Vertebral body fractures are associated with the risk of spinal cord damage. For this reason, spinal injuries must be diagnosed with the utmost care and treated appropriately. As the second oldest department of trauma surgery in Germany, we have decades of experience in treating these injuries. Numerous scientific publications on this problem originate from our department and have helped to shape the modern understanding of spinal surgery. As a supra-regional spinal centre in southern Germany, we offer the complete range of operations for the treatment of vertebral fractures and their sequelae.

  • Stabilisation of vertebral fractures
  • Spinal surgery using a navigation system
  • Correction of post-traumatic misalignments of the spine
  • Stabilisation of osteoporotic vertebral fractures
  • Minimally invasive spinal surgery
  • Tumour surgery of the spine
Stabilisation of vertebral fractures

Cervical spine: All injuries to the upper and lower cervical spine are treated using modern titanium implants in an advanced and gentle surgical procedure.
Thoracic and lumbar spine: We mainly stabilise injuries to the thoracic and lumbar spine using locking internal fixator systems via a posterior approach. This enables the patient to get out of bed independently on the first day after the operation. In some cases, further interventions are necessary to stabilise the fracture via anterior (ventral) approaches. The decision to perform such procedures is made together with the patient after careful consideration of the advantages and disadvantages. Wherever possible, we perform ventral procedures using minimally invasive techniques. A stable-angle implant has been specially developed in our department for this purpose.

Spinal surgery using a navigation system

Certain circumstances can make it very difficult to place the implants correctly in the vertebral body. Navigation systems, similar to those used in road traffic, can be very helpful here. At the beginning of the operation, a medical navigation system obtains a three-dimensional image data set of the bony structures in the operating theatre. These images then show the surgeon the path to take for the implant screws. We were among the first pioneers to utilise this technique in Germany and have also validated and established it through scientific work.

Correction of post-traumatic misalignments of the spine

Vertebral body fractures can heal in misalignments. Misalignments can lead to posture-related pain and neurological deficits. In these cases, we perform corrective surgery.
Stabilisation of osteoporotic vertebral fractures
With age, the density of the bony structures decreases more and more, which leads to the clinical picture of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis significantly increases the risk of bone fractures, so that sometimes seemingly harmless everyday stresses can lead to a vertebral body fracture. The back pain is often almost impossible to control with medication and means that older people are bedridden and often in need of care. In such cases, kyphoplasty/vertebroplasty can provide rapid pain relief with minimal access morbidity. At the same time, kyphoplasty/vertebroplasty minimises the risk of spinal deformity.

Minimally invasive spinal surgery

Minimally invasive surgical techniques utilise the smallest possible access routes to the bone. This saves blood, protects the muscles and soft tissue and causes significantly less post-operative pain. Patient comfort can be significantly increased as a result. In traumatological spinal surgery, two techniques should be mentioned here:

  1. Kyphoplasty/vertebroplasty: sleeves are inserted into the fractured vertebral body via two stab incisions of approx. one centimetre. The vertebral body is first straightened by a balloon via these sleeves and the resulting cavity is then filled with cement. The procedure ensures rapid pain relief with minimal surgical stress.
  2. Thoracoscopic spinal surgery: The cavity of the thorax is used as a working space. Primarily, three small plastic tubes are inserted into the wall of the thorax via stab incisions. These tubes serve as openings through which the operation can be performed using long instruments. Many problems that were previously caused by the long incision required can be avoided using this technique. Patients are mobile more quickly and experience less pain.
Profilbild von Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Dehner

Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Dehner

Leitender Oberarzt, Leiter der Schwerpunkte Arbeitsunfälle, Gelenkersatz, Prothese, Freizeit- und Sportunfälle, Wirbelsäule und Becken

Profilbild von Prof. Dr. med. Konrad Schütze

Prof. Dr. med. Konrad Schütze

Leitender Oberarzt | stellvertretender Ärztlicher Direktor; Zentrumskoordinator des AltersTraumaZentrums, Koordinator des Überregionalen TraumaZentrums, Leiter Wirbelsäule und Becken

Phone 0731 500 54507

Appointments can be made via Mrs Settele Mon - Fri from 10:00-12:00h

outside these times, please contact the outpatient appointment centre on 0731-500-54777