Gastrointestinal oncology

Dear patients and colleagues,

On the following pages you will find detailed information about the clinical spectrum and the scientific focus of our working group. We would also like to familiarise you with our organisational and work processes and show you how you can get in touch with us.

Main focus

Our work focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of malignant tumours of the gastrointestinal tract. In close cooperation with our clinical trial secretariat, we care for a large number of our patients within large national and international clinical trials, which we either lead ourselves or in which we participate as an actively recruiting trial centre. Dealing with clinical and translational oncology issues in the context of research is a daily companion.


In the outpatient area, patients with various tumour diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated in specialised outpatient clinics. All patients are discussed in our interdisciplinary tumour board upon initial diagnosis and important new findings.

The Medical Oncology Day Clinic (MOT) primarily carries out chemotherapy and complex examinations that can be completed within one day. For inpatient investigations or therapies, we have access to both our specialised oncology ward M2C and, if required, the palliative care ward at our hospital.

Tested quality

The highest quality standards in terms of therapy, research and work processes are important to us and we also demand the same of ourselves. We therefore have these areas constantly checked and monitored by external experts.

The Department of Gastrointestinal Oncology at the Clinic for Internal Medicine I is part of the CCCU (Comprehensive Cancer Centre Ulm). We are proud of the fact that the CCCU is one of 15 centres of excellence for oncology in Germany awarded and funded by German Cancer Aid, and is also certified as an oncology centre in accordance with the criteria of the German Cancer Society.

All our patients are discussed in our interdisciplinary tumour conference. The treatment concepts comply with current national and international standards and include conventional chemotherapies, immunotherapies with antibodies and innovative therapies with signalling pathway and cell cycle inhibitors.

Of course, comprehensive supportive therapy with psycho-oncological care, nutritional therapy, pain therapy and socio-medical counselling is an integral part of their cancer treatment.

There is close cooperation with a network of practising gastroenterologists, oncologists, neighbouring hospitals, nursing services and outpatient palliative care (SAPV).

We also attach great importance to high quality in the area of clinical trial work, which is why our clinical trial secretariat is certified by the German Society for Haematology and Oncology (DGHO).

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at any time! at any time!

Contact and appointments

Outpatient clinic for gastrointestinal oncology

Phone 0731 / 500 44075

Fax 0731 / 500 45674

For organisational reasons, an appointment can only be made by telephone in advance. For a first presentation, you must first register at the Central Admission Department of the Centre for Internal Medicine in the Medical Clinic at Oberer Eselsberg. You will find the central reception next to the main entrance of the clinic on level 2.

Consultation details >

Interdisciplinary visceral oncology consultation (ViOn)

Phone 0731 / 500 53560

In cooperation with the Clinic for General and Visceral Surgery at our hospital, we offer you the opportunity to discuss questions relating to gastrointestinal oncology directly with a GI oncologist and a visceral surgeon in our interdisciplinary visceral oncology consultation (ViOn) and thus receive direct advice from different perspectives.

Private outpatient clinic Professor Dr Thomas Seufferlein

Phone 0731 500-44503

Fax 0731 500-44502

Consultation hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm

Consultation hours details >

Contact CCCU Secretariat

Phone 0731-500-56056

Fax 0731-500-56055

Office hours:
Monday - Thursday 8.00 am - 12.30 pm, 1.00 pm - 4.00 pm
Friday 8.00 am - 12.15 pm

The telephone consultation service (TELBER) of the Comprehensive Cancer Centre Ulm (CCCU) advises doctors on the care of their oncological patients according to the latest diagnostic and therapeutic findings.

Your enquiries will be received by the CCCU secretariat. The following information is required:

Name, telephone number, fax, speciality of the calling doctor
Name and date of birth of the patient
Data on the diagnosis (date of initial diagnosis, histology, TNM stage)
Brief medical history, staging diagnosis, previous therapies


Doctors and physicians

  • Profilbild von Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Seufferlein

    Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Seufferlein

    Ärztlicher Direktor der Klinik für Innere Medizin I (Speiseröhre, Magen, Darm, Leber und Niere sowie Stoffwechselerkrankungen) und Sprecher des Darmzentrums

  • Profilbild von Dr. med. Thomas J. Ettrich

    Dr. med. Thomas J. Ettrich

    Oberarzt, Leiter Schwerpunkt GI-Onkologie, Leiter des klinischen Studienzentrums GI-Onkologie


    Gastrointestinale Onkologie, Klinische Studien

  • Profilbild von PD Dr. med. Lukas Perkhofer

    PD Dr. med. Lukas Perkhofer

    Oberarzt, Facharzt für Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie, Medikamentöse Tumortherapie


    Gastrointestinale Onkologie


  • Profilbild von Dr. med. Yazid J. Resheq

    Dr. med. Yazid J. Resheq

    Facharzt für Innere Medizin und Hämatologie und Onkologie, Clinician Scientist


    Gastrointestinale Onkologie, Tumorimmunologie, Tumor-Microenvironment, Transendotheliale Migration

  • Profilbild von Dr. med. Angelika Kestler

    Dr. med. Angelika Kestler

    Funktionsoberärztin, Fachärztin für Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie, Palliativmedizin, Ärztliche Referentin für GI-Onkologie am CCCU


    Gastrointestinale Onkologie, Privatambulanz Prof. Seufferlein

  • Profilbild von Dr. med. Jasmin Schuhbaur

    Dr. med. Jasmin Schuhbaur

    Fachärztin für Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie; Medikamentöse Tumortherapie


    Gastrointestinale Onkologie

  • Profilbild von  Kristin Ettrich

    Kristin Ettrich

    Ärztin in Weiterbildung


    Gastrointestinale Onkologie

  • Profilbild von  Juliane Schütz

    Juliane Schütz

    Ärztin in Weiterbildung


    Gastrointestinale Onkologie

  • Profilbild von  Antonie Steinhauser

    Antonie Steinhauser

    Ärztin in Weiterbildung

  • Profilbild von Dr. med. Alica Beutel

    Dr. med. Alica Beutel

    Ärztin in Weiterbildung, Clinician Scientist


    Aktuell Forschungsaufenthalt an der University of California, Irvine (USA)


Each individual case of a patient with GI tumours is discussed by our team of experts at the weekly tumour conference. This involves specialists from the departments of surgery, gastroenterology, haematology/oncology, pathology, radiology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine. Together, a decision is made on the optimal therapy, which is agreed with you. The gastrointestinal tumour board takes place once a week on Tuesdays at 2 p.m. in the CCCU conference room, lift C, level 4, room 4106. The CCCU's medical consultant for GI oncology is responsible for organising and moderating the gastrointestinal tumour board.

If you would like to present patients to our GI tumour board for assessment or to obtain a second opinion, you can contact us via the CCCU secretariat and register your patient. You are also welcome to attend the tumour board in person and present your patient, although this is not a mandatory requirement for a presentation.

Registration Secretariat CCCU

Phone 0731-500-56056

Fax 0731-500-56055

Office hours
Monday - Thursday 8.00 - 12.30, 13.00 - 16.00
Friday 8.00 - 12.15

The Medical Oncology Day Clinic (MOT) is operated on an interdisciplinary basis by the internal medicine clinics. There are 15 treatment beds, 9 therapy chairs and 2 beds available for day clinic care. Patients with diseases from the entire field of gastrointestinal oncology are treated here on an outpatient basis as part of the overall therapy concept.

Personalised medical care and up-to-date laboratory results guarantee the greatest possible safety for patients. Specialised nursing staff care for and monitor the patients. A doctor from our oncological team is personally available for you at any time during your stay at the MOT, so that continuous medical care is guaranteed. All diagnostic methods of the university hospital are also available at all times.

The possibility of modern interdisciplinary tumour therapy is guaranteed by the close cooperation with all university clinics. On average, 50 patients per day are treated with outpatient chemotherapy, antibody therapies, other immunotherapies or targeted therapies and supportive medication, mainly as part of clinical trial protocols. Early experimental therapies (phase I trials) can also be offered through the involvement of study nurses. The duration of therapy varies from bolus administration to infusion therapies lasting several hours.

Patients with advanced illnesses receive palliative medical treatment, purely supportive therapies for symptom control (including pain therapy) are initiated and transfer to home care is organised by the bridge nurses employed at the hospital or, if desired, placement in a hospice.

Profilbild von Dr. med. Thomas J. Ettrich

Dr. med. Thomas J. Ettrich

Oberarzt, Leiter Schwerpunkt GI-Onkologie, Leiter des klinischen Studienzentrums GI-Onkologie

Profilbild von  Kathleen Zschäge

Kathleen Zschäge


Contact us

Phone 0731 / 500-45670

Opening hours/therapy times:
Monday to Friday, 8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Medical Clinic
Lift A, Level 1
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23
89081 Ulm

For organisational reasons, appointments can only be made by telephone in advance, Monday to Friday 8:00-16:30. For a first presentation, you must first register at the Central Admission Department of the Centre for Internal Medicine in the Medical Clinic at Oberer Eselsberg.

Our ward

Patients with general internal diseases are treated on this 20-bed ward. The clinical focus of this ward is on gastroenterological diseases, in particular tumours of the gastrointestinal tract. The ward is managed by Rainer Peuker.

Our team consists of

The nursing team on ward M2c consists of staff with various qualifications (nurses, medical assistants, oncology specialists). Administrative support is provided by our ward secretary.

Our aim

The central focus of nursing care is on the independence and personal responsibility of patients. In order to maintain both, we provide patients and their relatives with systematic and comprehensive training and counselling as required. All members of the nursing service contribute to supporting medical diagnosis and therapy with their expertise and continuous development.

Your stay

The rooms are twin rooms including a bathroom with shower. In each room you have the option of free TV use. You can request WiFi internet access at any time for a fee. A spacious lounge is available for patients and relatives.

Visiting times

You should contact the nursing staff on a case-by-case basis regarding visiting times. As patients usually have little time in the mornings due to examinations and ward rounds, you should visit your sick relatives or friends between 2.00 and 7.00 pm.


The ward is located in the bed wing of the Medical University Hospital at Oberer Eselsberg, level 2. The ward doctors are generally available between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. for discussions with patients and relatives.

If you have any further questions, you can contact the team on ward M2c at any time.

Clinical Trial Centre / Clinical Trial Office A

High-performance medicine is increasingly dominated by structured clinical research in the form of clinical trials. In order to be well positioned for this very promising area of medicine, both in patient care and in research, the study centres of Ulm University Hospital have joined forces under the umbrella of the CCCU as the "Centre for Clinical Studies in the CCCU". The aim of this initiative is to standardise basic processes and procedures in the participating study centres in order to ensure high-quality care for patients in clinical trials.

This high quality was repeatedly confirmed during the certification audit in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 and the criteria of the German Society for Haematology and Oncology (DGHO). The DGHO's specialist auditors have checked compliance with standards and legislation and adherence to the defined work processes, as well as the competence of the staff, the achievement of the targets set and the measures for continuous improvement. The central structure in the CCCU and the Centre for Clinical Trials were able to convince in all points and have thus proven their high qualification for the professional, patient-oriented and standard and legally compliant conduct of clinical trials. This important milestone could only be achieved thanks to the intensive cooperation between the study centres.

In this context, the Clinical Trial Office of the Department of Internal Medicine I (Clinical Trial Office A) as part of the Centre for Clinical Trials and the ECTU (Early Clinical Trials Unit) of the CCCU conducts clinical trials of phases I-IV in the field of gastrointestinal oncology at the highest level.

For enquiries regarding the conduct or participation in clinical trials at our study centre, please contact us.

Ulm University Hospital
Clinical Trial Office A
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23
89081 Ulm
Phone: 0731/ 500 - 56093
Fax: 0731/ 500 - 44594


Medical management

Dr. med. Thomas J. Ettrich  

Dr. med. Angelika Kestler  

Study coordination and documentation

 Kerstin Große  

 Andrea Weckerle  

 Caroline Marsch  

 Nicole Scott  

 Jasmin Rotondo  

 Isil Mutafli-Kilic  

Current clinical studies

Information for patients and relatives

Detailed information about clinical trials (What is it? Is it dangerous? How does it work?) for patients and their relatives can be found under the following link.

Information for doctors and referring physicians

Below you will find the current range of trials in the field of Gastrointestinal Oncology at the Department of Internal Medicine I, sorted by entity and therapy line. This page is constantly updated so that you always have the latest information. In addition, the respective registration numbers for the individual studies are listed in the study register of the U.S. National Institute of Health(

If you have any questions or require further information on individual studies, please do not hesitate to contact our clinical study secretariat.

Therapy situation


neoadj. /



palliative (line)




XAIO-KRK-0319 (ACO/ARO/AIO-18.2): Preoperative FOLFOX versus postoperative risk-adapted chemotherapy in patient with locally advanced rectal cancer and low risk for local failure: A randomized phase III trial of the German Rectal Cancer Rectal Study Group
XXANTONIO (AIO-KRK-0220): Perioperative/Adjuvant atezolizumab in patients with MSI-high or MMR-deficient stage III colorectal cancer ineligible for oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy- a randomised phase II study
XCIRCULATE (AIO-KRK-0217): Circulating tumour DNA based decision for adjuvant treatment in colon cancer stage II evaluation
XBNT122-01 (BioNTech): A multi-site, open-label, Phase II, randomized, controlled trial to compare the efficacy of RO7198457 versus watchful waiting in resected, Stage II (high risk) and Stage III colorectal cancer patients who are ctDNA positive following resection
XFIRE-9 - PORT (AIO-KRK0418): Prospective, randomized, open multicenter Phase III trial to investigate the efficacy of active post-resection/ablation therapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer
XFIRE-8 (AIO-KRK/YMO-0519): Prospective, randomized, open, multicenter Phase II trial to investigate the efficacy of trifluridine/tipiracil plus panitumumab versus trifluridine/tipiracil plus bevacizumab as first-line treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer
XMOUNTAINEER (SGNTUC-029): An Open-label Randomised Phase 3 Study of Tucatinib in Combination with Trastuzumab and mFOLFOX6 versus mFOLFOX6 given with or without or Cetuximab or Bevacizumab as First-line Treatment for Subjects with HER2+ Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
XCJDQ443E12101: KontRASt-03: A Phase Ib/II, multicenter, open-label platform study of JDQ443 with select combinations in
patients with advanced solid tumours harboring the KRAS G12C mutation (collaboration with the interdisciplinary phase I unit (ECTU))
Arm 1: JDQ443 + trametinib (CRC after 5-FU/Oxa/Iri), closed
Arm 2: JDQ443 + ribociclib (CRC after 5--FU/Oxa/Iri), closed
Arm 3: JDQ443 + cetuximab(CRC after 5FU/Oxa/Iri)
XNuTide 323 (NUCANA): A randomised, open-label, Phase II, dose/schedule optimisation study of NUC-373/leucovorin/irinotecan plus bevacizumab (NUFIRI-bev) versus 5-FU/leucovorin/irinotecan plus bevacizumab (FOLFIRI-bev) for the treatment of patients with previously treated unresectable metastatic colorectal cancer

CHRO761A12101: A Phase Ib/II, multicenter, open-label dose escalation and expansion platform study of JDQ443 with select combinations in patients with advanced solid tumour harboring the KRAS G12C mutation
Arm A, Expansion (post CPI&CTx): HRO761 alone: no more than total 3 prior lines of therapy for advanced disease (prior adjuv. treatment allowed)
Arm B (not planned until 2025): HRO761 + Tislelizumab: prior adjuv. treatment allowed if > 12 months prior to study start
Arm C (not planned until 2025): HRO761 + irinotecan: not previously received irinotecan for advanced disease, but should be expected to benefit from irinotecan single agend therapy

XMEFOX (AIO-KRK-0119): A phase I/II trial of D,L-MEthadone and mFOLFOX6 in treatment of advanced colorectal cancer
XXCORIST (SCO101-001): An open-label phase II prospective clinical trial to investigate safety, tolerability, maximum tolerated does and anti-tumour effect for SCO-101 in combination with FOLFIRI as a safe and efficient treatment modality in metastatic or advanced colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients with acquired FOLFIRI resistant cancer disease.
XXEDIUM: Outcome quality in colorectal cancer: Identification of differences and measures for nationwide quality development
XColoPredict Plus 2.0 Registry: Retro- and prospective assessment of the role of MSI and KRAS for the prognosis of stage I-III colon cancer
XXBERING-CRC: Encorafenib and cetuximab in patients with metastatic, BRAFV600E -mutated, colorectal carcinoma: a multi-centric, multi-national, prospective, longitudinal, non-interventional study in Germany and Austria
Therapy situation


neoadj. /



palliative (line)




XDANTE (AIO-STO-0317): A randomised, open-label Phase III efficacy and safety study of Atezolizumab in combination with FLOT versus FLOT alone in patients with gastric cancer and adenocarcinoma of the oesophago-gastric junction
XFORTITUDE-102: A Phase 1b/3 Study of Bemarituzumab Plus Chemotherapy and Nivolumab Versus Chemotherapy and Nivolumab Alone in Subjects With Previously Untreated Advanced Gastric and Gastroesophageal Junction Cancer With FGFR2b Overexpression
XZWI-ZW25-301 (PPD - 101067-01): A Randomised, Multicenter, Phase 3 Study of Zanidatamab in Combination of Chemotherapy with or without Tislelizumab in Subjects with HER2-positive Unresectable Locally Advanced or Metastatic Gastroesophageal Adenocarcinoma (GEA)


AIO-STO-0415/RAMIRIS: Ramucirumab plus Irinotecan / Leucovorin / 5-FU versus Ramucirumab plus Paclitaxel in patients with advanced or metastatic adenocarcinoma of the stomach or gastroesophageal junction, who failed one prior line of palliative chemotherapy, a phase III trial of the AIO, NCT03081143
XXCHRO761A12101: A Phase Ib/II, multicenter, open-label dose escalation and expansion platform study of JDQ443 with select combinations in patients with advanced solid tumour harboring the KRAS G12C mutation
Arm A, Expansion (post CPI&CTx): HRO761 alone: no more than total 3 prior lines of therapy for advanced disease (prior adjuv. treatment allowed)
Arm B (not planned until 2025): HRO761 + Tislelizumab: prior adjuv. treatment allowed if > 12 months prior to study start
Arm C (not planned until 2025): HRO761 + irinotecan: not previously received irinotecan for advanced disease, but should be expected to benefit from irinotecan single agend therapy
XIMA401-101: Phase Ia/Ib First-In-Human Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability and Initial Anti-Tumour Activity of IMA401, a Bispecific T Cell Engaging Receptor Molecule (TCER®), in Patients with Recurrent and/or Refractory Solid Tumours (Bispecific T Cell Engaging Receptor Molecule (tumor target MAGEA4/8) - squamous cell carcinoma only)


Therapy situation


neoadj. /



palliative (line)




XESPAC-6: An open labelled phase III adjuvant trial of disease-free survival in patients with resected pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma randomized to allocation of oxaliplatin - or gemcitabine-based chemotherapy by standard clinical criteria or by a transcriptomic treatment specific stratification signature.
XBrightline-2 (BI1403-0011): A Phase IIa/IIb, open-label, single-arm, multi-centre trial of BI 907828 for treatment of patients with locally advanced / metastatic, MDM2 amplified, TP53 wild-type biliary tract adenocarcinoma, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, or other selected solid tumours


GOBLET (AIO-KRK-0320/ass): A phase 1 / 2 multiple-indication biomarker, safety, and efficacy study in advanced or metastatic gastrointestinal cancers exploring treatment combinations with pelareorep and atezolizumab: KOHORTE 5: Patients with inoperable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma with indication for first-line treatment
XXPaCaReg: A multicentre registry study to record clinical, epidemiological and biological profiles in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, NCT04099134
Therapy situation


neoadj. /



palliative (line)




XABC-HCC (MO42851): A Phase IIIb, randomized, multicenter, open-label trial of Atezolizumab plus Bevacizumab versus transarterial Chemoembolisation (TACE) in intermediate-stage HepatoCellular Carcinoma with high disease burden
XEMERALD-3 (D910VC00001): A Phase III, Randomised, Open-Label, Sponsor-Blinded, Multicenter Study of Durvalumab in Combination with Tremelimumab ± Lenvatinib Given Concurrently with Transarterial Chemoembolization (TACE) Compared to TACE Alone in Patients with Locoregional HCC
XMONTBLANC: Sequential or up-front triple treatment with durvalumab, tremelimumab and bevacizumab for non-resectable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) patients
Therapy situation


neoadj. /



palliative (line)




XXBI1403-0011 (Brightline-2): A Phase IIa/IIb, open-label, single-arm, multi-centre trial of BI 907828 for treatment of patients with locally advanced / metastatic, MDM2 amplified, TP53 wild-type biliary tract adenocarcinoma, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, or other selected solid tumours
Therapy situation


neoadj. /



palliative (line)





GOBLET (AIO-KRK-0320/ass): A phase 1 / 2 multiple-indication biomarker, safety, and efficacy study in advanced or metastatic gastrointestinal cancers exploring treatment combinations with pelareorep and atezolizumab,
Cohort 4: Patients with unresectable/metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the anus of viral or non-viral origin after failure of platinum-containing prior therapy(s)

Clinical studies: questions and answers

A therapy study conducted with cancer patients is used in cancer research to assess new treatment methods: Each study is designed to answer specific scientific questions. The aim is to find new and better ways to help people with cancer.

The search for better ways begins in the laboratory and with animal experiments. Only the most promising active substances and treatment methods are tested on patients. In this way, it is hoped that many sick people can be helped in the future.

Before a new treatment method is trialled on humans, it is carefully tested in the laboratory. This is where it is determined which new methods are most likely to be successful and how they can be used as safely and effectively as possible. But all this research work cannot predict whether the new form of treatment will also work in humans. Successes and risks can occur with any new cancer therapy. Even risks that are not known in advance. The aim of therapy studies is to find out whether a new form of treatment is safe and effective. As the trial progresses, more and more is learnt about the new treatment.

Treatments that are already frequently used are called standard therapies. They are often the basis for new, perhaps better cancer therapies. Many new forms of treatment have been developed in this way: what has already been successful in the past is to be further improved.

Only those patients who really want to take part in therapy studies do so. Before you make a decision; find out all you can about it!

Advances in medicine and science are the result of new ideas. They are developed through research. A new treatment must be shown to be safe and effective in therapy studies on a certain number of patients. Before this, it must not be applied to all people in general.

Through therapy studies, we learn which treatment is more effective than another. Comparison is the best way to test a new therapy. A large number of today's standard therapies were first recognised as effective in this way in therapy studies. Even today, such studies help us to find new and better treatments.

Patients take part in treatment trials for various reasons: they usually hope that they themselves will be helped. They hope to perhaps be cured of cancer, live longer or feel better. They often want to support research efforts that will later help others.

Based on laboratory tests and previous studies, a therapy study is being developed to show whether the new treatment is better than an old one. The hope is that it will be. A therapy study is only ever carried out if this justified hope exists. Researchers often use components of standard therapies and try to develop better therapies from them.

Studies have often shown that a new therapy is better than an old one, and sometimes that it is not as good or at least not better. While a therapy study is being planned and carried out, there are always important reasons to assume that the new therapy is just as good or even better than the old one. Nevertheless, it can happen that the new therapy is a disappointment.

Patients taking part in therapy trials are the first to receive a new treatment. It is impossible to predict exactly how the new treatment will work. Even tried and tested standard therapies do not work the same for everyone. You should only decide whether you want to take part in a standard therapy or a therapy trial once you know both sides: the possible risks and the possible benefits. Your doctor can explain this to you.

If a therapy study shows that a new treatment is better than an old one, then the patients who take part in this study will also be the first to benefit from the new therapy. All patients are carefully monitored and followed, even after the end of the trial. They become part of the network of therapy studies being conducted throughout Germany. Doctors and researchers jointly contribute their ideas and experience to this network. The knowledge of many specialists flows into the design and evaluation of therapy studies. The patients in the therapy trials enjoy the benefits of this experience. At tumour centres, they are looked after by a special research team. New programmes are integrating more and more hospitals and doctors into this research network.

Yes, like any cancer therapy, treatment in therapy trials can also have side effects and risks. These side effects vary from person to person. They depend on the specific form of treatment and the patient's condition.

Therapy studies explore uncharted territory. Therefore, the risks are not always predictable, although many efforts have been made to find out which risks could arise. For this reason, treatment trials can harbour unknown dangers and side effects as well as hopes and benefits.

Most of the side effects of treatment trials go away as soon as the treatment is finished. For example, some cancer drugs (cytostatics) cause hair loss or nausea. They often also damage the bone marrow, where blood cells are produced. It can happen that the number of blood cells becomes so low that, for example, the risk of infections increases. For this reason, the number of blood cells (blood values) is checked regularly during the trial. Fortunately, the bone marrow usually recovers quickly so that the blood counts soon return to normal.

Some side effects do not go away; they can be very serious, some even life-threatening. There may also be side effects that are only noticed years later: these include damage to the heart, lungs and kidneys or infertility or a second cancer. All of these side effects can also occur with standard therapy. Nevertheless, many people suffering from cancer today live longer than in the past. This is mainly due to better treatment methods.

Before you decide to take part in a therapy trial, you will be given a detailed explanation of which treatment method is to be tested. You will then receive an information sheet explaining the possible risks and benefits of the new treatment. If you agree to take part in the treatment trial, you will be asked to sign a form known as informed consent. Make sure you understand the risks you may face before you sign. If there is anything you do not understand, ask. Doctors or nurses will answer your questions. You can always refuse to take part in a therapy study. Even if you have signed the form, you have the right to leave the therapy study at any time. You can then continue to be treated with a standard therapy.

It is certainly not easy for you as a patient to decide on your own treatment: there are so many things that have to be taken into account. Cancer is a disease with its own side effects that are independent of cancer therapy. These unavoidable risks of the disease itself must always be carefully weighed against the potential risks and benefits of a new cancer therapy. As a rule, both standard therapy and treatment in a therapy trial have side effects and risks.

Any medical treatment can have side effects for some people. Cancer therapy can have severe side effects because it is a particularly intensive treatment: it was developed to damage cancer cells so that they die. However, healthy cells can also be damaged in the process. This damage to healthy cells is the cause of many side effects. The major goal of cancer research is therefore to find a cancer therapy that causes cancer cells to die but does not damage healthy cells.

Researchers are trying to make cancer therapy more effective and minimise the side effects. These are examples of the results of these endeavours:

  • new cancer drugs with fewer side effects

  • more effective drugs against nausea

  • shorter periods of time during which cancer drugs have to be taken

  • better protection of healthy tissue during radiotherapy

  • new surgical methods that allow more limited interventions and less disfigurement of the body

  • better information and psychological support during difficult times.

Every therapy study is planned to answer very specific questions. Every study needs people at a certain stage of the disease and in a very specific state of health. Only if these conditions are the same for all participants can the standard therapy and the new treatment method be compared with each other. If you fulfil the general conditions, you may also be suitable for the relevant study.

Before a decision is made about your treatment, the type and stage of your disease will be analysed in detail. The "cancer stage" describes how far the disease has spread. The type of treatment depends on this and your general state of health. You will most likely be made aware of the treatment study by your own doctor, or perhaps by others who are familiar with your disease. In any case, you need to understand what to expect in a treatment trial. You must want to take part voluntarily. Ask what the consequences of taking part will be for you.

If you are thinking about taking part in a therapy study, ask these important questions:

  • What is the purpose of the therapy trial?

  • What does the therapy study entail?

  • What tests and treatments? What will be done and how?

  • What is likely to happen to the disease in my case? (With standard therapy? With the new therapy? What other options do I have? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

  • Is there a standard therapy in my case?

  • What is your relationship to the therapy study?

  • How will the therapy study affect my everyday life?

  • What side effects should I expect?

  • How long will the trial last?

  • Do I have to stay in hospital? If so, how often and for how long?

  • Will I have any costs?

  • If I am harmed by the trial or leave it, what treatment am I entitled to? Is there any insurance cover?

  • What kind of long-term follow-up care is part of the study?

Finding an answer to this question can be very difficult for you: You may feel overwhelmed by the cancer diagnosis and the decisions you now have to make. Or you may be confused and upset. Talk to people close to you about these difficulties. It is also important to discuss all treatment options with medical professionals now - including your own doctor. Take the time to ask all your questions. It may help to write them down beforehand. No question is stupid: find out as much as you can! Find out what your options are and what the risks and benefits are for you.

Every patient is different: you are an individual with individual needs, and your health is important.

When you make your decision about cancer treatment, remember: you are not alone. Many people are there to help you: Doctors, nurses, social workers, clergy, your family, good friends, other people affected by cancer. They can all help you to find out what is best for you. Then make your own decision.

No study may be conducted without the knowledge and consent of the patients. If a doctor or researcher wishes to conduct a study, they need the consent of all patients who are to take part. Consent is preceded by detailed information: this process is called "informed consent": if you are one of the patients, you will receive comprehensible information about the contents of the study from a doctor. You are entitled to a written information sheet.

You will then receive an informed consent form. Read it and think about it carefully. Ask any questions you still have. Then decide freely whether you want to take part or not. If you want to take part in the study, sign the form. It is also possible that you only give your verbal consent: in this case, a witness should be present to hear you give your consent. Of course, you can also refuse to participate. This will not put you at a disadvantage.

You may want to consider whether you would like your sick child to take part in a study. In the case of underage children, you would give your consent. However, if your child is familiar with his/her illness and can understand the significance of a therapy study, then you should involve him/her: Your child should also be told what will happen in the study and should also be asked for their consent.

Informed consent is an ongoing process. If you take part in a study, you will constantly receive new information about your treatment. You will be told anything that could change your willingness to stay in the study. Signing the consent form does not bind you: you can leave the study at any time.

Whether cancer patients take part in a treatment trial or not, they are faced with a new world of medical terminology and procedures. Some people think of treatment trials as "experiments" and being a "guinea pig". Naturally, the fear of the unknown is great. Knowing about treatment trials and what's involved can alleviate some of your fears. For example, patients in a clinical trial receive their treatment at the same place where standard treatment takes place: in tumour centres and hospitals.

Here, doctors, nurses, social workers and other people from many different specialities work together to help you. Your well-being and privacy are respected.

If you take part in a therapy study, your condition will be closely monitored. Observations and data about your illness will be carefully noted. You may undergo more tests than usual: this is to assess progress and collect data. Of course, these examinations can entail various risks and inconveniences, but also benefits. In any case, they mean more observation during the course of the disease and therefore protection. If it turns out during the course of the study that the treatment is not to your benefit, you can consider other treatment options in consultation with your doctor.

Whether cancer patients take part in a treatment trial or not, they are faced with a new world of medical terminology and procedures. Some people think of treatment trials as "experiments" and being a "guinea pig". Naturally, the fear of the unknown is great. Knowing about treatment trials and what's involved can alleviate some of your fears. For example, patients in a clinical trial receive their treatment at the same place where standard treatment takes place: in tumour centres and hospitals.

Here, doctors, nurses, social workers and other people from many different specialities work together to help you. Your well-being and privacy are respected.

If you take part in a therapy study, your condition will be closely monitored. Observations and data about your illness will be carefully noted. You may undergo more tests than usual: this is to assess progress and collect data. Of course, these examinations can entail various risks and inconveniences, but also benefits. In any case, they mean more observation during the course of the disease and therefore protection. If it turns out during the course of the study that the treatment is not to your benefit, you can consider other treatment options in consultation with your doctor.

Yes, just as you can refuse to participate, you can also leave the therapy study at any time. Your individual rights do not change because you are a patient in a therapy study. You can decide whether you want to participate or not. And you can revoke your decision at any time, even after the study has started.

If you have any questions about any part of the study, ask your doctor. If you are not satisfied with the answers, you can consider leaving the study. If you decide to leave the study, you will not suffer any disadvantages. Don't be afraid: you are free to talk to your doctors and nurses about other possible therapies at any time.

The ethical and legal rules that govern medical practice naturally also apply to therapy studies. In addition, there are certain precautionary measures to protect patients. These measures include the regular monitoring of treatment plans and the progress of individual trials by external researchers.

Each therapy study is carefully monitored with regard to ethical issues, patient protection and scientific success: your well-being is closely monitored. If you feel worse during the trial, you can be withdrawn. In this way, the probability of something happening to you as a result of a trial is minimised. But you are also protected against this low probability: Insurance cover is guaranteed for all participants in a therapy study; your doctor can tell you the exact insurance conditions.

During the course of the therapy study, the results are made available to scientific congresses, medical journals and various government agencies. Data protection is always guaranteed.

You can use these questions to find out whether a study is being conducted correctly:

  • What is the aim of the study?
  • Who has reviewed and approved the study?

  • Who is sponsoring the study?

  • How are patient data and patient safety checked?

  • Who will receive the information obtained?

Before you agree to participate, ask questions until you are satisfied with the answers. It is for your own protection.

There are many different types of therapy studies. They range from studies on the prevention, detection and diagnosis of cancer to studies on the psychological effects of the disease and studies on improving quality of life. This also includes pain control.

Most cancer therapy studies focus on new treatment methods, for example new surgical and radiotherapy procedures and new drugs. Alone or in combination with other therapies, these treatments can cure many cancer patients and prolong the lives of many others. Biological therapy is a relatively new area of cancer treatment: it involves the use of substances produced by the body's own cells, as well as substances that affect the body's defence system and protect it against disease

Therapeutic trials are conducted in different stages (phases), each of which is designed to gather specific information. Patients may be eligible for trials in certain phases, depending on their overall health and the stage of their cancer.

Phase I

In a phase I treatment trial, a new treatment method is given to a small number of patients. Researchers need to find out how the treatment works best and to what extent it is safe. They therefore carefully monitor all possible side effects. Efficacy and side effects have been intensively tested in the laboratory and in animal experiments. Nevertheless, it is not possible to predict with certainty whether this treatment will also have the hoped-for favourable effect in humans. For this reason, phase I trials can also harbour risks. They are only offered to patients for whom no other treatment is currently available. These new treatment methods can be effective and some patients have already been helped.

Phase II

Phase II therapy studies determine the effects of the new treatment method on different types of cancer. Each new phase of a treatment trial builds on the information from the earlier phase. If a treatment in phase II has shown a positive effect against the cancer, the therapy study enters phase III. Here, the new treatment method is compared with the standard therapy to see which form of therapy is more effective, and researchers often use standard therapies as a basis for developing new, possibly better methods.

Phase III

In Phase III, the new method is compared directly with the old one.

Phase IV

In phase IV studies, the new treatment method finally becomes part of the standard therapy for patients. For example, a new drug that has proven effective in phase I to III therapy trials can be used in combination with other effective treatments, such as other drugs, surgery and radiotherapy.

Those doctors who carry out a therapy study follow a carefully developed treatment plan. It sets out what is being done and why. Treatment trials are planned in such a way that patients are protected and important questions can be answered.

Some treatment trials test a particular treatment method in a specific group of patients. Others compare two or more methods in separate groups of patients who are comparable in certain respects, such as stage of disease, to ensure that the patient groups are similar and that the results can be compared.

One of the groups can receive the standard treatment (the most widely accepted treatment method), so the new treatment method can be directly compared with it. The group that receives the standard treatment is called the "control group": For example, the control group may receive the standard surgical treatment for a particular type of cancer, while another group of patients with the same type of cancer is treated by surgery plus radiotherapy to see if this gives better results.

Sometimes there is no standard therapy for certain cancer patients. In drug trials looking at such cases, one group of patients may receive a new drug while the control group receives no drug at all. However, no one is included in a no-treatment control group if there is a known treatment that could benefit patients. The control group is observed and treated just as carefully as the "treatment group".

One way of eliminating the influence of doctors and patients on the study is randomisation. If the patient agrees to be randomised, he or she is assigned to one group or the other. The researchers do not know which treatment method is the best: According to the latest state of knowledge, any treatment available for selection can have a positive effect for the patient.

If the treatment within the therapy study does not help patients, they can be removed from the study. Of course, each patient can also decide to leave the study: they will always receive help.

The results of the study are regularly reviewed and information is shared. This is important because if it turns out that a method is too dangerous or ineffective, it will be cancelled. Even if it turns out that one method is better than the others, the therapy study is terminated and all patients are treated with the better method. No patient will ever receive a treatment that is worse than any other known treatment.

Throughout the clinical trial, the patient's family doctor is kept informed of the patient's progress. Patients are encouraged to maintain contact with the referring doctor.

The knowledge gained through therapy studies is important for progress in cancer research. Such studies have significantly increased survival rates for childhood cancers, Hodgkin's disease, breast, uterine, testicular, bladder and other cancers.

Today, important scientific discoveries in laboratories are part of a revolution in biology and medicine. This knowledge is leading to promising new treatment approaches. Therapy studies are the link between this basic research and patients. The aim is to utilise the research results in such a way that they directly help people.

Adjuvant therapy

Adjuvant means "supportive", i.e. in addition to the actual treatment: one or more drugs (chemotherapy, hormones) are used in combination with surgical interventions or radiotherapy as part of the cancer treatment.


A substance that stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies and enters the body from outside. Antigens include, for example, foreign proteins, bacteria, viruses and pollen. Antibodies Substances that the body's immune system produces as a defence reaction to foreign bodies (antigens) that have entered the body and that are specifically directed against these foreign bodies.

Biological therapy

The use of substances that also occur in the human body or substances that influence the patient's immune system.


Removal of a tissue sample which is analysed for its composition. This can be used to detect benign or malignant changes. Blood test (blood count) Determination of the number of red and white blood cells and platelets in a blood sample.


Treatment with drugs (cytostatics) that primarily kill cancer cells.

Double-blind study

In such studies, neither the doctor nor the patient knows which of two possible test drugs a particular patient will receive. In blind studies, the participants do not know which therapy they are being treated with. This is to avoid influencing the therapy assessment. However, if necessary, the treatment method can be identified using a special code.


The study of the tissues of the body. In a histological examination, the tissue removed is examined for its individual components; it serves to confirm the diagnosis if a tumour is suspected.


Substances produced by the body's own glands. They enter other organs via the bloodstream and regulate processes such as growth, sexual behaviour and metabolism.

Immune system

A complex defence system of our body against foreign substances and organisms; organs, cells, white blood cells and specialised substances (e.g. hormones) are part of this system.


A form of biological therapy. Experimental method of fighting cancer using substances that stimulate the body's own immune system.

Informed consent

The process by which a patient learns about the aims and conditions of a treatment trial before potentially agreeing to participate. This process includes an information sheet that states what participants need to know about the potential risks or benefits of a treatment trial. Even after signing a participation form, you can leave the treatment trial at any time and receive a different treatment. Informed consent is required for all therapy trials.


A protein produced by certain white blood cells. Various types of interferon have shown anti-tumour activity in experimental animals. Interferon is one of several groups of active substances in biological therapy.

Bone marrow

The spongy core of large bones. Blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.

Combination therapy

Combination of several procedures in the treatment of cancer, e.g. combination of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgical therapy. Combined chemotherapy The simultaneous treatment with two or more anti-cancer drugs.

Control group

In a treatment trial, the control group is the group that receives the standard treatment (a treatment that has been shown to be effective in previous trials and is normally used). The results of new treatments can be compared with the results of the control group. In cases where no recognised treatment exists, the control group receives no treatment. Studies with a control group without treatment are only permitted if there is no known therapy that could be of benefit to the patient.


A generic term for over l00 diseases characterised by the uncontrolled growth of cells. Cancers often lead to tumour colonisation that invades normal tissue. As the disease progresses, metastases can form.


A "secondary tumour" that develops elsewhere in the body, away from the original site. Tumour cells usually spread via the bloodstream and lymphatic system.

Monoclonal antibodies

Genetically engineered, highly specific antibodies that can be used both for the diagnosis and treatment of tumour diseases.

Multimodal therapy

The combined use of one or more treatment methods, e.g. surgery and chemotherapy.

Side effect

A generally unfavourable effect of a drug or treatment method. Nausea, for example, is a side effect of some cancer drugs.


The branch of medicine that deals with the research and treatment of tumour diseases.


A placebo is a dummy drug. It is administered because of the possible psychological effect that taking medication can have. It serves as a control when evaluating the effectiveness of another drug. It is usually a capsule, tablet or injection that contains an ineffective and harmless substance but looks exactly like the drug being tested.


Test plan for the application of an experimental procedure or an experimental treatment (treatment plan).


see randomisation


Regression means regression; this refers to the shrinking or disappearance of a centre of cancer. Remission The subsiding, the decline of a disease. A distinction is made between complete remission, in which no more tumour is detectable, and partial remission, in which not all but many signs of the tumour have improved.


Recurrence of a tumour after previous treatment. A distinction is made between local recurrence (at the site of the initial tumour) and metastasis (at a distance from the initial tumour). Risk/benefit ratio The relationship between the risks and benefits of a treatment. The risks must always be in an acceptable proportion to the expected benefits.

X-ray contrast medium

Aids that are introduced into the body in order to better visualise body areas or organs in X-ray images.

Standard therapy

The recognised and applied treatment method. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated in previous therapy studies.


Application of high-energy radiation (X-rays, Cobalt 60, radium, neutrons) for the treatment of tumour diseases.

Study arm

If different therapies are compared in a therapy study, the different groups are called "study arms". Patients are allocated to study arms according to a predetermined key (see random allocation).

Therapy study

A systematic investigation of the effects of substances or methods according to a predetermined plan within a group of patients with a certain disease or a certain stage of the disease is called a therapy study. In cancer research, a therapy study is usually the evaluation of treatment methods (operations, drug treatment or radiotherapy). In addition, methods for prevention, early detection and diagnosis can also be the subject of studies.


If there is evidence that a new therapy is just as good or even better than a standard therapy, the two must be compared in detail. To ensure that they are comparable, attempts are made to eliminate irrelevant aspects. For this reason, patients with the same clinical picture are randomly assigned to different study arms (see there) of a study (randomisation). This means that they are randomised to receive either the new or the standard therapy.

(Taken from the brochure "Therapiestudien - dafür sind sie gut" ("Therapy studies - what they are good for") by the Leading Commission on Cancer Therapy Studies of the German Cancer Society and German Cancer Aid; medical supervision: Prof. Dr Dieter Hoelzer, Prof. Dr Ulrich Tröhler; text: Simone Schiffner-Backhaus; Frankfurt, March 1994

Clinical research projects

On the following pages you will find information about the current clinical trial activities of the working group. These are mainly planned and currently recruiting international, multicentre, oncological therapy studies which are initiated and led by the working group.

The NEONAX trial (phase 2, multicentre, 2-arm, randomised), which was initiated and led by us and started in April 2015, is investigating the influence of neoadjuvant systemic therapy (arm A: 2 cycles of gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel neoadjuvant, 4 cycles adjuvant versus arm B: 6 cycles of gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel adjuvant) on recurrence-free survival after 18 months in patients with clearly resectable pancreatic cancer and no evidence of distant metastases. The study is accompanied by a comprehensive translational support programme (circulating tumour DNA, histopathological regression score, etc.).

Prevention study (controlled, randomised, double-blind) on green tea extract as a dietary supplement for the prevention of metachronous colorectal adenomas.

In its first part, the PERMAD study (phase 2, multicentre, international, randomised) started in March 2015 and led by us is investigating the establishment of a marker profile for the response or resistance to anti-angiogenesis therapy, whereby blood samples are first collected at short intervals from 50 patients under palliative systemic therapy (1st-line: FOLFOX + Bevacizumab, 2nd-line FOLFIRI+ Aflibercept) and anti-angiogenesis markers are determined. If a marker profile for the development of resistance to anti-angiogenesis therapy can be established, the anti-angiogenesis therapy will be switched from bevacizumab to aflibercept in a second randomised part of the study with 150 patients, guided by the marker profile, even before progression after RECIST is visible on imaging, with the chemotherapy backbone remaining unchanged for the time being.

Medical biobanks are becoming increasingly important in science and research. The biobank of the Department of Internal Medicine I has been in existence since August 2013. We collect blood, urine and tissue samples from our gastroenterological-oncological and hepatological patients in particular at specific times. These are processed in the laboratory using standardised SOPs and their components are stored at -20°C to -196°C.

Participation is, of course, voluntary following appropriate information and consent. Patient data is stored pseudonymised. Our biobank plays a central role in a number of scientific projects at our clinic. We coordinate the translational projects of large international multicentre studies in the field of GI oncology and are the central storage point for all biomaterials obtained in the process.

In the field of translational oncological research, we are interested in the development of new, non-invasive biomarkers. A single tumour biopsy does not reflect the enormous genetic heterogeneity and evolution of a tumour and can lead to so-called "single biopsy bias". A so-called "liquid biopsy" (in the form of a blood sample and, for example, isolated circulating cell-free DNA/circulating tumour cells) has the potential to better reflect the genetic landscape of a tumour and enable a better study of tumour evolution.

You are also welcome to participate with your patients in answering these clinically highly relevant questions. For further information, please contact the coordinator of the biobank, Dr Andreas Berger.

MEFOX study: Methadone plus chemotherapy for colorectal cancer