Our profile
The focus on arthroscopy, sports injuries and deformities has set itself the goal of offering patients a comprehensive range of treatments for acute joint injuries as well as consequential damage and signs of wear and tear. The management team has extensive experience in this field. By regularly attending congresses and advanced training courses, the most modern treatment methods can be offered. Prof Dr Röderer is a certified arthroscopist according to the criteria of the AGA, Europe's largest specialist association for arthroscopy and joint surgery. In addition to the AGA, he is a member of the German Knee Society (DKG) and the German Society for Trauma Surgery. We will be happy to examine and advise you during our consultation hours (see below).
Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure for treating injuries and signs of wear and tear (degenerative changes) in joints. This method is primarily used on the knee and shoulder joints. However, arthroscopies are also routinely performed in our clinic on the upper ankle joint (OSG) and elbow joint.
The knee joint is a recognised focus of arthroscopic surgery at our clinic. In this area, we treat the entire spectrum of acute injuries, which often occur in athletes, as well as degenerative changes. We perform all types of ligament surgery (anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments, medial and lateral ligaments), meniscus surgery (partial resection, suturing) and cartilage surgery (Fig. 1).

In cartilage surgery, we use state-of-the-art procedures such as ACT (= autologous chondrocyte transplantation) in the case of extensive cartilage damage. Here, a small sample of healthy cartilage is removed from the patient arthroscopically, from which cartilage cells are then multiplied in the laboratory. These are then reintroduced into the patient arthroscopically or via a small opening of the joint (arthrotomy) (Fig. 2). In this way, extensive cartilage damage can be effectively treated and the risk of future osteoarthritis reduced.

If there is extensive cartilage damage with simultaneous damage to the underlying bone, the transplantation of bone-cartilage cylinders (OATS = osteochondral autologous transplantation) can be useful. This involves removing such a cylinder from an unloaded area of the knee joint and inserting it into the affected area. Arthroscopy of the knee joint is also frequently used as a complementary procedure for other operations, such as axis corrections or the treatment of bone fractures. The knee joint is a very complex construct with a number of important structures in a small space. In the event of injury, this can lead to several structures being involved(complex trauma), meaning that multi-stage treatment may be necessary. But even in the case of degenerative changes, it is important to select the appropriate procedure for the patient in question from the wide range of treatment options.
Arthroscopic treatment of rotator cuff tears, shoulder instability (dislocation of the shoulder joint), shoulder impingement syndrome and calcific shoulder pain (tendinitis calcarea) is routinely performed on the shoulder joint. The arthroscopic treatment spectrum for the ankle joint includes osteoarthritis, the so-called " footballer 's ankle" (painful bony growths on the tibia and/or talus) and osteochondrosis dissecans (OD). In the latter case, arthroscopy is often used as an aid in selecting the actual treatment procedure (drilling, ACT, OATS). At the elbow, arthroscopy is used for osteoarthritis and instabilities.
Sports injuries
As a club athlete , you can receive optimal and comprehensive treatment, as the Clinic for Trauma Surgery has the appropriate authorisation from the German Employers' Liability Insurance Association (BG). As the knee joint is most frequently affected in sports accidents, it also forms the focus of our treatment spectrum for sports injuries. As described in the section on arthroscopy, the entire range of reconstructive surgery of the knee joint is offered here, both for acute injuries and their chronic sequelae.
Your appointment
Phone 0731-500-54507
Appointments can be made via Mrs Settele Mon - Fri from 10:00-12:00h
outside these times, please contact the outpatient appointment centre on 0731-500-54777