In the case of an unfulfilled desire to have children, it is always important to test the partner's sperm quality when planning treatment. The most important parameters of a spermiogram are
- the concentration of sperm
- their motility (motility)
- their morphology (their shape)
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has defined threshold values for normal sperm quality (last update 2021)
- Concentration: >/= 16 million/ml
- Motility: >/= 30 per cent (WHO A+B)
- Morphology: > 4 per cent normally shaped sperm
The costs for the spermiogram analysis are usually covered by health insurance. If possible, you should observe a waiting period of 3-7 days before the examination, i.e. the last ejaculation should not have been less than 3 days and no longer than 7 days previously.
In azoospermia, the sperm cells in the seminal fluid are completely absent. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to fulfil the desire to have children. Using TESE (testicular sperm extraction), sperm can be extracted from the testicles if necessary. These can then be used in fertility treatment.
If you would like to have your sperm quality tested, you are welcome to contact us.