Lecture period: 14.10.2024 - 15.02.2025
Thursdays 11:00 a.m. (s.t.), face-to-face lecture in the lecture theatre Surgery, Oberer Eselsberg
17.10.2024 | Depression, diagnostics, therapy Prof. Dr med. H. Graf |
24.10.2024 | Bipolar disorders, relapse prophylaxis Prof. Dr Dr med M. Spitzer |
31.10.2024 | Anxiety and compulsion Prof. C. Schönfeldt-Lecuona, MD |
07.11.2024 | ADHD Prof. Dr med. V. Clemens |
14.11.2024 | Sexual disorders Dr V. Durner, MD |
21.11.2024 | Substance use disorder I - alcohol and nicotine Dr med R. Zeiss |
28.11.2024 | Substance use disorder II - medication and illegal substances Dr R. Zeiss, MD |
05.12.2024 | Schizophrenia I - Aetiology and pathophysiology Prof. Dr med. B. Abler |
12.12.2024 | Inaugural lecture: Schizophrenia II - Diagnosis and therapy PD Ziyan Xu, M.D. (Capital Medical University) |
19.12.2024 | Dementia Prof. Dr Dr med. M. Spitzer |
09.01.2025 | Psychopharmacology Dr R. Borbé, MD |
16.01.2025 | Personality disorders Prof. Dr Dr med. M. Spitzer |
23.01.2025 | Trauma-related disorders PD Dr med. K. Malejko |
30.01.2025 | Social psychiatry, community psychiatry Prof. Dr med. N. Rüsch |
06.02.2025 | Psychiatric emergencies, suicidality Prof Dr med C. Schönfeldt-Lecuona |
13.02.2025 | Autism Prof. Dr med. V. Clemens |
Tue, 18.02.2025 15:10 - 16:00 | Exam Lecture halls Uni Ost, Oberer Eselsberg |
04.03. - 15.03.2024
Start: 04.03., 08.15 a.m. in the lecture theatre of Psychiatry III (UG, U.03), Leimgrubenweg 12-14
16.09. - 27.09.2024
Start: 16 September, 8.15 a.m. in the Psychiatry III lecture theatre (UG, U.03), Leimgrubenweg 12-14
10.03. - 21.03.2025
Start: 10.03., 08.15 a.m. in the Psychiatry III lecture theatre (UG, U.03), Leimgrubenweg 12-14
15.09. - 26.09.2025
Start: 15 September, 08.15 a.m. in the lecture theatre of Psychiatry III (UG, U.03), Leimgrubenweg 12-14
Organisation: Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Kammer
Further information on the block practicals: see moodle
Compulsory elective subject W522: Genius and madness - psychopathology based on well-known personalities
Tuesday, 16.00 - 17.30, Online
Lecturers: Prof. Dr med. R. Freudenmann, Prof. Dr med. M. Gahr, Dr med. R. Zeiss, Dr phil. M.Sc. J. Kröner
Illustration and development of central psychopathological symptoms and paradigmatic mental disorders based on biographies and (artistic) products/works of well-known personalities, in particular politicians and rulers (e.g. Ronald Reagan, Klaus Kinski, Adolf Hitler, Ludwig von Bayern, Silvio Berlusconi, Friedrich Nietzsche, Kurt Cobain, Evard Munch, etc.)
Learning objectives: Acquisition of basic knowledge of psychiatric clinical pictures; acquisition of knowledge in the border area of culture/medicine
Registration formalities: Online registration via Corona
Psychiatric examination course (voluntary, 5th and 6th semester)
Wednesdays, 14.45 - 16.15, online
Lecturers: Dr K. Kandler, A. Rüger
At the centre of psychiatric diagnostics is the collection of psychophathological findings. These findings are based on a medical interview with the patient and observation of the patient. The psychophathological dimensions and terms are first introduced in the examination course. Using concrete examples (educational films, real patients), the special psychiatric examination situation is presented and the associated requirements for a medical interview are demonstrated. In order to consolidate the content of the course, observation appointments with participation in ward rounds in the psychiatric clinic are offered at the end of the course.
Learning objectives: To familiarise students with the special examination situation with mentally ill patients. To overcome reservations and fears about mentally ill patients. To arouse interest in the subject of psychiatry.
Registration formalities: Online registration via Corona
Compulsory elective subject W513: Remote films - great cinema. Psychiatric diagnostics in feature films
Wednesdays, 16.30 - 18.00, face-to-face lecture in the clinic lecture theatre, Leimgrubenweg 12, UG, U.03
Lecturers: Prof. Dr med. B. Abler, Prof. Dr med. H. Graf, Prof. Dr med. T. Kammer, PD Dr med. K. Malejko, Dr med. D. Mikusky, Dr med. E. de Petriconi, Prof. Dr M. Rassenhofer, M.Sc. S. Bückle
Excerpts from feature films are used to bring psychiatric diagnostics to life. For each psychiatric category of the ICD-10, a film is selected to illustrate the psychopathology. The aim is to make the various F diagnoses (Chapter F of the ICD-10) tangible and to establish a link to mental illnesses in everyday clinical practice. Look forward to films such as Trainspotting, Reine Nervensache, Beautiful Mind, Besser geht's nicht, Forrest Gump in a new psychiatric light. Come closer, take a seat, popcorn and crisps are allowed.
Learning objectives: Psychopathology, Differential application of ICD-10 diagnostic criteria.
Useful prior knowledge: Clinical traineeship in a psychiatric institution
Prerequisites: Minimum psychiatry lecture (7th semester), also useful block internship (block semester)
Registration formalities: Online registration via Corona
Proof of performance: Subject to compulsory attendance, regular participation and written examination
Further information: Prof. Dr med. B. Abler
Elective subject: Energy metabolism and depression
Thursdays, 15.15 - 16:45, online
Lecturers: Dr biol. hum M. Ulrich, Prof. phil. Dipl.-Psych. G. Grön
The course uses the example of depression to show the interdependencies between energy, structure and function. It will be shown that the morphologically detectable changes in the brains of depressed patients (especially hippocampal atrophy) can be, among other things, the effects of glutamate excitotoxicity, which in turn is associated with energy deficiency and mitochondrial dysfunction. In the context of the concept of "stress", modulating factors of mitochondrial function and their interactions with each other are discussed in detail, e.g. thyroid hormones, cortisol, nitric oxide, serotonin, oestrogens, reactive oxygen species (ROS), lipid peroxidation, inflammation, hypoxia.
Learning objectives: Knowledge of molecules and signalling cascades that interfere with mitochondrial integrity and are thus related to disease events
Useful prior knowledge: Knowledge of anatomy, physiology and psychiatry
Registration formalities: Online registration via Corona
Proof of performance: yes
Further information:Dr biol. hum. M. Ulrich
Molecular and Translational Neuroscience (Master)
Every summer semester: Disorders in Psychiatry - Symptoms and Syndroms
In this module we will present the main mental disorders using clips from cinema movies. The lecture is structured on the basis of the WHO classification system, ICD-10, chapter V (Fxx). It starts with an introduction into the systematics of psychopathology and the concepts of diagnostic systems. Then examples of each subsection (F0 - F9), such as dementia, addiction, schizophrenia, affective disorders etc. will be demonstrated presenting examples from suitable movies. The module includes mental and developmental.
After successful accomplishment of this module the students have knowledge
- diagnostic systems in psychiatry
- terminology of psychophathology
- an overview on phenomenology and course of mental disorders
Lecturer: Prof. Dr med. T. Kammer, Dr med. V. Durner, Dr med. K. Kandler, Dr med. R. Zeiss, Dr G. Durner, Dr S. Witzel, Dr Z. Xu, Psychologists from AWIP
Organisation: Prof. Dr. med. T. Kammer
Every winter semester: Seminar in Psychopharmacology
The focus in this module is on neuronal receptor systems targeted by psychopharmacological drugs. The different systems and sub-systems will be presented by the participants in presentations, including the existing drugs targeting the given system. The particular indications of the drugs in psychiatry and specific clinical aspects as well as side effects and interactions will be discussed.
After successful accomplishment of this module the students have knowledge about
- neurotransmitters
- neuromodulators
-receptor systems in the brain
- different classes of psychotropic drugs
- side effects
- clinical aspects of psychopharmacology
Lecturer: PD Dr med. K. Malejko, A. Rüger, Dr med. V. Durner, Dr med. R. Zeiss, A. Huss, PhD,
Organisation: PD Dr. med. K. Malejko
Practical year
Together with other facilities, the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy III fulfils the care mandate for general psychiatric patients in the city of Ulm and the northern Alb-Donau district. We have 24 beds on a closed acute ward and two open wards for this purpose. In addition, we have a contingent of 30 beds that are also used for general psychiatric treatment, but with consideration for research and teaching. We also have a day clinic with 23 therapy places, as well as a university outpatient clinic and a psychiatric institute outpatient clinic.
Modern psychiatry combines pharmacotherapy with psychotherapy and sociotherapy. Key words are:
- Close to the community
- no hospitalisation
- short hospitalisation times
- patient-orientated approach
- close integration of neuroscience with practical clinical psychiatry
Clinical specialisations
- Crisis intervention
- Organo-brain and somatic diagnostics (in collaboration with other specialities at the University Hospital)
- Modern psychopharmacotherapy
- Psychotherapy based on behavioural therapy
- Extensive range of co-therapies (sports, occupational, occupational and music therapy; relaxation)
- Intensive socio-psychiatric care
Scientific focus
Cognitive neuroscientific examinations are carried out using a wide range of methods, from behavioural experiments to brain mapping using electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) as well as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). The department has several electrophysiological laboratories and its own 3T head scanner.
Offers for students in their practical year
- Active collaboration on open and closed wards
- personal supervision by a ward physician and the senior physician in charge
- Extensive involvement in diagnostic and therapeutic processes
- Participation in co-therapy and social psychiatric measures (e.g. home visits)
- Participation in all further training (specialist training, psychotherapy, scientific seminars)
Learning objectives
- In-depth knowledge of psychiatric clinical pictures
- disorders of the affective and schizophrenic spectrum
- organic psychosyndromes
- Anxiety, obsessive-compulsive and personality disorders
- Introduction to modern therapy methods such as
- psychopharmacotherapy
- behavioural therapy
- sociotherapy
- Electroconvulsive therapy