Serious acute or chronic illnesses fundamentally change life. Affected families have to deal with many new challenges, a completely different everyday life, medical language and feelings of fear and threat.
The task of the psychosocial team is to support and accompany patients and their families during treatment and aftercare.
We take into account their questions, needs and concerns, but also their strengths and abilities. Our team is made up of employees from different professional groups and offers a wide range of support during this time.

The illness, the treatment and its consequences lead to severe stress for patients and their environment (parents, siblings, friends, family) and suddenly change their entire lives. The aim of psychological counselling is to support patients and their families in dealing with the challenges of illness and treatment. The service is tailored to the individual needs of the families affected and covers the time of diagnosis, the initial phase, the treatment phase and aftercare.
Sarah Hofbeck, M.Sc. Psychology
Psychologist | KK3
Clinic for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Paediatric Oncology
Eythstraße 24 | 89075 Ulm
Tel.: 0731 500-57354
Katrin Stoll, M. Sc. Psychology
Psychologist | KK6, KK7
Clinic for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Paediatric Oncology
Eythstraße 24 | 89075 Ulm
Tel. 0731 500-57191
Sabrina Wimmer, M.Sc. Psychology
Psychologist | KK3
Clinic for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Paediatric Oncology
Eythstraße 24 | 89075 Ulm
Tel.: 0731 500 57490
Kristin Faulstich-Ritter, M. Sc. rehabilitation psychology
Psychologist in aftercare
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Paediatric Oncology
Eythstraße 24 | 89075 Ulm
Tel. 0731 500-57377
Alexandra Heinisch
Psychologist | Psychosocial Service
Currently on parental leave
Clinic for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Paediatric Oncology
Eythstraße 24 | 89075 Ulm
Tel. 0731 500-57490

Staying in hospital can sometimes be quite boring. Patients and parents reach their limits, especially during long hospital stays. Through various play and activity programmes, the educational support team tries to offer children and young people a distraction from their stay in hospital, to forget the daily routine and to put a smile on their faces. This may be in our playroom or as part of one-to-one care in the patient's room. Our playroom is a place where children can get to know each other and no medical procedures are allowed. Of course, the educational support team also organises seasonal events and parties on the ward.
Michaela Mang
Educator KK3
Clinic for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Eythstraße 24 | 89075 Ulm
Tel. 0731 500-58401

For our long-term patients, hospitalisation brings with it many challenges. The familiar everyday life, security and familiar surroundings are missing. Educational support offers distraction, structure and guidance, can provide space to release anger and resentment about the illness, promote the child's development, strengthen the child's self-confidence and support and relieve the parents.
A broad repertoire of play materials and creative activities is available for this purpose. Educational support is tailored to the individual needs of the patient and their age. There is something for young and old. Of course, seasonal events and celebrations are also organised.
Marta Römer
Educator KK7
Clinic for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Eythstraße 24 | 89075 Ulm
Tel. 0731 500-57266
Katrin Smilevski
Educator KK6
Clinic for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Eythstraße 24 | 89075 Ulm
Tel. 0731 500-57212

"What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us is NOTHING compared to what lies WITHIN us....!"
For some, creative freedom is an outlet where they can let off steam. For others, it's a form of processing, switching off, unwinding, taking a fantasy journey, relaxation, activity, integration, exchange, encouragement or simply playful experimentation with new techniques in the sea of endless possibilities! There are countless creative activities, whether wet-on-wet techniques, watercolours, acrylics, guache, watercolours, chalks, kneading and much more, which can be tried out in the small clinic studio on KK3. There is sure to be something for everyone!
The offer is available to patients on KK3, KK6, KK7 and can be used in the studio, in the patient's room, in bed or depending on the situation.
Sabine Hartmann
Art therapist | KK3, KK6, KK7
Clinic for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Paediatric Oncology
Eythstraße 24 | 89075 Ulm
Tel. 0731 500-57211
Art therapy is an additional support programme for children and young people affected by serious illness. In order to ensure its continuation and to be able to continue to offer our patients this opportunity to artistically process their experiences with their illness, we would be delighted to receive donations and thank you for your support.
Donations for art therapy
- Donation account: Sparkasse Ulm
- IBAN: DE16 6305 0000 0000 1064 78
- Purpose: S.165
Art therapy projects:
Book project: The travelling dune mice
Next stop: Paediatric clinic and maiden voyage of the Michelsberg cable car
Underwater world of the clinic for paediatric and adolescent medicine

Music, rhythm and sound have accompanied our lives from the very beginning. Their effects are manifold: they can activate us physically, but also calm us down. It influences our emotions and our mood and enables direct access to feelings that cannot always be expressed in words. Because music triggers so many different reactions in us, it can be used therapeutically. Music therapy enables children to express frequently suppressed feelings such as fear, sadness or anger without words. Stress is reduced and, last but not least, the encounter offers a distraction from everyday hospital life.
In hospital, music therapy can be carried out at the bedside, individually or in small groups. Children and, if they wish, their families can improvise on easy-to-play musical instruments and experience moments of relaxation, fun, pride and joy together.
Jeanne v. Heimendahl
Music therapist | KK3, KK6, KK7
Clinic for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Paediatric Oncology
Tel: 0731 500-56937
Eythstraße 24 | 89075 Ulm

Being ill is like a storm at sea. Many things are shaken up - externally and internally. Questions about meaning are raised and about what gives support and strength in unsettling times. Pastoral care provides a space for these questions and thoughts. We accompany patients' children and their families. We have time to listen and talk, for stories and creative activities, for singing and praying. We celebrate the festivals of the church year with the children in everyday hospital life.
The hospital chaplaincy services are open to everyone, regardless of their religious beliefs.
Christa Leidig
Protestant pastor | Clinic chaplaincy | KK3, KK6, KK7
Clinic for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Eythstraße 24 | 89075 Ulm
Tel. 0173 3492433

A child's illness and hospitalisation have a drastic effect on the whole family. This can give rise to questions on which the social counselling service is happy to provide information and advice. Our aim is to work with patients and their families to develop individualised help for their personal situation. Against the background of the child's illness, in addition to medical and nursing treatment, we provide counselling on topics such as
- socio-legal aspects
- Care after discharge
- rehabilitation
- Psychosocial and everyday concerns
- Referral to counselling centres, self-help groups, etc.

Every child has a right to education. The lessons at the paediatric clinic aim to convey a sense of normality despite the illness. In consultation with the medical and therapeutic staff, we teach pupils of all school types. Through suitable educational measures, we want to create the conditions for learning with joy and success. The scope and content of the lessons are based on the question: What is important for the pupil and what is possible? We teach the subjects German, English and maths. In addition, class tests and final examinations can be taken in close co-operation with the home school.
The Hans-Lebrecht-Schule, Special Education and Counselling Centre (SBBZ) for pupils undergoing long-term hospital treatment, sees itself as a bridge between the sick children and young people, their parents' home, the clinic and their home school. We help with applications for home schooling and are a point of contact and counsellor for school-related questions.