The courses in general and visceral surgery are consistently organised according to the concept of the learning spiral and blended learning. In addition to teaching theoretical knowledge, the focus here is also on practical skills in skills labs and interactive case-based seminars. Overall, we are already aligning our teaching concepts with the new NKLM and the new licensing regulations. In addition, as part of the Faculty of Medicine's wise@ulm concept ("Learn scientific skills during your studies"), students' scientific skills are to be strengthened during their studies. In addition to the compulsory courses as part of the standard curriculum, interested students also have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge as part of an interdisciplinary study track in visceral medicine together with gastroenterology. The overarching aim of the teaching concept is the increasing development of medical/physician competences, which can and should be carried out by students during practical sections of their studies in the form of so-called "entrustable professional activities" (EPAs).
Centre for Surgery - Student Secretariat
Mrs Anette Mayer -
Level 1, Room 1.X07, Phone: 0731-500 53053
Office hours:
Monday: 9:00 am - 11:00 am and from 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Tuesday: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. and from 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Thursday: 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Questions about courses and lessons via the homepage of the University of Ulm:
More information will be posted soon
Please send enquiries for clinical traineeships by e-mail to:
Please also send enquiries about medical internships (BOGY etc.) in writing to the above e-mail address. You will be informed immediately.
If you are interested in a doctorate in the Department of General and Visceral Surgery, please contact
Mrs Katharina Sauter -
Office of the Deputy Medical Director of the Clinic, Tel: 0731-500 53560
directly. She will be able to tell you immediately whether topics for doctoral theses (experimental, retrospective and prospective) are currently available. She will be happy to advise you.