Directions from the car park Mitte P20 to the Clinic for Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology (ZMK I)
(also for travelling by bus)
Park in the car park Mitte P20. (Patient rate: €2 for the duration of treatment)
The Mitte multi-storey car park is easy to reach from the Staudingerstraße bus stop.
Car park Mitte P20
Albert-Einstein-Allee 16
89081 Ulm
Here you can see a photo gallery of how to get to us from the multi-storey car park at the new surgery building.
You will find our registration desk in fixed point N24 on the 6th floor and the student treatment course on the 5th floor.

Level 5: Student treatment courses
Level 6: Clinic for Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology