Training and further education institute in behavioural therapy and applied psychology
The Training and Further Education Institute for Behavioural Therapy and Applied Psychology (AWIP) is a state-approved training centre for psychological psychotherapy with a focus on behavioural therapy. In accordance with the Psychotherapists Act (PsychThG), which came into force in 1999, we train candidates who have completed a degree in psychology in the field of adult psychotherapy to become state-licensed psychological psychotherapists. We also offer psychotherapeutic training for doctors and further training for interested colleagues.
The AWIP was founded in 2012 on the initiative of the Clinics for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II (Günzburg site) and III (Ulm site) as well as the Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at Ulm University Hospital. The AWIP is based at the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy III at Ulm University Hospital, to which the institute is assigned as an independent section under the direction of Dr biol. hum. M.Sc. Julia Bosch.
We are one of the few behavioural therapy training institutes for adult psychotherapy in Germany that is affiliated to a university hospital. This co-operation is ideally suited to guarantee scientifically sound, theoretical training content at the cutting edge of research, closely interlinked with practical training on site.
The AWIP's consistent organisational principle is "everything in one place". All training modules are offered on site, such as the option of completing large sections of practical training in Ulm, for example at Ulm University Hospital, or in the immediate vicinity, as well as completing the entire practical training programme in the institute's outpatient clinic and participating in group self-awareness sessions in Ulm.
For our training candidates, this means a significant simplification of training, for example by eliminating additional long journeys to co-operation clinics or the training outpatient clinic. At the same time, it will make it easier for young scientists interested in clinical training to do a doctorate at the same time, as there will be less need to coordinate contact persons.
The following link will take you directly to the AWIP website and all further information on the training programme and further education and training courses offered by the institute.