All types of injuries of all ages are treated in our state-of-the-art central emergency department. The spectrum ranges from minor injuries to the most serious injuries.
We are also authorised to treat accidents at work in accordance with the Injury Type Procedure (VAV) and the Severe Injury Type Procedure (SAV). Bone fractures that do not require surgery can be treated directly in our emergency department (plaster room) with a plaster splint. However, many injuries or fractures require surgical treatment. Depending on the urgency, all patients are either admitted as inpatients immediately or after appropriate preparation for the planned operation.
We perform surgical treatment of bone fractures both on an outpatient and inpatient basis.
In addition to the emergency department, we also have a university outpatient trauma surgery clinic. The university outpatient clinic is organised in the same way as a doctor's surgery. Appointments for consultations or follow-up visits can be made at any time by contacting us on 0731-500-54777.

Profilbild von Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Dehner

Prof. Dr. med. Christoph Dehner

Leitender Oberarzt, Leiter der Schwerpunkte Arbeitsunfälle, Gelenkersatz, Prothese, Freizeit- und Sportunfälle, Wirbelsäule und Becken

Profilbild von Dr. med. Alexander Eickhoff

Dr. med. Alexander Eickhoff

Oberarzt, Ständiger Vertreter des Chefarztes im Durchgangsarztverfahren

Phone 0731-500-54553