For several decades, our clinic has been treating all forms of malignant bone and soft tissue tumours in the entire skeletal area, including the spine and bone metastases of all entities in children and adults. This is primarily carried out on an interdisciplinary basis as part of the Ulm Sarcoma Centre.
Care is provided by a competent team, a separate tumour consultation is available, appointments by arrangement. Patients are cared for in close co-operation with local doctors and referring physicians.

Tumour surgery of the spine

Unfortunately, the spine is not spared from benign and malignant tumours. Since the destruction of a vertebral body by a tumour carries the risk of paraplegia, surgical interventions are often necessary. At the same time, the treatment of a tumour is an interdisciplinary task in which various specialists must contribute their skills. An optimum treatment plan is drawn up for each patient with a tumour disease by a group of specialists. Many tumour diseases can thus be treated with a good prognosis. Surgical tasks include

  1. Biopsies of vertebral body metastases: This is important in order to be able to assess the exact origin of the tumour and its degree of malignancy. This information is the basis for any tumour treatment.
  2. Stabilisation of fracture-prone affected vertebral bodies: The same procedures are used for this as for the stabilisation of vertebral body fractures.
  3. Vertebral body replacement for vertebral body metastases: If a tumour has led to major bone loss, we use titanium implants to bridge the defect.
Profilbild von Prof. Dr. med Markus Schultheiß

Prof. Dr. med Markus Schultheiß

Geschäftsführender Oberarzt, Leiter des Sarkomzentrums, Leiter Schwerpunkt Tumore Knochen-/ Weichteile und onkologische Wirbelsäulenchirurgie

Profilbild von Dr. med. Alexandra von Baer

Dr. med. Alexandra von Baer

Stellv. Leiterin Schwerpunkt Tumore Knochen und Weichteile

Phone 0731 500 54516

Fax 0731 500 54532