We preserve teeth


The prevention of dental damage and the preservation of diseased teeth are at the centre of our dental work. The Clinic for Tooth Preservation and Periodontology specialises in the following disciplines

- Cariology (filling therapy)
- Endodontology (root canal treatment)
- Periodontology (treatment of gum disease)

We offer a wide range of modern, state-of-the-art treatment methods and are open to all patients. You can also turn to us with toothache, dental injuries or tooth formation disorders.

In addition to patient care, we perform extensive teaching duties in the Dentistry degree programme and work on application-oriented topics in research.

Focal points of the clinic

Restoration therapy that protects the substance
Aesthetic restorations Tooth whitening (bleaching)
Caries infiltration
Tooth damage due to erosion and abrasion
Heavily damaged teeth
Tooth formation disorders

Root canal treatment
Microscope-assisted endodontics
Tooth injuries
Revision treatment
Fragment removal
Perforation coverage

Gingivitis, periodontal pockets
Supportive periodontitis therapy, prophylaxis
Exposed tooth necks Recession coverage
Regenerative therapy
Bacterial detection
Halitosis consultation

Contact and consultation hours

Comm. Head Senior Physician Dr Chaman Hamad

Phone: 0731 500-64101
Fax: 0731 500-64102


Our team

Centralised appointment allocation

Telephone: 0731 500-64110

E-mail: Registration

Monday - Thursday: 08:00 - 12:00

and 13:00 - 16:30

Friday: 08:00 - 12:00

All outpatient clinics

Private and senior physician consultations

Phone: 0731 500-64101


Monday - Thursday: 08:00 - 12:00

and 13:00 - 16:00


News and events

Auch 2024 wurden wieder Zahnmedizinstudierende der Uni-versität Ulm mit der „Goldenen Hedström-Feile“ ausgezeichnet

Die Studentinnen Diem Thao Hoang (7. Semester), Simone Kanzow und Veronika Tacheva (beide 10. Semester) wurden aufgrund ihrer herausragenden Leistungen im Fachbereich Endodontie (Lehre des Zahninneren, u.a. Wurzelkanalbehandlungen) geehrt.