Welcome to the Hormone Centre for Children and Adolescents

Doctors, medical experts and scientists work together in an interdisciplinary team to provide patient care and training for patients and their relatives. Patient care is supported by a holistic concept, evidence-based guidelines and a quality assurance system. We aim to contribute to the continuous improvement of patient care through basic research projects and clinical studies and our expertise lies in the entire field of paediatric endocrinology and diabetology. Our centre is a member of the European Reference Network on Rare Endocrine Conditions(Endo-ERN). The aim of this network is to improve access to high-quality care for patients with endocrine disorders.

Profilbild von Prof. Dr. med. Martin Wabitsch

Prof. Dr. med. Martin Wabitsch

Leiter Sektion Pädiatrische Endokrinologie und Diabetologie


Contact and appointments

Clinical studies and research

Clinical studies


Training programmes

At the training centre for children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus, we offer various outpatient and inpatient training courses throughout the year.

RegistrationTel.: 0731-500 57408; e-mail: Diabetes.Kinder@uniklinik-ulm.de

Outpatient training courses

As part of the Disease Management Programme (DMP), we offer various outpatient training courses every year. Below you will find a selection of topics from our outpatient training courses:

  • Sport and diabetes
  • Puberty and diabetes
  • Driving licence and diabetes
  • Sexuality and diabetes
  • Alcohol and diabetes
  • Hypoglycaemia training
  • BE estimation

Inpatient training

  • Insulin pump training
  • First manifestation training (10-12 days)
  • Change of insulin therapy
  • Age-specific follow-up training
  • Inpatient group training as part of a training and experience week
  • Continuous subcutaneous glucose measurements
  • Motivation training

Outpatient training programme "Obeldicks"

We offer a one-year outpatient training programme for children and adolescents with obesity aged 8 to 16. The training programme is an interdisciplinary therapy programme which, together with medical care, includes the elements of nutritional, behavioural and exercise therapy. The aim of the programme is to change lifestyle habits that lead to obesity: lack of exercise, an unbalanced, high-calorie diet and unfavourable eating habits. The focus is not on short-term weight loss through dieting, but on long-term weight stabilisation for children and adolescents who are still growing. Long-term changes should be established in the everyday lives of children and adolescents and their families. To this end, parents and families are actively involved. Families are taught the medical background to the causes and consequences of obesity, the theory and practice of a balanced diet and exercise as well as strategies for implementing long-term behavioural changes in everyday family life.

The training programme is carried out in groups of the same age. In the younger age groups (8-11 years), girls and boys take part in the programme together. Separate girls' and boys' groups are offered for older children and young people (12-16 years). The participating children and young people meet once a week over the course of a year for exercise therapy. In the intensive phase (approx. 4 months), in addition to sport, group meetings are held once a week for children and parents on the subject of nutrition and eating behaviour.

The training programme is an evidence-based, effective therapeutic measure that complies with the guidelines and is certified by the Association for Obesity in Children and Adolescents (AGA).

A TV report in the SWR programme "Odysso" reports on our Obeldicks training programme in Ulm(to the report).

For further information, please call 0731-500 57401

Registrationby e-mail to claudia.weingandt@uniklinik-ulm.de (please send us your full contact details including address, telephone number(s) and e-mail as well as your child's full name and date of birth)

Events and news

Variations in sex development (DSD) Our training programme for you with an interdisciplinary overview of DSD.

Obesity information event | Thursday, 30 January 2025, 6.00 - 7.00 pm

Lipodystrophy regulars' table Room for exchange. Every first Tuesday of the month.

Excellent quality