Medical management

  • Profilbild von Prof. Dr. Ansgar Schulz

    Prof. Dr. Ansgar Schulz



    Kinder-Hämatologie und -Onkologie

  • Profilbild von PD Dr. Aleš Janda

    PD Dr. Aleš Janda

    Geschäftsführender Oberarzt



  • Profilbild von Prof. Dr. Manfred Hönig

    Prof. Dr. Manfred Hönig

    Leitender Oberarzt


    Kinder-Hämatologie und -Onkologie


Division management

  • Profilbild von  Carina Kilian

    Carina Kilian

    Bereichsleitung Stationen KK1, KK2, KK3, KK6, KK7 und KKCH sowie den Tageskliniken und Ambulanzen


    Gesundheits- und Kinderkrankenpflegerin

    Palliative Care



Diagnosis and treatment of immunodeficiency diseases and congenital bone marrow disorders

  • SCID (Omenn syndrome, ADA deficiency, PNP deficiency, ZAP70 defect, MHC°II defect / bare lymphocyte syndromes, reticular dysgenesis)
  • CVID and antibody deficiency syndromes, Bruton's disease
  • Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS)
  • Septic granulomatosis / CGD syndrome, Purtillo syndrome, hyper-IgM syndrome
  • Osteopetrosis

Diagnosis and treatment of children with rheumatological and autoinflammatory diseases

  • Diseases of the joint apparatus (e.g. juvenile idiopathic arthritis)
  • Diseases of the connective tissue (collagenoses, e.g. dermatomyositis, lupus erythematosus)
  • Diseases of the blood vessels (vasculitis)
  • periodic fever syndromes (PFAPA syndrome, familial Mediterranean fever, hyper-IgD syndrome, TRAPS, cyclic neutropenia, HLH)