Here you will find information on how to get to Michelsberg and where to park. We have also provided a map for you to download.
Clinics and centres on Michelsberg
Frauensteige 12, 89075 Ulm
Clinic for Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine and Head and Neck Surgery
Journey to Michelsberg
You can reach the clinic by bus line 7, bus stop: "Kliniken Michelsberg".
Please note that the clinics of Ulm University Hospital are located within the environmental zone of the city of Ulm. An environmental badge is therefore required on your car for access.
You can find more information about the environmental zone here
Addresses of the clinics for the navigation system
- Eye Clinic: Prittwitzstraße 41
- Gynaecological Clinic: Prittwitzstraße 43
- Genetic counselling centre for human genetics: Frauensteige 6
- ENT Clinic: Frauensteige 12
- Paediatric Clinic: Eythstraße 24
Route descriptions
Here you will find the directions as a pdf for easy printing.
Michelsberg car park
Michelsberg Clinics multi-storey car park
Central car park for access to all clinics
Schwabstraße 13, access via Frauensteige
Gynaecological clinic car park
Prittwitzstraße 43, opposite the main entrance to the gynaecological clinic, access via Stuttgarter Straße and Prittwitzstraße
ENT clinic car park
Inside the hospital grounds, directly opposite the main entrance to the NHP clinic, access via Eythstraße
These car parks are open for you around the clock.
Per hour or part thereof: 1.20 euros
Maximum daily rate: 8.40 euros
Maximum weekly rate: 50 euros