Counselling services for patients and relatives

Contact us

Phone 0731 - 500 67187

Fax 0731 - 500 67182

Contact hours directly or via answering machine:

Monday to Friday from 8:00 - 16:00



Ulm University Hospital
Comprehensive Cancer Centre Ulm (CCCU)
Oberer Eselsberg
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23
89081 Ulm


Contact us

  • Profilbild von B. Sc. Diätetik Bärbel Zehatschek

    B. Sc. Diätetik Bärbel Zehatschek



Ms Zehatschek (B.Sc. Dietetics, Dietician) works in oncological nutrition therapy at the Comprehensive Cancer Centre Ulm (CCCU). Her goals in nutritional therapy are to maintain or achieve a good nutritional status by optimising food and energy intake and improving quality of life. The aim is also to improve performance and mobility. The aim is also to achieve more effective treatment success and reduce side effects.

Further information on nutrition and cancer can be found here.

Genetic counselling is a medical counselling service for anyone who is wondering whether they themselves or their children could have a hereditary disease. If this possibility exists, genetic counselling aims to help people understand and correctly assess its significance.

Please address your enquiries directly to the Genetic Counselling Centre.

Contact us

Phone 0731/500-65410

Fax 0731/500-65412

Genetic Counselling Centre
Institute of Human Genetics
Ulm University Hospital
Frauensteige 6
89075 Ulm

Oncological exercise therapy (OBT) at the CCCU

Physical activity and exercise in the form of structural training can help to improve the effect of cancer therapy and minimise or even prevent complications and side effects. Exercise and sport also help to positively influence subjective well-being.

Taking into account the personal initial situation, personal interests and side effects of the therapy, we would like to support those affected before, during and after cancer therapy in integrating more physical activity and exercise into everyday life and finding the right exercise programme.


Aims of oncological exercise therapy
  • Reduce side effects (e.g. fatigue, polyneuropathies)
  • Improve therapy tolerability/effectiveness
  • Fit for the operation/ Fit for transplantation
  • (Re)gain fun and enjoyment from exercise
  • Increase resilience and well-being


Oncological exercise therapy (OBT) programmes at the CCCU

Prevention and treatment of the consequences of therapy
=> Information and counselling

  • Individual counselling for physical training
  • Needs-based and personalised recommendations tailored to the patient's condition, side effects and goals


Staying fit during oncological treatment
=> Individualised advice to accompany high-dose chemotherapy

  • Development of an individualised training plan during inpatient therapy and for independent implementation at home
  • Support in the search for suitable exercise/training options close to home in qualified training/therapy facilities



  • Fit for surgery: preparation for major operations
  • Fit for transplantation: preparation for bone marrow and stem cell transplants

The feeling of being able to independently influence your physical and mental state during cancer therapy can have a supportive effect and help you to get through the sometimes stressful therapy well.

We are happy to support you in becoming physically active!

  • Profilbild von Dr. Stephanie Otto

    Dr. Stephanie Otto





Certified regional OnkoAktiv centre

The Comprehensive Cancer Center Ulm (CCCU) has qualified as a certified regional OnkoAktiv centre in the OnkoAktiv network. Certifiedregional OnkoAktiv centres support the OnkoAktiv concept and independently establish a network of local healthcare facilities. Patients are given an initial medical history and individual counselling and are then referred to certified training and therapy institutions close to their place of residence with the relevant training information. These co-operating training and therapy institutions have been tested according to defined quality criteria.

(Press release about the certified regional OnkoAktiv Centre Ulm)

Associated OnkoAktiv training and therapy centres:
VAMED Rehabilitation Centre Ulm

Cancer is often associated with profound upheaval for all those affected - the patients and their relatives. The associated psychosocial stresses are sometimes numerous and permeate all areas of life. Hardly anything is the same as before. Such intrusive changes often result in excessive demands, helplessness and helplessness, which weakens coping skills, reduces quality of life and makes communication with relatives and carers more difficult.

The Ulm Psychosocial Cancer Counselling Centre therefore offers all those affected - patients, relatives and friends - professional psycho-oncological support, counselling and guidance in all phases of the disease and treatment. Our aim is to provide supportive and stabilising information and advice and to strengthen the patient's own coping skills.


The Psychosocial Cancer Counselling Ulm complements existing counselling services and primarily accompanies

  • Those affected in all phases of the disease

  • People who have been living with cancer or its consequences for many years

  • Family members and friends


Services offered:

  • General information on cancer and oncology

  • (Psycho-)social counselling and psycho-oncological care and support

  • Support and guidance in decision-making processes

  • Support in organising your changed life situation

  • Assistance with social law issues

  • Referral to self-help groups and opportunities for close dialogue with the local KORN self-help office

  • Referral to and/or inclusion of additional local help and support services

Phone 0731/88016520

Fax 0731/88016525

Psychosocial Cancer Counselling Centre Ulm
Kornhausgasse 9 | 89073 Ulm

Appointments: Monday - Thursday | 8:30 am - 12:30 pm


psychosocial round table - ulm

"People who are affected by cancer, as patients or as close relatives, not only need medical treatment, but also counselling and support. The range of professional contacts and self-help groups is diverse and sometimes confusing.

At Ulm University Hospital, an interdisciplinary working group, the "psychosocial round table - ulm", was formed in summer 2008 to compile and clearly describe the existing support services at Ulm University Hospital.

The guide "Counselling services for patients and relatives with cancer" is intended to encourage and help people to get an overview and find suitable contacts both at Ulm University Hospital and in their local area.

Social counselling service

Illness and accidents often have far-reaching effects on the lives of patients and their carers.

The staff of the Social Counselling Service support tumour patients in solving problems caused by illness or disability that affect their lives psychologically, physically, professionally and financially.

Against the background of the illness, counselling is provided on topics such as

Rehabilitation, care after discharge, social law, psychosocial counselling, referral to further contacts and addresses.

Contact us

Phone 0731 - 500 69065

Fax 0731 - 500 69061

Social Counselling Service University Hospital Ulm
Selina Wenger, M.A. Social Work (FH)
Head of Social Counselling Services
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23
89081 Ulm