Further training
Clinical case conference
In this event, paradigmatic cases on the one hand and unclear or unusual cases on the other are discussed. The patient is usually present in person. It is an interactive event in which the patient's history, psychopathology, diagnostic and therapeutic measures (pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy) and psychosocial aspects are discussed in detail.
The clinical case conference takes place on Wednesdays at 12.30 - 14.00 in the lecture theatre of the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy III. The event is certified with 3 CME points. Registration is required.
Contact person
Prof Dr Bernhard Connemann
Scientific colloquium
In the scientific colloquium, changing speakers from other clinics or institutions present their research work on current topics in the fields of psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychology or neuroscience. A broad spectrum of both clinical-application-related and basic scientific topics is offered.
The scientific colloquium takes place during the semester on Tuesdays at 2.30 - 3.30 pm in the lecture theatre of the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy III. The event is certified with 2 CME points. Registration is not required.
Contact person
Prof Dr med Birgit Abler
Psychotherapeutic Wednesday seminar
The Wednesday seminar is organised as an open offer within the framework of further psychotherapeutic training, primarily for assistant doctors from the Clinics for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy and the Department of Psychiatry at the Bundeswehr Hospital, with seminars organised by alternating speakers from the participating clinics. In addition to junior doctors, AWIP trainees and other colleagues can also take part as part of the free peak. Every year, 5-6 seminar dates are offered with alternating speakers on special further education and training topics in the context of behavioural therapy, as well as a further 3-4 dates on the theory and practice of behavioural therapy case conception.
The Wednesday seminar takes place once a month at 3.00 - 6.15 pm in the lecture theatre of the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy III. The event is certified with 5 CME points. Registration is required.
Contact person
Prof Dr med Birgit Abler
Prof. Dr med. Dr phil. Manfred Spitzer, specialist in psychiatry, and Prof. Dr med. Bernhard Connemann, specialist in psychiatry / psychotherapy, are jointly authorised to provide 48 months of further training to become a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy. Within the training period, the candidates can complete all the content prescribed in the training regulations of the Baden-Württemberg Medical Association. An exchange programme organised by our clinic with the University Clinic for Neurology at Ulm Rehabilitation Hospital is planned for a further 12 months.
In our clinic with one protected and two open general psychiatric wards as well as a day clinic and three outpatient clinics, adult patients with the entire spectrum of mental disorders, including addiction and geriatric psychiatric cases, are treated. Candidates undergo training in all areas and thus become familiar with the various focal points, such as neuropsychological diagnostics, drug therapy including drug monitoring and other somatic therapy methods, the use of psychotherapy methods, crisis intervention, legal provisions for accommodation and care, detoxification/withdrawal, treatment of chronically mentally ill people, but also social psychiatric aspects and consultation and liaison psychiatry.
All elements of psychiatric further training specified in the further training regulations can be completed at the clinic during the further training period. A concrete description of the individual contents can be found under FA_Weiterbildung_Psychiatrie_Inhalte_nach_WBO.pdf.
The elements of the psychotherapeutic part of further training are offered via the AWIP training institute for psychotherapy, which is part of the clinic.
The seminars and other training elements offered at the clinic and the AWIP are free of charge for candidates. With regard to self-awareness, participation in external courses is expressly supported, also with regard to the assumption of costs.
Further training in psychotherapy
The training of psychotherapists was reorganised on 1 September 2020 by the Psychotherapist Training Reform Act and the Licensing Regulations for Psychotherapists.
In future, a polyvalent bachelor's degree course will be followed by a specialised psychotherapy master's degree course, which ends with a licence to practise and entitles the holder to use the professional title of "psychotherapist".
In future, the degree course can be followed by five years of further training in full-time employment, leading to the qualification of "specialist psychotherapist". The further training regulations provide for further training periods in outpatient psychotherapeutic care, in (partially) inpatient psychotherapeutic care facilities and optionally in the institutional sector.
On the website of the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Psychotherapists, you will find further information on "Further training for psychotherapists" as well as answers to frequently asked questions.
Psychotherapy training at the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy III
We expect to start further training from October 2025.
We would also like to offer places at the UKU's Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy III for the inpatient section of the further training to become a specialist psychotherapist in behavioural therapy.
We cooperate closely with our in-house training and further training institute for behavioural therapy and applied psychology (AWIP) for theory, self-awareness, supervision and the outpatient training section. You can find more information about the AWIP here.