
Student internship in psychiatry in Weissenau

The two-week block internship in psychiatry at the University of Ulm consists of a tried and tested mixture of small group lessons, practical exercises and lectures.

The exploratory exercises with drama patients, who are engaged by the Ravensburg Theatre for this purpose, have proved very successful. This gives the students the opportunity to gain experience with acute psychiatric situations, such as those encountered in everyday clinical and outpatient practice outside of psychiatry. In this way, students can try out themselves as doctors in dealing with difficult clinical situations. The lecturer present in each group and the drama patients provide the students with timely and differentiated feedback from different points of view.

The success of the teaching is made possible by the fact that practically all doctors and psychologists in Weissenau are involved in teaching in some way, usually by teaching in small groups. The wards and specialised therapists as well as facilities from the community psychiatric network are also involved in teaching and contribute to a varied programme for students.


Parallel to the block internship, the two elective subjects "Psychotherapy in Psychiatry" and "In-depth Aspects of Clinical Psychiatry" are offered in Weissenau, each with 14 compulsory hours, which can be completed in addition to the internship. The courses range from in-depth lectures on special topics, to courses on test psychology diagnostics and participation in ward rounds. Students also have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with care structures that go far beyond the inpatient setting, for example by visiting a residential group for people suffering from dementia.

Other teaching activities in psychiatry at the University of Ulm

Weissenau lecturers are also involved in the main lecture on psychiatry and psychotherapy and in seminars at the Institute for the History, Theory and Ethics of Medicine. Outside of the block internship, two further elective subjects are offered: "Community Psychiatry and Psychiatric Rehabilitation" and "Philosophy of Medicine". In cooperation with the Department of Addiction, the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry offers eight seminars on addiction prevention in the interdisciplinary compulsory course Prevention (Q10).

Teaching activities in medical psychology and medical sociology at the University of Ulm

In Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology, Weissenau lecturers are actively involved in teaching the two-week block course and the introductory seminar on Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology. The block course also includes the integrated seminar "Talk to me".

Students in their practical year

Medical students are constantly working in Weissenau during their practical year. On the wards, the students are supervised by medical specialists and senior physicians. In addition, seminars are held for PJ students at the Oberschwabenklinik Ravensburg.