Clinical Psychology

The therapy combines cognitive treatment elements - such as changing dysfunctional thought patterns - with behaviour-oriented measures - such as guided behavioural change through targeted exercise, e.g. confrontation exercises for anxiety. A central assumption of cognitive behavioural therapy is that emotional experience, thoughts and behaviour influence each other and can therefore be influenced reciprocally within the framework of therapy.

The core of cognitive behavioural therapy is the focus on the current problems and conditions of the patient's problems. Treatment goals are set at the beginning and guide the subsequent focal points of treatment and the treatment techniques used. The overriding goal is to reduce the stressful symptoms through therapeutic help for self-help, improvement of self-regulation and problem-solving skills. Patients are actively involved in the therapy and strengthened in their personal responsibility.

The treating therapists work transparently - for example by informing their patients about the illness as part of psychoeducation - and cooperatively. The therapy is structured in terms of goals, approach, time and treatment evaluation.

In our clinic, cognitive behavioural therapy is integrated into the overall treatment concept within the framework of individual sessions and therapy groups:

  • Therapeutic individual sessions: These usually take place twice a week
  • Behavioural therapy group sessions: Social skills training, self-esteem group, psychosis education group, mindfulness group, goal-oriented open behavioural therapy group


Profilbild von Dr. biol. hum. M.Sc. Theresa Hanke

Dr. biol. hum. M.Sc. Theresa Hanke

Leitende Psychologin