The Clinic for Trauma, Hand, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is one of the pioneer and reference clinics in the application of computer navigated surgery in Europe. For over 10 years, new applications have been developed and existing ones transferred to clinical routine.
Computer-navigated surgery is primarily used to increase the accuracy of implant placement (plates and screws) and at the same time minimise the soft tissue damage caused by the operation. For this purpose, the anatomical area to be operated on is precisely scanned during the operation using imaging tomography. This produces a 3-dimensional image of the bones and the surrounding soft tissue.
Similar to car navigation systems, it is then possible to precisely determine the position of individual instruments in relation to bony structures and internal organs.
Computer navigated surgery is currently used routinely for the following operations:

  • Surgical treatment of pelvic fractures
  • Surgical treatment of fractures of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine
  • Implantation of artificial knee joints
  • Repositioning and corrective operations on the skeletal system
  • Removal of bone and soft tissue tumours