Directions and parking facilities

You can find information on how to find us, the site plan and parking facilities here.

Registration and admission for inpatient treatment

Inpatient treatment must be arranged by a doctor. You will need a "referral slip" for this. You will usually receive this from your GP or a registered specialist. If you come as an emergency and this leads to hospitalisation, we can arrange for you to be admitted without a referral certificate.
If your GP or specialist already has examination results (ECG, laboratory, pulmonary function test, etc.) or X-rays, please bring these with you to your admission appointment. In this way, we can reduce unnecessary duplicate examinations.
Please register for your admission appointment (usually at 10.00 a.m.) at our central registration desk directly at the main entrance. Please present your insurance card and referral slip here. The registration staff will ask you for the following information, among other things:

  • Your personal details
  • Was there a work-related or commuting accident?
  • Insurance status (which insurance)
  • Do you require optional services?
  • Name and address of your referring general practitioner or specialist
  • Name and address of a person of trust/close relative

Please then come directly to your ward. There you will be admitted by the nursing staff and your ward doctor.

Accidents at work (D-Arzt)

Accidents at work, all injuries including hand injuries.
At any time without prior appointment

Enquiries: 0731 500 54600

D-Arzt: Prof. Dr med. Florian Gebhard
D-Arzt consultation hours: daily 8:00 -16:00
Special D-Arzt consultation hours: Wednesday 9:00 - 12:00

0731 500 54777 (weekdays 08:00 - 16:00)
0731 500 54600 (nights and weekends/holidays)

Treatment contract

Inpatient treatment means that you enter into a treatment contract with the hospital. To this end, you must sign the "treatment contract" upon admission.
This contains the General Terms and Conditions, which form the legal basis for your stay. The General Terms and Conditions of Contract of the clinic and the treatment cost tariff are formulated, which you can view at any time on admission.
Data protection is particularly important to our clinic. You will be informed in the treatment contract about the (necessary) transfer of your data to third parties.
If you require additional optional services, we will conclude these with you via a separate "optional services agreement". If your health insurance fund does not cover the costs incurred for this, you will incur additional costs.

Occupational or commuting accident

Occupational and commuting accidents are covered by statutory accident insurance, which is provided by the employers' liability insurance associations and the accident insurance funds. Treatment may only be carried out by specially authorised transit physicians. In addition to the treatment of outpatient occupational or commuting accidents, we are also authorised by the statutory accident insurers to treat inpatient and serious occupational and commuting accidents in accordance with §34 SGB VII (injury type procedure, VAV and serious injury type procedure SAV).
If you have suffered an occupational accident or an accident while travelling on business or on the way there, it is very important that you inform us of this. We will then initiate treatment at the expense of the relevant statutory accident insurance.


Visitors are not only welcome to us, but are also extremely important for the patients. There are no fixed visiting times at the University Hospital, there are variable times which you can enquire about at the admissions desk. There are separate visiting times for the surgical recovery ward and the intensive care unit. In principle, parents of young patients on the paediatric ward have unlimited visiting times.
Visitors are asked to show consideration for patients and fellow patients. If necessary, our nursing staff will advise you of the necessary rest periods for patients who have recently undergone surgery.

Letters and postcards

Patients are welcome to receive mail, especially if longer hospital stays are necessary.
Please ensure that the address is as complete as possible:

Ulm University Hospital
Albert-Einstein-Allee 23
89081 Ulm

Please also state

  • Name of the patient
  • Ward and room number

Foot care

Professional foot care can be organised for you on request. However, you will have to pay the costs yourself.

Paediatric ward

There is a special paediatric surgery ward (ward CG4) at the University Hospital. Here we try to make the hospital stay as pleasant as possible for the children and you. It is usually more pleasant for the children if they can take their audio cassettes, books, favourite toys or cuddly toys with them.
Our clinic offers parents the opportunity to record them with their children. In principle, this is intended for parents of infants and small children (up to 6 years of age), as well as seriously ill children. The costs for the admission of parents are covered by most health insurance companies. Due to the limited bed capacity for these mother-child units, we have to decide on a case-by-case basis whether such reasons exist. In principle, the admission of a parent without medical indication is only possible if the current bed situation allows it. However, we always endeavour to make this possible.
The children's ward also has a playroom with a play corner, board games, colouring and craft tables, a children's kitchen and a book corner. The playroom is always very popular with our little ones and their parents. You are also welcome to bring your own toys.


We have a large team of physiotherapists and masseurs at the University Hospital to help you get back on your feet quickly after your operation. Many people are surprised at how quickly they can practise "familiar" movements and exercise again after an operation. We also have several training rooms at the hospital, which you can visit and use independently after a short briefing. The therapists and your ward doctor are also available at any time to answer any questions you may have about further weight-bearing and exercises.

Nursing care

Our nursing team will look after you from day one and take care of a wide range of organisational matters.
After registration and admission for inpatient treatment, you will be taken directly to the ward on which you have been registered. Here you will be welcomed by the ward nurse in charge, who will accompany you to your room. You will then be given as much detailed information as possible about your daily habits, concomitant illnesses, medication and relatives/caregivers in an admission interview.
After nursing care, you will be seen by the ward doctor, who will conduct a medical admission interview with you and process the consent for the operation (informed consent) with you. After lunch, an anaesthetist will inform you about the upcoming anaesthetic. We therefore ask you to stay in your room until all the necessary admissions interviews and examinations have been completed. Afterwards, the day is at your free disposal.
After the operation, your nursing team will be there for you around the clock if you are in pain and will help you with any difficulties (going to the toilet, personal hygiene, eating). If you have any wishes or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us in confidence.


Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the University Hospital. However, if you do not wish to give up your cigarette, please use the designated smoking areas in front of the entrances.
Please do not smoke secretly in the toilets or other areas of the building. The hospital has a highly sensitive fire alarm system that can be triggered by cigarette smoke. You may incur unnecessary follow-up costs for a false alarm.

Duty of confidentiality

All employees of the University Hospital are subject to the statutory duty of confidentiality. We maintain confidentiality about all personal matters that you entrust to us. You can release your doctor from the duty of confidentiality so that he or she can provide information about your state of health to certain persons named by you.

Social services

An illness or accident may change your usual living conditions. The social services will advise you on your personal and social law issues relating to your hospitalisation and beyond. You will receive assistance with the necessary steps to apply for a care place or short-term care, for example. The social services staff are also available to answer your questions about short-term help at home, meals on wheels or family help.
The social services department will also organise any inpatient medical rehabilitation that may be required and will clarify the costs to be covered by your health insurance or pension insurance provider. You can contact the social services on 0731 500 26853, 0731 500 26854 or 0731 500 26855.

Telephone numbers of the stations

Ward CE4: 0731 500 53300
Ward CF4: 0731 500 53320
Ward CG4: 0731 500 53340
Ward CG5: 0731 500 53400
Emergency department: 0731 500 53130
Outpatient surgery centre (AOZ): 0731 500 60421

Preparation for the inpatient stay

If you are scheduled for inpatient treatment, you will need a referral slip. You will receive this from your GP or referring specialist. In emergencies, you will be admitted as an inpatient via our emergency outpatient clinic.
What you should remember:

  • Insurance card
  • Referral slip (general practitioner/specialist)
  • Requested medical documents from preliminary examinations (e.g. laboratory, ECG)
  • Preliminary X-ray images
  • Important findings and letters from previous hospitalisations or treatments
  • Complete list (with names and dosage) of your medication
  • if available: Allergy pass, X-ray pass, prosthesis pass, Marcumar pass, sugar pass, vaccination card, etc...
  • Washing and care utensils
  • Nightdress/sleepwear, bathrobe, sturdy slippers (no "slippers")
  • Books, magazines, laptop, MP3 player, games
  • Inform relatives (or friends, neighbours)

We urge you to leave unnecessary valuables at home. The clinic cannot accept any liability for any loss. You can give a receipt for money or similar items to your ward, which will keep them safely locked away for you.

Optional services

Regardless of whether you have statutory or private health insurance, you have the option of claiming optional services. These include accommodation in a single or twin room, or treatment by the medical director (treatment by the head physician). If you have statutory health insurance, however, you will have to pay these additional costs yourself unless you have taken out supplementary insurance for this case. This also applies in the event that your private insurance does not cover the costs in full. We therefore strongly recommend that you find out in advance from your health insurance company about the level of reimbursement for optional services. Please also note that if you make use of optional services, all doctors involved in the treatment (including anaesthetists, laboratory doctors, radiologists, etc.) will claim their services separately. If you require optional services, please indicate this when you register and are admitted for inpatient treatment. The staff will be happy to help you with any further questions you may have.