Inpatient and day-clinic care
Consultation and liaison psychosomatics
University and company outpatient clinics
The Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy is part of the medical care at Ulm University Hospital. Our facility includes an inpatient and day clinic area, the university outpatient clinic and the psychosomatic consultation area.
As a maximum-care university hospital, we treat a broad spectrum of psychosomatic/mental illnesses ......
People with depression suffer from a depressed mood, exhaustion, fatigue, lack of motivation, loss of joy and sometimes also feelings of inner emptiness, meaninglessness or their own worthlessness. Sleep disorders, loss of appetite, weight loss or pain are also common.
Psychosomatic treatment can help you to learn a different way of dealing with stress and strain, strengthen your confidence in yourself and become active again.
The term "burnout" is not yet clearly defined and does not represent an independent diagnosis. It refers to being "burnt out" in the sense of being chronically overwhelmed, which can occur in the workplace, for example, but can also have an impact on the private sphere. This condition can be a risk factor for a later mental or physical illness. Those affected usually suffer from emotional exhaustion as well as reduced work and performance capacity and despair over several weeks to months.
It is not uncommon for people to suffer from physical complaints for which no adequate explanation can be found in medical examinations. Such complaints can be variable, affect a wide variety of organs and last for a long time. They manifest themselves, for example, in the form of cardiovascular complaints, respiratory and digestive disorders or pain of various kinds and are referred to as "somatoform" or "functional" disorders.
Even if no conclusive physical cause is found for the complaints, there is no doubt that the symptoms are real and can lead to considerable restrictions and suffering for those affected. Mental processes often play an important role here - as a result of the restrictions experienced in everyday life, but also in the development of the symptoms.
Chronic pain is persistent or recurring pain that persists beyond the usual healing process of physical illnesses or occurs without a recognisable physical explanation. Physical as well as psychological and social factors can play an important role in the severity, nature and duration of the pain. In treatment, the aim is to achieve a balance between activity and relaxation in order to improve quality of life.
Anorexia is an eating disorder characterised by self-induced or maintained weight loss. This is usually caused by malnutrition and malnutrition leading to a pronounced underweight. Those affected - often adolescent girls and young women - only eat very small amounts or try to avoid food altogether. Some also vomit, take laxatives and appetite suppressants or do a lot of sport to lose weight. Although they are underweight, those affected feel too fat. Malnutrition often also leads to physical dysfunctions, such as the absence of menstruation in women, circulatory problems and organ damage.
Those affected by bulimia suffer from repeated binge eating, in which very large amounts of food are eaten within a short period of time. Out of exaggerated concern about body shape and weight, attempts are then made to prevent weight gain - by vomiting, exercising or taking laxatives and appetite suppressants. If bulimia is not treated, it can lead to life-threatening functional disorders such as cardiac arrhythmia or chronic inflammation of the oesophagus and stomach lining.
Binge eating disorder is characterised by repeated episodes of binge eating. In short, it can be understood as "bulimia without counteracting behaviour". During binge eating episodes, sufferers often feel a loss of control over their eating, i.e. they can no longer control what or how much they eat. This behaviour usually leads to a sharp increase in body weight.
Overweight and obesity are defined as an increase in body weight due to an increase in body fat above the normal level. Obesity is often associated with physical illnesses such as high blood pressure, lipometabolic disorders or diabetes. In some people, severe obesity also leads to self-esteem problems or problems with social interaction and even underlying mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety disorders. Psychotherapeutically guided interventions to overcome obesity can prove effective in these cases. In this context, we also carry out psychosomatic preliminary examinations for bariatric operations.
Anxiety disorder is a collective term for mental disorders in which there is either an unspecific fear or a specific fear (phobia) caused by an object or situation. Panic disorder, in which strong, panic-like fears suddenly occur, is also categorised as an anxiety disorder.
Sufferers experience excessive anxiety in situations that people without an anxiety disorder have no or significantly less fear of. As a result, anxiety-inducing situations are often avoided, which can mean considerable restrictions in coping with everyday life.
Personality disorders are persistent patterns in a person's experience and behaviour that usually affect several functional areas, such as mood, drive, perception, thinking and relationships. This refers to complex disorders of a person's interaction with their environment, which is why they are also referred to as relationship disorders. These can lead to impairments in personal and social situations that cause suffering for those affected.
The psychosomatic nursing team consists of registered nurses, many of whom are further qualified. The nursing staff are present around the clock and are the first point of contact for all patients. They are part of the relevant treatment team. On the one hand, they take care of the typical nursing tasks, and on the other, they lead various therapy programmes such as relaxation therapy, mindfulness training and the eating disorder group. Depending on requirements and the therapy plan, special care consultations are also offered, such as eating disorder consultations.
Individual psychotherapy is carried out by doctors and psychologists, with the number and duration of weekly sessions varying depending on the treatment setting. In the individual therapies, an attempt is made to understand the causes of the disorders together with the patients and to develop possibilities for change. This can also bring up issues that are difficult to address in group therapy. The individual therapist is the main point of contact for the patient.
Many of the therapies we offer take place in a fixed group of patients. The discussion group offers the opportunity to work together on personally important issues. This often leads to the experience that many patients have similar issues and that they can support each other very well. There is the opportunity to learn from each other and to bring about change together. One or two psychotherapists lead the group and try to make the processes in the group as favourable and helpful as possible for everyone.
Many patients are under constant inner tension, which promotes the development of psychosomatic complaints. Learning relaxation techniques is therefore particularly important. Special relaxation techniques (e.g. progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness training, Tai Chi) are offered for this purpose. It is important that these techniques are practised as independently as possible so that they can also be used as a technique outside the clinic.
Body-orientated psychotherapy focuses on the connection between the body and mental processes. It promotes the ability to perceive, move and feel and to connect physical sensations and complaints with the psychological experience. In this way, coping and solution strategies in relation to oneself and others can be recognised and new ways of experiencing and acting can be developed for oneself and in the group.
Under the professional guidance of nutritionists, regular, healthy and balanced eating behaviour is learned and practised. We advise you on various illnesses (e.g. diabetes, eating disorders, chronic inflammatory bowel disease). We also have a training kitchen where you can learn how to prepare healthy and balanced meals under supervision.
Some patients find it easier to put something on paper instead of describing what is bothering them in words. In art therapy, you are encouraged to express your feelings and moods, but also conflicts and tensions, in a picture or sculpture. In a subsequent discussion with the group and the art therapist, the resulting experiences are reflected on together. Working in art therapy promotes self-awareness and strengthens self-esteem and self-confidence.
Special artistic skills are not necessary for art therapy.
In music therapy, it is possible to express psychological and social issues using musical means. Many easy-to-play instruments are available. There is the opportunity to express oneself in special exercises, but also in free improvisation and to gain experience. These are then worked through together in a group discussion. The therapy is led by a music therapist. No experience with a musical instrument or knowledge of sheet music is required.
Mindfulness training trains their perception and sharpens their concentration on themselves and their surroundings. To this end, exercises are carried out in the group under the guidance of a therapist that focus on body awareness while sitting and walking.
Many patients have questions regarding social issues such as sickness benefit, housing, employment, retraining measures, professional reintegration, etc. We have an experienced member of staff who is available for discussions and counselling after registration by the individual therapists. For such discussions, it is important to compile the necessary documents in advance and bring them with you to the clinic.