Care is provided primarily for inpatients, but also for outpatients with health insurance and private patients.

for example for rheumatic diseases, scleroderma and other joint, soft tissue and muscle diseases

  • Physiotherapy on a neurophysiological basis
    for example for hemiplegia
  • Respiratory therapy
    for obstructive lung diseases or after thoracic surgery, for example
  • Group gymnastics for scleroderma patients

for example

  • temporomandibular joint dysfunctions as a result of systemic scleroderma
  • joint misalignments due to rheumatic diseases
  • Raynaud's symptoms

for example with

  • Scleroderma
  • Sudek's disease
  • Lymphatic congestion and postoperatively after lymph node removal in malignant tumours
  • ulcer
  • lymphatic lipoedema

for example

  • restricted movement and hardening due to scleroderma in the hands, temporomandibular joint or trunk
  • Raynaud's symptoms
  • Information on BMS therapy

Myofascial therapy
for example, pain and restrictions to efficient biomechanics caused by hypercontraction and spasm in the soft tissues

  • Partial and full massages
  • Connective tissue massage
    e.g. for AVK, Raynaud's disease, headaches

Hot air

  • Natural mud pack
  • Hot roll
  • Ice therapy

Scleroderma self-help group in Ulm
If you are interested, please contact Mr Lütge



In the case of Raynaud's phenomenon, possibly as a result of systemic scleroderma, heated gloves have proven to be a suitable aid, especially in the transitional season and in cold weather.

You are welcome to ask Mr Lütge for the source of supply.

As a result of systemic scleroderma, hardening of the tissue can lead to reduced mouth opening (problem at the dentist).
Targeted stretching and loosening of the chewing muscles, e.g. through BMS therapy, manual therapy and myofascial therapy, makes the skin more elastic and the muscles more flexible.
This is supported by a homework programme, which the patient should practise twice a day.

During inpatient treatment, decongestive therapy is used alongside medication and external treatment to promote wound healing.

Manual lymphatic drainage with subsequent compression and exercise therapy in a compression bandage or customised compression stocking improves venous and lymphatic drainage through passive stimulation of the muscle-venous pump. This relieves the surrounding tissue, improves trophism and drains inflammation-promoting substances.