Junior Prof. Dr biol. hum. Nathalie Oexle
M. Sc. in Public Health
Junior Professor of Social Psychiatry
Head of the Suicide Prevention Working Group
Phone: 0731 500-62308
Fax: 0731 500-62302
E-mail: nathalie.oexle@uni-ulm.de
Scientific focus/research interests
- Suicide prevention
- Stigma of mental illness
- Suicide stigma
- Grief after suicide
- Disclosure of mental illness
- Disclosure/seeking help for suicidal behaviour
- BASE - Building Mental Health Across the Lifespan - E-Learning to empower Primary Care Providers (BASEPro) and Medical Students (BASEStud)
- DE-LOSS - Determinants of social support after suicide loss
- EMIRA (Junior Research Group) - Ecological momentary intervention to reduce suicide risk among adolescents
- RISE - Beneficial and harmful effects of reducing public suicide stigma
- DETOS - Determinants of disclosure of loss by suicide
- Telling OR Not Telling - Group programme on disclosure decisions after attempted suicide (ODER study)
- INS Talk - Online programme on disclosure decisions for parents of children with mental illness (INSEL study)
- Stigma of mental illness and suicidality