Here you will find information on how to get to Oberer Eselsberg and where to park. We have also provided site plans of our buildings for you to download.

Travelling to Oberer Eselsberg

You can reach the clinic by tram line 2

You can reach the clinic by bus lines 5 and 15.

Bus stop: "Kliniken Wissenschaftsstadt".

For outpatientsin internal medicine and psychosomatics , we also recommend using the "Universität Süd" stop. In addition to the above-mentioned lines, this is also served by lines 8 and 13. This is the shortest route directly to the internal medicine outpatient clinics.

You can find all bus route maps and bus connections here

Please note that the clinics of Ulm University Hospital are located within the environmental zone of the city of Ulm. An environmental badge is therefore required on your car for access.

You can find more information about the environmental zone here

Address of the Klinikum am Oberen Eselsberg for the navigation system

Albert-Einstein-Allee 23, 89081 Ulm

Address of the car park Mitte am Oberen Eselsberg:

Car park Mitte P20, Albert-Einstein-Allee 16, 89081 Ulm

Route descriptions

Here you will find the directions as a pdf file for easy printing.

Parking at Oberer Eselsberg

Car park Mitte

Albert-Einstein-Allee 16, directly opposite the footpath to the main entrance of Surgery I Dermatology, Internal Medicine, Nuclear Medicine. You can also reach Psychosomatics from here.

P 26

Albert-Einstein-Allee, opposite the "Parkhaus Mitte" car park.

East multi-storey car park

Helmholtzstraße 5

These car parks are open daily around the clock.

Car park Mitte, P 26

Per hour or part thereof: 1.20 euros

Maximum daily rate: 8.40 euros

Maximum weekly rate: 50 euros

East multi-storey car park

Please note the notices in the multi-storey car park.

Patients who are unable to walk to the main entrance can be driven directly to the main entrance by car and get out there(see map of main entrance access). This entrance is gated and monitored by our gatekeepers. There are no car parking facilities.

Wheelchairs are available for patients whose ability to walk is restricted. They are available at the main entrance and at the Mitte multi-storey car park.

Where can I find...

The new Surgery I Dermatology building and the Centre for Internal Medicine have a shared main entrance on level 2, which is not located directly on Albert-Einstein-Allee, but slightly set back between the two buildings. It can be reached both via a staircase and barrier-free. Patients who have difficulty walking can be driven directly to the main entrance by car(see map of main entrance access). However, there is no car park there. Please use the signposted car parks. The Mitte multi-storey car park is located directly opposite.

The main entrance is open between 6:00 and 20:00. Outside opening hours, please use the bell at the entrance.

The main point of contact for patients of the Centre for Internal Medicine and Surgery I Dermatology | Urology is the information desk at the main entrance. Here you can, for example, find out which ward a relative is on, call a taxi or ask for directions to the individual departments, wards and outpatient clinics. The information desk is open from 6.00 am to 8.00 pm. After 8.00 pm, the gate in the new building serves as a contact point.

The gate in the new Surgery I Dermatology building is located at the rear of the building. Access: Coming from the city centre along Albert-Einstein-Allee, directly after the new surgery building, turn left through the restricted access(see ZINA access map). The Central Interdisciplinary Emergency Department (ZINA) is also located there. The gate is manned around the clock. This is where all prone transports and emergency patients arrive.

Inpatients from Internal Medicine, the Surgical Clinics, the Clinic for Dermatology and Allergology and the Clinic for Urology register at the central patient admission desk in the foyer by the main entrance.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 6.30 am to 3.30 pm.

Radiotherapy inpatients register directly on site at the Radiotherapy Clinic. It is located in its own building and is connected to the Centre for Internal Medicine by a long glass corridor (level 1).

Registration opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00
Telephone: 0731- 500 56200 or 56201

Please arrive at the respective admission desk before your scheduled appointment.

Internal Medicine outpatients turn left in the foyer directly after the main entrance and go through the connecting corridor between Internal Medicine and the new Surgery I Dermatology building. The central reception for outpatients of the Internal Medicine I, II and II clinics is located there.

Outpatients of the Surgical Clinicsand the Department of Urology register in the University Outpatient Clinic (from the main entrance through the foyer, then left).

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 15:00.

Hand, plastic and microsurgery outpatients register in the Emergency Department (from the main entrance through the foyer and down one level).

Dermatology/allergology outpatients register at the dermatology outpatient clinic (from the main entrance through the foyer, then follow the signs to the right to the end of the building, turn left and go down one level).

Opening hours: Monday to Thursday from 7:00am to 4:00pm and Friday from 7:00am to 2:30pm.

Radiology patients register at the X-ray registration desk (from the main entrance through the foyer, turn right and take the lift down one level).

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00.

Radiotherapy outpatients register directly on site at the radiotherapy department. It is located in its own building and is connected to the Centre for Internal Medicine by a long glass corridor (level 1).

Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00
Telephone: 0731 - 500 56200 or 56201

You can reachthe Central Interdisciplinary Emergency Department for Surgery, Internal Medicine, Urology, Dermatology/Allergology (outside regular consultation hours) via the gate/night entrance of the new Surgery I Dermatology building. It is manned around the clock.

Access: Coming from the city centre along Albert-Einstein-Allee, directly after the new surgery building, turn left through the restricted access road to the Emergency Department Surgery(see ZINA access map).

You can also contact the information desk at the main entrance to Surgery I Dermatology between 6.00 am and 8.00 pm.

Central telephone number: 0731-5000.

In-house navigation Oberer Eselsberg

At Ulm University Hospital you can use the in-house navigation system from Catchup. The navigation system helps you find your way around the hospital. It guides patients, visitors and staff through step-by-step instructions - from the starting point to the destination - and thus helps them to find their way around the hospital quickly. The navigation platform is available free of charge and can be used via the Ulm University Hospital's WLAN ("Patient Internet").

At Oberer Eselsberg, the navigation network is initially available for the radiology, dermatology, anaesthesiology and urology clinics in the surgical clinic building.

In addition to individual clinics, wards, outpatient departments and centres, relevant locations such as toilets, nappy-changing rooms, the canteen (casino), prayer room and chapel can also be selected as navigation points.

The in-house navigation platform can be opened and used via the following link or by scanning the QR code with a smartphone:

Posters with various QR codes are displayed at Ulm University Hospital for general and (clinic)-specific navigation. Scanning a QR code with a smartphone opens the navigation system, which takes you directly to your destination. The starting positions are location-specific and are already stored at the respective locations of the posters.

The starting point and destination can also be entered individually.

The posters can be found in the multi-storey car park, in the university outpatient clinic, at the Infopoint, at the gate, in the cafeteria and in the casino.

The navigation system offers step-by-step directions. Your current location is not constantly updated in the system. Instead, the in-house navigation guides you step by step to your destination, both inside and outside the buildings.

After starting the navigation, an instruction is first displayed which you must follow. As soon as you have reached the specified orientation point (e.g. the end of an arrow), confirm this "manually" by clicking on "Next" to receive the next instruction. This process is repeated until the desired destination is reached.

The system may also guide you to stairs or lifts that need to be used to reach another level in the UKU. There are also directions that lead you to a door that you need to go through.

A special selectable mode for people with reduced mobility ensures barrier-free route guidance.

After opening the navigation system via the link or QR code, the starting point and destination can also be entered individually. If the desired destination is on one of the posters, the current location (based on the location of the poster) and the destination are automatically recorded by scanning the QR code. Navigation can then be started directly.