of clinical questions to the laboratories and vice versa, thus facilitating translational research.
National and international collaborations with basic scientists and clinicians as well as networking within the University of Ulm, especially within the SFB1149, represent important resources for our research.