Suicide prevention working group

Head: Jun.-Prof. Dr biol. hum. Nathalie Oexle

The Suicide Prevention Working Group at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II and the Section of Public Mental Health generally focuses on research into the psychosocial determinants of suicidal behaviour and on the development and evaluation of suitable suicide prevention measures. Our current research projects aim to increase social acceptance of suicidal behaviour among those affected and their relatives. The aim is to improve quality of life and the willingness to seek help - and not least to prevent suicides. A central component of the suicide prevention working group is the BMBF junior research group EMIRA, which focusses on the development and evaluation of innovative technical options for suicide prevention among young people.

Profilbild von Jun.-Prof. Dr. biol. hum. Nathalie Oexle

Jun.-Prof. Dr. biol. hum. Nathalie Oexle

Leiterin der Arbeitsgruppe Suizidprävention

Contact us

DELOSS study

DELOSS study

Postal address of the working group:

Suicide Prevention Working Group
Public Mental Health Section
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II
of the University of Ulm
Parkstraße 11
89073 Ulm

Ongoing projects

BuildingMental Health Acrossthe Lifespan- E-Learning to empower Primary Care Providers (BASEPro) and Medical Students (BASEStud)
Duration: 06/2021 - 12/2022

Project management:

  • Junior Professor Dr Nathalie Oexle, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II at the University of Ulm, Section of Public Mental Health
  • Junior Professor Dr Vera Clemens, Ulm University Hospital, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy
  • Jun.-Prof. Dr Miriam Rassenhofer, Ulm University Hospital, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy
  • PD Dr Eva Rothermund, Ulm University Hospital, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy

Project partners:

  • Prof Dr Anne Barzel, Ulm University Hospital, Institute of General Medicine
  • Competence Network for Continuing Education in General Practice Ulm

Ulm University staff:
Dr Katharina Grau
Maria Haun
Natalie Lamp
Beatriz Lloret
Lea Mayer

Funding: Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg

Duration: 06/2021 - 12/2022

Psychosocial problems such as financial difficulties, problems at work, loneliness and intra-family violence are often accompanied by psychological stress and even suicidal behaviour and are associated with consultations in GP surgeries. However, due to social taboos, these are often not disclosed and not sufficiently taken into account in the diagnosis and treatment plan. Primary care practitioners have a key role to play here. The prerequisites for this are recognising people at risk and an open attitude combined with the ability to act. The aim of the project is therefore to develop and evaluate an e-learning curriculum for primary care practitioners (BASEPro) and medical students (BASEStud) focussing on the above-mentioned topics. The aim is to increase awareness, self-efficacy and action competence in the target groups.

Determinantsof social support after suicide loss
Duration: 10/2021 - 09/2024

Project management:
Jun.-Prof. Dr Nathalie Oexle, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II, University of Ulm, Section Public Mental Health

Project partner:

Ulm University staff:
Franziska Marek

Funding: German Research Foundation (DFG)

Duration: 10/2021 - 09/2024

Social support is essential for coping with traumatic life events such as loss by suicide. However, people who have lost a loved one to suicide often report too little social support, with negative consequences for the grieving process. Social support is a complex phenomenon that fundamentally depends both on the personal willingness to seek and accept support and on the willingness of others to provide support. In order to increase social support after loss by suicide in the context of interventions, an understanding of the barriers and facilitating factors among those affected and potential supporters (e.g. friends, neighbours, work colleagues) is essential. DE-LOSS aims to close this knowledge gap.

Ecologicalmomentaryinterventionto reducesuicide risk among adolescents
Duration: 10/2022 - 09/2027


Junior research group leader:
Jun.-Prof. Dr Nathalie Oexle, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II, University of Ulm, Section Public Mental Health

Co-operation partner:

  • Junior Prof. Dr Miriam Rassenhofer & Prof. Dr Jörg Fegert, Ulm University Hospital, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychotherapy
  • Dr Daniel Buschek, University of Bayreuth, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science
  • Prof. Dr Nicolas Rüsch, Prof. Dr Thomas Becker & Prof. Dr Reinhold Killian, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II at the University of Ulm
  • Prof Dr Ulrich Reininghaus, ZI Mannheim, Department of Public Mental Health
  • Prof Dr Benjamin Mayer, University of Ulm, Institute for Epidemiology and Medical Biometry

Ulm University staff:
Nadine Bayer
Matthias Lühr
Sophie Rudolf

Funding: BMBF (junior research groups in health services research)

Duration: 10/2022 - 09/2027

Suicide is a leading cause of death among adolescents and it is estimated that about one third of adolescents in Germany experience suicidal thoughts, while about 6-9% attempt suicide. The treatment of acute suicide risk among adolescents usually takes place in the context of an inpatient hospital stay, but a particularly high risk of suicidal behaviour can be observed in the days and weeks following discharge. An integral part of current measures to reduce this increased risk of suicide is safety planning. This includes a personalised action plan with so-called "skills" (e.g. distraction, seeking help), which, when applied in a possible suicidal crisis, should reduce the patient's risk of suicide. An important limitation that could severely limit the effectiveness of traditional safety planning is its dependence on the availability and self-application of a paper-based action plan in everyday situations of high emotional stress. An innovative further development of safety planning is its implementation as a personalised smartphone app. However, here too there is the limitation of dependence on self-application in situations of high emotional stress. A significant increase in effectiveness could be achieved with an automatic trigger that automatically starts interventions in suicidal crises. The aim of EMIRA is therefore to develop and evaluate an automatic safety planning smartphone app to reduce the risk of suicide in adolescents aged 14-21 following inpatient treatment in a child and adolescent psychiatric clinic.

Beneficial and harmful effects of reducingpublicsuicide stigma
Duration: 03/2021 - 09/2023

Project management:
Jun.-Prof. Dr Nathalie Oexle, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II, University of Ulm, Section Public Mental Health

Ulm University staff:
Franziska Marek
Sophie Rudolf

Funding: Baden-Württemberg Foundation (elite programme for postdoctoral researchers)

Duration: 03/2021 - 09/2023

Every year, around 10,000 people die by suicide in Germany, and the number of suicide attempts is estimated to be 10 times higher. Despite this high number of people affected, the topic is highly taboo. A lack of knowledge about suicide and negative attitudes towards people who experience suicidal behaviour have a number of negative consequences that make suicide prevention more difficult. For fear of rejection, negative reactions and out of shame, many of those affected keep their suicidal thoughts to themselves - as a result of which they receive no support or treatment. Many relatives also feel left alone in their grief due to the prejudices of others. At the same time, however, there are also indications that liberal social attitudes towards suicide, i.e. a normalisation of the topic, can encourage suicidal behaviour. The question therefore arises as to whether, and if so, how, knowledge and attitudes towards suicide can be improved without undesirable side effects. The project "Beneficial and harmful effects of reducing public suicide stigma" aims to answer this question. To this end, four potential interventions to increase knowledge and reduce stigma have been developed and their effectiveness and undesirable side effects are being tested in a web-based RCT.

Completed projects

Co-project management:
Nathalie Oexle
Nicolas Rüsch

Study coordination:
Lea Mayer

Funding: Departmental study and funding from the Eckhard Busch Foundation

Duration: 07/2019 - 06/2021

Survivors of attempted suicide often face stigmatisation and discrimination in addition to their symptoms. They are stigmatised by society as weak, selfish and reckless, among other things. Suicide attempt survivors are therefore often faced with the difficult decision of whether or not to disclose their experiences to others. Disclosure can have advantages and disadvantages for those affected.

"Standing with Dignity" (IWS) is a peer-led group programme (i.e. group facilitation by those affected) that was originally developed to support people with mental illness in making disclosure decisions. IWS has already been adapted in the USA for survivors of attempted suicide.

The aim of the study is to adapt the "Standing with Dignity" programme for survivors of attempted suicide for the German-speaking world and for implementation in a clinical setting and then to evaluate it. A controlled randomised pilot study is planned in which the feasibility and effectiveness of the intervention will be investigated.

We are currently looking for people with a history of suicide attempts and people who work in the psychiatric field to lead the group programme. Group leaders are trained, paid and supervised by us. Two group leaders lead the sessions. Training is planned for early 2019, groups from mid-2019. The group programme will take place at the Günzburg district hospital. If you are interested in working as a group leader or would like more information, please contact Lea Mayer.

If you are interested in participating in the group programme, you can find more information here. We would be delighted to hear from you!

Project management: Junior Professor Nathalie Oexle

Study coordination: Nadja Puschner, research administrator and research assistant

Funding: Departmental study

Duration: 04/2019 - 03/2020

Loss by suicide is a very stressful life event. In addition to the grief for the deceased relative, the reactions of those around them can also be experienced as a burden. People who have lost someone close to them through suicide also often find it difficult to talk about their loss.

In order to gain insights into the social reactions experienced and the determinants of disclosure of loss by suicide, qualitative individual interviews are conducted with relatives after suicide as part of our study. These can take place in person or by telephone and last approximately 60 minutes. Participants receive an expense allowance of €20 (plus reimbursement of any travelling expenses).

Further information on the study can be found here. If you have any questions, please contact the study coordinator Nadja Puschner. We would be delighted to hear from you!

Type of study and aim: (i) qualitative individual interviews and (ii) quantitative longitudinal study on the relationship between stigma variables and suicidality
Funding and duration: PhD scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (for Nathalie Oexle), 2015-2018
Persons: Nathalie Oexle, Katharina Herrmann, Nicolas Rüsch


  1. Oexle N, Herrmann K, Staiger T, Sheehan L, Rüsch N; Krumm S: Stigma and suicidality among suicide attempt survivors: a qualitative study. Death Studies 2018 Sep 20:1-8.


Research team

  • Profilbild von  Nadine Bayer

    Nadine Bayer

    B. Sc. in Betriebswirtschaftslehre | Forschungsadministratorin EMIRA

  • Profilbild von Dr. phil. Matthias Lühr

    Dr. phil. Matthias Lühr

    M. A. Sozialwissenschaften | wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

  • Profilbild von  Franziska Marek

    Franziska Marek

    M. A. Soziologie | wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

  • Profilbild von  Julia Wöhrle

    Julia Wöhrle

    Studentin B.S. Psychologie | wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft

Qualification work


Grübel, Phillip
The influence of suicide stigma and knowledge about suicide on the willingness to seek help when experiencing suicidal behaviour.
University of Ulm, Faculty of Medicine (Dr med.)

Valacchi, Daniele
Development and evaluation of a short implicit association test to measure attitudes about suicide.
University of Ulm, Faculty of Medicine (Dr med.)